HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 71 611 Licence Trailer Camp
BY-LAW NO. 611
¿ by-law to regulate and license Trailer
WHEREAS the Municipal Council is em owered by 8:ection
401 paragraph 15 of the Municipal ~t, Chapte 249, R.S.O. 1960
to pass by-laws to regulate and license trail I' camps;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedientè
pass such a by-law;
NOW, THEREFORE the Council of the Co oration of the
Village of Tiverton ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
1. No person shall keep, maintain or operate a Trailer
Camp within the Corporation of the Village of iverton without
having obtained a license so to do from the 1'1' asurer of the
COrporation as herein provided.
2. A. license shall not: be granted under this by-law. except
in respect of a trailer camp that is divided i to Lots with a
minimum area of 7,500 B4uare feettfor each Lot available for
oc'Cupancy of a Trailer..
3:.. No person or Corporation shall keep, maintain or operate
a Tlrailer Camp¡ in the Village 01' Tìverton with ut having first
obtained a license so to do for the calendar y art from the; Clerk
of the Village of ~ìverton as hereinafter prov ded.
4.. the license fee shall be $20.00 per onth for eaoh Lot:
available for. occupancy o~ a trailer and shall be payable in
advance for a: period of one month.
5. ~he Trailer Camp shall be well drain d and properly
graded; and continued approval obtained: from he Hruce County
Health Unit:. Inspector respecting sewage and s itatiom.
6.. ~e 11railer Camps/now; operating in t e Village of
'fiverton KJIIi; shall be able to operate/Trailer
set up: as' long as the. fOllowing conditions are complied; with:
<.J ~e, trailers now. occupying' the railer parks.,
may remain.. I1'. any of the nt trailers mOv.è~:
out. of the site, no) new trailer will beallowed
to fill. the; vacated space unles there is: an area
of space as requ1r~ by this by law
Continued ----
,. -i·
B -LAW 611
6. (b) If the Dept~ of Health Inspect rs feel that the
present camp site area pol uti
property owner cannot rectify
and the
the trailer
11censeissued for the Trailer Camp will be
revoked and the Trailer Camp Will no longer by
operable. I
7.· Every person who deliberately
ment herein shall be guilty of a breach
s or defys any state-
Every person who contravenes any of he provisions of
this by-law shall for each offence be liable t a penalty not
exceeding Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) excl sive of costs and
such penalty shall be recoverable under the S mary Convictions
9.. Hy~Law Number 581 of the Corporation 01' the Village· of
Tivertonis and the same is hereby repealed.
This. by-law shall come into force an take effect on the
day following the final passing thereof.
READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD time and f nally passed in
op.en Council. this :l6.dday of April, 1971