HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 71 612 Erection new buildin , J~ / òV"~v~ ~ · · !1 · ,. :1 . BY-LAW NUMBER 612. THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF TIVERT N A BY-LAW TO REG~K THE ERECTION OF NEW BUILD NGS AND STRUCTURES AND THE REPAIR', ALTERATION, WBECKING OR REMOV OF ANY EXISTING, BlJILDING OR STRUC'l\URE WITHIN THE MUNICIPALITY F TIVERTON. WHEREAS by Section 31 of the Planning Act R..S. . 1960, Chapter 296 and amendment~ thereto, by-laws may be pas ed by the ~ouncils of· municipalities for regulating the construct on, alterations, repairs, wrecking or removal of buildings or s ructurest THERKFORE THE MUNICIPAL CQUNCIL OF THE CORPORA ION OF THE VILLAGE OF TIVERTDN ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Unless a Permit for the purpose has first een obtained from the Bhilding Inspector appointed. by the said Counc 1, no person shall (aJ commence the erection or construction, or preparation for the erection or construction 0 structure within the municipality, or (b) commence repairing or altering any roof 0 outside wall of any existing building or structure in said municip lity, or any excavation in any building or (c) commence the wrecking or removal of any e isting building or structure in the said muncipality. :' ., , ! :! roceed with any of as been obtained to do such work, th~ 2. No contractor, tradesman or workman shall work hereinbefore mentioned until such permit and presented to him by the person emplying'hi or by his agent. 3.. An applicant for a Permit shall submit, in triplicate, with his application, the following material~ (a) plans and specifications sufficient in de Huilding Inspector to obtain full and complete the extent and nature. of the proposed work and (b) a plan showing the location of the propos respect to all property line~ and structures 0 and (c) Ii- statement sd.gned' by thaJ owner declaring of the intended structure, thæestimated cost type of building and kinds of materials to be 4. No permit shall be issued: (a) for any or with respect to any property f r witithttaxes are in arrears for more than two years.: (b) unless, in the case of a new building or is set,in line with or behind the existing bui up areas and at: least h.enty feet from the str areas. All buildings .r structures are tO,be neighbouring property lines. (c) and unless the building inspector is sati provisions of this by-law and those of any PIa Health, County, or Provincial By-Laws or regul proposed work, have been, or will be complied 5. If the BUilding Inspector is satisfied that by-law have been complied with, he shall stamp I, plans and specifications, place one set of the upon payment of the permit fee hereinafter set one set thereof to the applican~ along with the ail to enable the information as to d structure with the owner's lands~ the use or purpose hereof and the sed. tructure, the same ding line in built etline in other t least. six feet from tied that the ing, Zoning, Public tion affecting the ith. the provisions of thiis r endorse' the said ame on file, and orth, shall deliver permi 11:. 6. The BUilding Inspector shall forthwith noti y the County Constru-i ction Safety Inspector that the permit has been issued, and of the , location of the proposed work and shall also, a the same time notify' the County Assessment Commissioner to the same ffect. 7~ The Owner shall at. all times keep a stamped set of plans and specifications on the Vuilding site, along with the permit and the sameshall be available to the Bhilding Insp ctor and the Construction Safety Inspector. 1 ..; · · q . · By-Law No. 612 - Page 2/ 8. Every Permit shall expire if active work h s not been commenced on the project for which the permit was issued within a period of six months from the date of issue. Permits ar not transferable. 9.· The fee payable for a Permit required by t is By-Law shall be, paid by the applicant in accordance with the f llowing rate sChedule~ (a) Minimum for buildings, structures, rk, or alterations having a value of from $1.00 to $300 00 -------$1.00 (b) Where the buildings, structures, wor , or alterations have a value of from $300.00 to $100 .00 ------$4.00 (c) Where the value exeaeds $1000.00: $4 00 for the first $1000.00 plus $0.50 for each additio al $1000.00 or part thereof to a maximum of $100.00 pe t fee. 10. The Building Inspector shall have the~igh during construction any building or structure is required pursuant, to this by-law. to enter and inspect,! or wh1cha permit! 11.< Where the Building Inspector finds, upon i provisions of, or the conditions imposed pursu are not being complied with, he may post at th in question: (a) a stop order, or (b) a notice of Revocation of , and in either casework shall cease forthwith a d shall not proceed until duly authorized by the BUilding Inspecto . 12. Any person convicted of any breach of any by-law shall forfeit and pay, at the discretio Magistrate a fine not exceeding the sum of Thr <'*BOO.OO) for each offence, exclusive of costs the Summary ConvictionSo Act. 13. In addition to any penalty imposed under t preceding paragraph, any building or structure repairs, or placed in contrvention of this by- down or removed by the BUilding Inspector oran authorized by the Municipal Council of the Vil the expense of such pulling down or removal sh owner and may be levied and recoverable in lik T:a.xes. spection, that the nt to this by-law siteof the work rovision of this of the convicting e Hundred Dollars recoverable undèr e provisionsof the erected, altered, aw, may be pulled other person age of T:iverton, and 11 be paid by the manner as Municipal 14. The Building Inspector andlor the Municipa Council hereby reserves the right to refuse to issue any per 't applied for under the provisions of this by-law. 15. By-Law Number 580 of the Corporation of th Village of Tiverton is and the same is hereby repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and final y passed, in open CounciL this 6th day of May, 1971. r(F~ A~~ EVE .