HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 72 01 Regulation of Traffic .l ~-~JµÀ... ~ ~/~ I :).., . · · · :,; . ...-~"", ., 1'.HB.COBPOlIATION OF THE. VILLAG.B. OF TIVEM BY-L.AW NUMBBB. l-Va> FOB. ~.BBGULA.TION OF TRAFJ!'~C !h., C.Ul'J.Ct J of the: COrporatiOJl of th., Muniel . 1107 of 'rl verton enacts as; tollows;t P.LRT 1 WØ'.ïNIftOJ(~ For th80 I».U'POS&.' ot th1.& by-lawt.. (~ ~'r:c:1a1.. Møto.rVifitv mea.o.sarqmotor permanenta.;y attached;¡ thereto at truck or d 1nc1udes ambtùalaCu,._ hea.rs.as:, cal8ltet,· wgo po11cffJ patrola, JIIOtor buae& aad,traetors purposea. OA the 111gb,...... (b~: (».rtUt Ileana; the:.- po1nt~ of. 1nters.action ot. vb.; or e4t.. Of the, portia ot th4l! h1gh..~ us4411 for v cular tr&tf'dcr... (e} (cl) (,ø) (.t-ð ; 'cl d.e. hadag 1vel'y body and¡ ,tire apparatus, edJ for haul1ng ~ lnolùea;&oollllOAandi public:h1gb , atiree1t" __., park1al¡y, drlvewa;y, sqp.are.; place, r1dg", viadUct:; 01'c trestJ.e, dea1¡aed. and; 1nteað.... ton" or s.edì by, the; genua]. pbulle.: fore the" passage of vehicles . ¡,p.t1lr'lLec~. IR....~-.thearea emDraceItJ wi th1n tI1æprelongatioa or coaeetioa.~ the., lateral curb l1nes"0 , It.none,, thø ot the 1 veral 1:>0",...."'17 linea. ot two or mora? h1r81"s that.; 30i8 one;: anothen: R·m ag¡e,. whether on not¿ on, high...,. cmS.8es the; other.. ~.tr, ~ 1Ihen p''l\Jbtbite4, m8illtls th atand1na:~ ot,' 81 veh1e a" whethu occup1ed..o.r no~, ueept. en S:tandlLng t..pøra1!d.1y t.O.l'i th4l! purpos., o~ aadi while:.- a ...uaU7 eagaweã'¡ ln:, 10Mt ng:.; or UDlolIItt "g,; mer..m."1fiI se on' pass.e era. ~ lit-II< at memb~of the: polic aathøri nil bt the:, c:h1et, e:oaatabJ.., tol re trat'tic.. .torceo~ æpersoa t4l!01't d!.reett. SIA.- J. means; thù; pertion ot æ higbwlÇ' b l1nes, or the2 laterllil. liaea øt a. roadvaJ' RrOprty lau., attll1dedl tbr· the>us., of. p AreeA th4l! cur1iJ the'. adi3 ac 81110 e:stN-ans.. 01>' S\tØa1fhen r~d r-., means. a: complete CIØ len ot," aovemeat.. (1); Stoll) 01'c aOJ)1)'J,awhea\P.1'.øh1bUe4, meaDlS; 1011. halt1ng:ot.. velûc1.e, even aolUfl'tarlly" .1Ihe1lhe' occUR1.' or nett; ...pt when Aecessary to avo1QjcoD1:1.1c"'t _1011. othe . tratticr. or 1.11 coqi.!aac., w1.thth.~ d1recttt.oa. oft .. cons . 41!. or ot1l.er pe11e&. otfic.' C)J' att. a "'rat'f1.c. coatrel aign OrL ai ul. S!tlœet.. see hilbwar ~ iaelud.