HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 71 617 Est Cememtery Board
BY-LAW NO. 617
A BY-LAW of the Municipal Council of the Villa e of Tiverton
to establish a Cemetery Board in the said Village
of Tiverton
WHEREAS it is deemed expedient.. and ne.cess ry that a By-Law
be. passed, for theestabl1shment of a Municipal.emetery BOard
to administer and operate the V~lage of Tiver on Cemetery.
THEREFORE the, Municipal Council, of the Co poration of the
V~lage of Tiverton enacts as follows~
(1) That the management. and care of the said; demetery be placed
in the, hands of a board" which shall be known s "nte Cemetery
Bòard;of the Village of Tiverton" and shall co sist of five
members who shall be appointed by CounciL by r solution to hold;
offlce~ The Reeve. of the Corporation will be' n ex-officio)
member.- of the Board.
(2) Any. ratepayer who is a resident of the m cipality, and of
the age. of eighteen years" maybe appointed a ember of the
(3) In case of vacancy in the said BOard by emoval, resignation
or death 01' any otherl cause whatsoever, of any of the: appointed
Members of thæBoard during their term of offi e, the. Municipal
Council will appoint 9J person, to fill the vac cy created..
(4) The BOard shall have and may exercise wi hin the Municipality
all the. powers and perform all the': duties of. a Municipal CounciL
with respect to the Cemetery..
(5) It shall be the duty of the Cemetery Boa d and they shall
have power:
To, appoint a Chairman and a Secreta
Board, and the Board is authorized t
Treasurer such salary for his servic
deem just and right.
(b) To) fix the time and place of meeting of the Board and the
mode of calling and conducting eetings.
-Treasurer of the
apy the secretary-
s as the Board shan
(c) To see that a true and correct accouqt is kept of the
proceedings of the meatings..
(d) To" carry out and enforce all the By- avs, rules and
regulations relating to the Cemetery which may hereafter
be passed
(e) To submit all accounts, books, vouch rs and other
documents to be audited by the Munic pal Auditors at the
same time and under the same conditi ns which apply
to other Municipal Audits.
To submit to the Council of the said
statement of the financial dealings
for the past twelve months up to and
day of December of the same year.
Corporation a
f the said Board
including the 31st
Cemetery Board By-Låw
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By-Law # 617
Nothing in this By-Law or Amendments ther to shall be a
contravention of The Cemeteries Act R. S.O - 196 , Ghapter 47
and Amendments thereto.
READ A FIRST, S~OND AND THIRD time and f nally passed in
open Council this 7th day of October, 1971
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