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TIV 72 02 Regulation of traffic
tftl~ . . . . /' IIII' thaJ P1U'J8ae o~ .tJa1a; 1I7-.1.a,,&- (a). ca,.I,m~1:0r Y~ IIMDI uq IllØtor pr-...·atl7ittach~.toa. t=.ck or d . ..... 1..",1 ù.... aaIt1Ilaaee., ,. àear~ caake~, apparatu, JI!01je~ ,.ro1.8,.,_tor baa.., aa4: \1.p;fti~or Jaaial i "I parJIOsea o. tu M,har.. "~Jle1t \1.-.' tJae poht ot, 1&tøseü1oa ~ C ba or 0&". ot ~ JIOZ'UU1 ot ~ ta'II:J"," u. ~. ' Yü1nlar traftic:. ~..au üa.t:: pert1.. ot . Meh87 De 8 tho ~, or tlut..lateral J.1.aea: o~ &, 1'0. eel the _4ao.eat prePeñ7 llae., 1at811401i tor tho . e .11' . pãdir1..... ~ vhea requ.rd" .eau . compl.te a.ssat 08 ~ ..yeaeJrt. ~ whoa prü1bUed, me... tho haltiJIC 011' ~ .....ar1l7, whether ocaapi. "or ROt, uoept whoa aecoUUJ' to ..1di aOllm 1IIt 111. .ther t~CI' or 111. -lap} h....., 1d.th tho 41roct10J1 ot a co tab1., or othor pollc. ott1eu or at a tra.tt1.a: CODtJ:!o aiea or aieaal. W ~.~-..o Ja1P".,. tJ) I.tIit.a& 1.u1......~.atr1au, r1.cldeD. or her iMIiIia,. .tøe1tcUla. aDIL. other eenYeJ'ucea or t.Cdå_ ..., h..hg &lIT stre.t tor the t:rayol., .(¡,e) (~; (M (~.) (c;) (Ji) (k») (1) ~.:-,..{\: UK COBPØBA!IGII 0... DIYTj;,T.iGII QI' TI H-UW BW~Q 2.....72: IÐ1l ~D.1IBG1JI.AfiQBQ.F ~BAFJ'IC !'.Ii., ca."~ll ot, ~ .Corporat1_ ot th., lfuic pl1 t7 ot u.-.ñea OII&C-ts. .. tOUO"L 01 P..&B't 1 mmD9U- e].e; bøiJll; nl'7 bed7 .a, t1r. raotors (JIí), ~ 1....1 \1~ø.. c...... aad.; pùJJ.c, Me!!: ,.tr..t, ....., par~, Ö'j.yaq-" s....., place, b 14&0, Vi ~"\1.Ctor t......1:1o, d...1ea_ and. lII.teaded. t r, .1' .aMi 117" tho; e...ral ..~10' tor th., paaa¡e ot y 01.... Iater...Uoa ,.-.-theJ area. eabraco4l1f1.tJa1a tho pro- 1olllat1oa, OJ'¡ CloanecUu .t tho lateral ou.r1JJ 1iau, or" it ...." tlaea 01\' the la'-era1. bo....~.'7 l1ae-. ot two or ..:-&; h1càvaJ'a tha1t Jo1.a 0.., aaotherat aD 1., vb.ether or ao1t. ...: Mp..,. croas.. th., oth '.. ~ __~ ,roM1t1.tee;" .ean-. the; taD"t., o~ ~ oCClIlRJ.__ or De~ uoçt; st.....~~1': t....ru.1.J.7 torth., parpo_ ot aacl- 1fh1le ac al17 oqa¡.olli 1& 1.Mli ., or, ...1...." III .~Iu...III.. o~ pas......... . III."'.' ~. dca, or or ail! au or .ther 4eY10. oreo u4er the aa.the1'1t7 ot the: "...,1 o1pa1 Ce1uIc P1IU'p.'0 of' pitiJa¡ or diree.t1.q tra~t1C1. :IIIIa.W. 1AeJ..... a ..tor YoJa1cle, 1IraUer, ea¡1Jl.