~ RKeSitJ:r1anB>, rlüe. or he 4;, _t....1 s;, ViiiIëIãa, ~.e1t· cara aacl. .tiler. COAvllf'anc.e ; elthe1'!. sing17 or togeth8l.t' while, usia¡. a1'Il" sv.e.t'; tor. th4l! pu OS4! of trøel.. means a1'Il" slgA, 0 roa4W117, , curb C)J' s 41 , or other 4_1.c., ere.eteà'. or place411Uder t)¡e; au.tborU7 of ~Muntej.pal COW1Cll to the;purposa? of piding or direcUa¡ trætf1c.. (m) ~1ncludu a,lIIOtor.. vehicle, tra1len, tracUoJl eac4-na, f&1'll trao....or, ro.....bu1ldJ.Dg lI$lch1~ &04. vel!1oile drum" propalledJor. drive b7 an7 kind ot:· power" iDc1ud1ng IllUsculaJ!' powz', butt déea;ne"'c lacl.ude a.. motor1z&. s w veàicle, the; car., of: alect1'1~or steam r&1l1faTS 1'U OJÙ;Y,UJ!Dn rails;.. w>. Ow uoc .... ~. _ ·4 · . , · , · ,', (a) p 1.. ";' ~". -_-\,2. - Jfø;tor ~~ 1ncludea an automoblle, mot rcycle"and any other vehicle propelle4í or dr1.ven otherwie than by IIUS...'" powelt;, bat;¡; does BOt J.nclud&? the us at el..trl0) 01'.810... "..,¡ 1 "'75,01"- othe:c. moter veh1.ele . rupni ng only upon ra1J.a" or a motol'lze4l aaow vehicle, tract on en¡i8e, tarm trator" seU'!"'p'rop:eUedi implellutl:ot. hus.' or, roadi-buJ.lding ..."",bi ... w.1.th1Dth4l! 1I...ni .C.,otfth1s Act. p~ 11 '!he.' p'olice¡ d.epal$meI3.t . !Oþ9<ll en.tor.ce' the,. pr I~ns ote this; by--1all... Q1"l11"&"8: to 1:rlE(V.ð~. SUAa.....t¡ si......,lJ BTery pe1'aon ..b.l1promp...ly obey allaig ; glv... either by" a ~Uce:.-ott1ceror, by atrattlc~ oont1lO1 d ice, or, æ tratt1c~ s1g_.. 1.- ' Ql)b,.;I B) 1U.&m..v!...¡,,.t1œ~t«) Cmrerœ. rhecprovJ.aiou; of this by..l&1f, ~.Jl b~sub3 et ti:I.) 'the proviaioDS of.: the) R1.g.\\W&7 2ratflc:: Ac... (R.s.. . 1960" CJlapter 112'>. andJ.9lOdalenu thereto. .fØ...JJJ. ~ 1.. Btn-liot['!"Brkiu ,i :¡ ii " " ., 'I i¡ j! , q ': ¡I :1 i! i\ " iì j: ,. I"~ l&tIi1Jâ No peraOA.,..~..11 park a veD1cle OJ , aa;y s:tr.e other tI1ae a OA8!i 1.ar street ",..leBa, on the right hand sid ot tu stre...., haJI.1D¡ regard¡ to.l',. the direcUon in vh1ch th vehicle had!. been prooeed1t1¡ and, W1J.ess the; rlght tront and, r pit rear _eels. orrrlUlA.N are'! puallel to andJ d1stlaAt: resp et1..vti.)' not more tha sixdncheatroJll theo edge' of~ the> road. .. æ.. (~) In} SDeO!U1ed' IIlaces loperaon sb..ll . P.&rk æ vøh1cle 1D. aa;yot On 81- SiLdewa1k, In troatl; of a. P.b1Ù.lc:: or prIvate drr1vev&1' In treat o.f,' 01'! vJ.th1n It-teeit of the entranc 10.> a publiCJ: 1-.. or prIvate niv..., or so as to pr.ve t iBCrøs "'8) orr t1'Oll. such lane or, drIveR7 Wlthin . ten teet.; oft &\ P Þ1ntOJl 'tha: curb. or. e _ ot the road"'" opposite'aDT· ~1r4l! Jllydr-ut On aDT s.'t1'..... lasuch &\ maaneraa; to obatru t. trattic on aa;y atree:tt tor III longer period 'tbaa3.6 VB at aIq' on8tll1eo QD8.,.,. r....u.q:, ton an WU'eaaon~l etille, had regudi tor the, traff1c: .revJ.reaents ~' such road~ tollowing places t "~,.. - ... ..! · . · · - Page 3.. - r1-n H (a), 1IÀeapl'Q¡rerly, lIIIuded slgna¡ ha...e been erect displq 1!IO,.p ll.1'son shall. .park.... vehicle places t; Wi th1n"i 30 f'éetL otL a.o.1nte:rsectioll .0. parkiD¡ 011. th8è.u'thslde ot Qp.een &tre ., f1'iOa .. po1d; c..."'e"e1Dg .. tl:d1't7 teet. eaat ot King ~reet 0 a polnt sixq &ix. teet eas't ot,' KingS'tr.eet between 41! hours; of': 8t[O A..M. awL 9L3Q:; A..M. 08 MoMq to} Baturd ,,1nc1.usive'o å;; an4i are;: oa; ot . the: tOllowing iW-U opUA.'t:tœ: 0lI' VMIÇ¡,B.