HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 71 615 Regulate use of land . . . . oµX· --- $v-; 1';-~ THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE. OF TIVER'l'ON BY-LAW NO.. 615 A BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE USE OF LAND AN THE CHARACTER, LOCATION, AND USE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES The ~ouncil of the Corporation of the Vil age of T:1verton enacts as follows·: 1. The provisions of this by-law shall apply to the following area.: A part of Lot 85, RP 210, Village of Tive ton, County of Bruce as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto.. 2~ (1) Except as hereinafter provided in thi law no; person shall use any land in the d area except for residential purposes and person shall erect or use any building 1'0 purpose other than as a single-family dwe by- fined o any ling. (2) For the purposes of this by-law, a si gle- family dwelling means a building occupied or intended to be occupied, as· a dwelling by one family alone and containing only one kitc en, and may include usual accessory buildings. (3) For the purposes of this by-law, acce sory buildings may include a private garage (4) Nothing in this section shall prevent the occupant of a single-family dwelling carr ing on any domestic or household art not. affecti g the amenity of the neighbourhood or, of a pro essional person, from occupying not more than 25% l' the floor area, providing there is nOJdisplliY of goods or advertising other than a plate not lar er than one square foot, but no person shall carr on the business of operating a rooming house or oarding house within the defined area; and, for g eater clarity, "operating a rooming house or bo rding house" shall be construed to mean providi g either sleeping accommodation or meals, or both, for monetary consideration to more than three persons. (1) Where masonry construction of solid b ick, brick veneer or stone is used the minimum floor area, exclusive of garages, basement, vel' ndah or attic, shall be 1,050 square feet. I I (2) Where frame or other construction is sed the minimum floor area, exclusive ot garages, basement, verandah or attic shall be 1,150 square l' et. (3) For the purposes of calculating the l' oor area in one and one-half storey dwellings, onl that por- tion of the halt storey having a minimum eiling height ot seven feet, six inches shall be computed. (~) Where a full basement is not provided in a dwelling, the minimum ground floor area s all be increased by 100 square feet. 3· Defined area Single-fami].y dwellings only Single-family dwelling: 4efined Garage and accessory building Extended uses permitted Size of dwelling (2) 4. Nothing in this by-law shall prevent the land within the defined area as a public publiƓplayground or street. No dwelling, including accessory building occupy, more than 30 per cent of the area building lot or parcel on which it is sit se of any ark, Parks permitted 5. , shall l' the ted. BUilding area 6. No dwelling shall be erected on a buildin lot or parcel of land which is less than 7,500 s uare feet in area and which has a frontage of less han 75 feet. Width and area of' building lot · 7. Not more than one dwelling shall be erect d or placed on any lot as' shown on thee plan of subdi- vision covering the'defined area No part of any dwelling or accessory buil ing shall be erected or placed at. a distance less tan 75 feet from the' centre line of C:ounty Road 0.- 15, nor less than 25, feet from the rear lott 1 ne except when an accessory building 'is loca ed in a rear yard in which case only 4 feet is equired. One-house per lot · 8. Rear and front yards' 9. No part otany dwelling or accessory buil be erected or placed any closer than 8 fe side and l¡. feet on the other side to the of the building lot, plus 2 feet. on thena for each additional or partial storey abo first, provided, however, that where a ga carpprt is attached to or is within the d the minimum width of the' sid. yards shall feet plus ~feet: for each additional or p storey above thefirs~. Accessory buildings shall not exceed fiftien feet nor one storey in height, shall not OCCup a total of mar. than 8 per c:ent.of the area of th parcel of land on which the dwelling is situated. and, when not attached to the dwelling, shall be 10 ated in the rear yard': of the dwelling. > ing shall Side yard~ t on one ide boundary row side e the age or elling, > be 4 rtial 10. Area of accessory buildings 11.> ']!he purpos& for which any land or buildin is used Changes to shall not be changed, no new building or ddition conform to any existing building shall be erected and no land shall be severed from an existing bu Iding lot if the effect of'such change, erectio or sev- erence is to create a situation in which ny of the requirements of the by-law in regard to e ch indi- vidual remaining building, accessory buil ing or building lot is contravened. The by-law shall not apply to any land or building w.nich, on the day of the passing of this y-law, is used or erected for any purpose prohibite by this by-law, so long as it continues to be use for that purpose, nor shall this by-law apply to y building the plans for which have prior to the day of the passing of the by-law been approved by t e municipal architect or building inspector so long a& the building when erected is used for he purpose for which it was erected. I Any person who contravenes this by-law s 11 be guilty of an offence and shall be liable 0 a penalty of not more than $300.00, exclus ve o~' costs.. 12. Existing building s permitted to remain · ,! 13· Penalty · (') 14.. ~is by-law shall come into force on the ate it is passed by council, subject to the appr val of the Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BY-LAW given its first, second and third readings and finally passed on the 17th day of June A.D..·197l.- . . 'i , .