~, tal'A truteJ.o, roa4-1nû.l41.111 _ch1.a Yeh1cl. dr..., pnpelJ.e4J or dr!y.. b7 ~ Jt1 1ncludillC .....alar powr" _t floes ..t 1ne1 ..... Yeh1ùe, tÅeHoar. ~ eleotr1c 8:- .te.. r-...hl 0Al7 .,.. :-&11s.. 87, C1U"1JJ er p1ac_ f'or tà. . . . . "-.1. . .~ - ft.¡e: æ - BIr-Jõn .ø. ~12 (a) ~ 1Dol84oa ..atolllØbUe, IllØto a7ùe, and ~ele propoU_or, u1na se thM. .. _.Alar ..verf; _t. doesaot.1a.clœec th~ aI's ot " 01.._1., eat... ra1.l1l81'a, or other _tor Yeh!des "..i "I only apen ra1J.a, G1' a lØIt.or1sod.; 'Yeå1cle traetioa eq1ae. tara tractor, aelt-po ·1apl__t of·InI.~",1Þ7 or roa4-ftjl4ihe ..{"þiae vi thall....n. o~ ~s jet.. PA~ U 1... J.t.l..i.ð~ to .1Of'a_e: IIY-~ !J1a; hlice ØepartaeJR .....11 u.rorce tha; pro doas ot th1a b7-la"., ~.. !JiB1-". to. tratt1;a: ¡ü....,..." s1-1.& Þeq perSOJ1 8þ.l1 proaptl7 01:181' aU s1;¡aala l1;yu 81 ther ))" a poll04l' ott1COJt or 1Þ7 a. trat~1;o..' control ev10e. 1,. GJlb,.1o '1.1!I_ !,~I!I;.&Iñ. tD ......- ~. prov1aioaao~ this 1V'-.1.a1f .".11 be ...b~e t to tho ~~;' l1eu ot 1oU. tip..,. ~ntt1.o: Ac.t (a.s..o 1970, te.r 202) .........ìI..øt& the1'eto. Pur U1 äml!i 1... ..~"'.Iti,t :h'ft-t.. IIaiü.Il .... ...... JIG prsoa ....11 park a y~i de on aD7 .tre.t other thaa .. oae-vq str.et 1U1less en the deht haA4 s1 e ot tho stroet., haviA¡ recar4 tor the duocUon 1a ch the y8à1.cle ba4. ,.... procee41Dg a.a4 1U1l... the I' t troat ud..rJ.¡htt rear ..ol.a. or l'IUU'Lers ara par to aacI UstaRt re.apectbol7 .Det _r~ tàaA six 1ach. troll the e4c~ ot the 1'0...,... .. "1r1,U...þtt~1II1ted (1) }& .....-itUfj .1..o-os 10 per... aAal1 park.. yeþide 1& U7 ot tho oUo1f1a¡ pJlacUL Oa *' ai40va1Jt 1a treat of *' pbl10 or priTate drbe1f&1' 1a treat ot Ø1' vitha It teot ot the. utroce: a pll.bljc lane or pr1vate: 4riv01fal', or so as to provut iA¡r." to) or troll a1l.Ch 1.aAe or drbnQ' 111th1a tea teet ot a poJ.JR 811. the carb or e4C ot tlae road:và7oppeaUo U7 tue _4rut Qa &lIT atr.et 1.ø. aoh a ......1' as to obstruct tratt10 IA U7 stroot tel' a· 1elll perJ.od tha». 36 boars at aJq ODe ti.. tlU.thiA 1õh1rt7 (3Ø) tedi- at an lII.torsect1.a . .. . . . . "-':." ~...~ ';'" - Fage 3 - (2;) .-Law 2-72 aea propor17 w.rde4 a1gaa "'e be_ ereet.. aIIUi are OD 41apla7 .