§ 1,. 1'n:pnA Eve1!7, persa 1.11. charge) of: a yeh1clæ before? tar't1.Dg" s1;Gppi. turaiq o:n:chaagillg .1t.s, cours4I! sb..ntake, e n8cessal'7 precautlOJU1'to lllakesuchmovement iAaatet7 aa4 without lnte1\"" ter.1Сtd.'thother tratfic. 2:., ~\~WU' ~ dr Vel' 0 i æveh.1ctJ.æemergil1g from, æ.drl let or· buildlngsb"''' stø¡p theveh1cle ll11J11 to dr1.ving.ontotp sidewalk and ..haJllud¡ uø.U4i- he;: can 40.&0.11:1. sat.at,.. .Ø&7, lane, atù7 pr1Al! ter the roadwa7 .r.m ...I ggø~g,PABKIJlt'"P~Q~~ONS . 1... Not. withsj¡at'l" t nc . aJJTth1ng. to . the contrary c n'ta1ned herein, the: Chie! COAst.~] .,. dar1ag'&DT emergency 0 sp.ec1al c1reustances deeme4! surti cieQt. 'tharefol'e: y b7 th4l! use of' apP~Gpr.4.at.,al&ß8. or signal. suspend, the- v_uto! &.117 or all pa rJrt ag. r.egulations . and parJd.a¡thereon aDd. th.,Chief':' Conata1DJ.4I! durJ.ng..auch emer.~ 11&7 declare. thØ.aÐ7 vehicle: ailrea41 parlte4 l.s" .being . parke4! li.legally re ardl... ot the: tlup.ezm1tted tor parking. such vehicle. undr the-- provi&ions of' this., by-law;. and not1l1thataÐð-t DC: th,a,.ti;th period. allowelti to.th., owner, or driver under 1õh1& by-laa hallOtt expired;: proTidedho:wever" tha1; lnth1s. even11. 'the; 0 or driver of such veh.1cle;1a.personal17 notifiecl bl" a. po c4I!ottlctm that parJt1ng at; such.plac" has. beensuspen4Øi,. . 'f\il.r'ther that.. the, OWD81!' O~· driver of'.. such vehicle, 1s; allo. :eel areasonal. be- p,erlod.of. 'time. to.. remo.... aa1d, vehicle,. æ.. In. a4dj.Uoa to-the; penalUe& provided. here . the Chiet G.onstlàbe"or a.D7 other authorj.zed IIOlice Of ic.er ~ Qrder thæ relllOval of' arqUD.lavtu1ly parke4 ...eh1c ,to a sal1ia1Þle, placE.ottstorag.e, andi all costs. andi cbarges. tor the. removal, care::. a.ø.cL. atorap.thereof: ahA J' .b., a. lien Oll such vehicle. ~...... oJ! . · ! · · - -----...,---.,--.--- .. P.ag. It- .. _-LB. 1"",2- lAIìUI- ~1M 1.. _ ~SOll. vloJ.ating. tISJ7 of the; provlalons- ot this by-law shall Deo aù3ectto .. p-a't7 of, not. morØ) hm~eD DòJ.lars (ao.oo>. ton· th&! tirat;otteno.e aœno't: mor·'than EUtJ' JJbl.lar4c ($50...00) t.01!' en.ry subssql18At ott e, uolusiv4I! ot oest:a, a.ndLall such p8JIaJ..Ues <\ha" b....coverabl. under ..~ OaterioJ ~~ '7' froavic:tlons Act.. '!J1e; !%oovls.iou" fd the:; b7-la¥. "hll' 1nø.t become, tteeti ve: utále, apRZ'ove4l by thØ) D~ ot_ !:rmsport.. JiUII;¡)'" Fns~, SE£OlUIi" AJlIl; THlBÐ!1HIl.aIId tinal 7/ pass_ 1.11 open CD»uacilLoA.th.ò jrcL _ of lI'eh.r1:l.ar7, 19'7.2:0 . }