Þ per... .be] 1 park a vü10le 1a ot 1;he t.u..1a¡ pluos. Iò parkiq on the. aoath 51... ot Qaeon street trom & po.1At.....eDCil'1e th1.rt7 teet east ot XiJIC 8t e.t to a po1at a1xty-s1x (66') teet east ot Jt1Ac. Stree b.t..ea tà. HU8 o~ 813-0 ..11. aIId. 9"30 A.H. oa.Ko to 8at~ lII.c1a81ye. t;~ perSOR 111. c1Iaree or .. veà1cle betore. atep,1a¡, turA1ac. or .h."ei~g 1ta coW'so ..eU&air7 procauUou t. aake~ .acå IDOv..eat and v1.thoat 1ator~er1.q 1f1tà other trat'rio:. ~'~o~:r:Yeh1elO ODtOl'gUc rrom a drive 7, 1..0 lot or w11ð,"C ,".11 atop the Yü1cle tel.7 prier t. driv1.q oat. the a1clewalk a1'Id ,b.1] .DOt en or the roa4wa7 tllltU åe Call cI.o .0 1.A aat'e1;7. PAItl n œmD! rt1.q, take the .atet7 1. Bet wtthlt&Dd1r¡g aayth1ag to the coatrU'7' ooa ad! her.u, 1;åe. CJa1et. C:onatabb. du.r1.n¡ aÐ7 OJIIere 07 OJ' .p.o1.al c1.rCUlS~oa 4e'" aatt1c1ent tur ere -7 117 1;J:!.e U. ot apprepriate .ica. or aicaals .a.pe tho ..v....t of aÐ7 or a1J. parJd.D& roplat1oas parkiAl thorooA aad the Chid' Constab3A1 dar1ag neb erCeac7 "7 docJ.ue that al17. ye.b1ùo alrea47 parked, 1 be1q park_, 1l1oga117 recar4J.us ot 1;J:!.0 t1II1o pera1 ... tor ,.plfi "I neb YOh1.olo 1111401' tho prov1s1oas ot t a b7-1a. aM I10t .1.thata..dj AI· that tho per1.ocl allow'" t the 0.....1' or drbor 118401' this 1I7-la. u..,RO~ up1 811:1 prov1do4. beaver, that 1.a th1.s event the owner or dr1 YOIr ot neh Yeh1ele l.s puso...117 I1Ot.1.t1.eii b7 a po ice otf1ur thatcpark1..q at oca p] ac. u.. b..... aupeDde4, &111.4 tW'th.r that tho. ODOr or dr1.ver ot sach yeà1c e 1. aUøve4 r.......b1. per1.04 o~ t1II1. to rOllOve; d yü1die. PABr 1V 1.. 2.. PAR!' Y 1.. J.a'!¡ ,eraGa v1olat1J:l¡ aÐ7 of the prov1a1ou 01 tM. b7-l&w ahaU b.all.b3eot to a peaal't1' ot øø 1101'0 t:Þaa ~.. DoUar.a ($1e.oo> tor the t1ra~ oftdco anel DOt mo.ra¡ than F.1.tt7 Do) 1.1'. (.50..00) tor "err ""'e..oait ottaacœ, MNt'i.1Isive øf2.' CDats" aad all such 8..J.t18S' shaU b., reeoverabJ.4L' WIller El., OI1tu1.o CÞavict1..a J4t. -' -',-''''' · . · · ~ ~,~ - Face If. - B't-w. Z"'72 .~ prone''''J ot th~ 1ft-law .h.'l DOt beeome tcctive; unUl approY""1I7 tho Departlleat ot !.raasportat1CIA COIBIIIItBicatl1oaa. Dat,By-ioa¥ )label": 1-~ is; bMeQ rep,ealed... BIU. . FIRFI'I', RJenIÐ .0. 'l'HTJUl '.rId 8.Ddi tin.'] 7 6th daT .r .u., 1972. ~,_. -~.. - " ,\..- , ~. 'J/ / /' - ~' -' . 'I - "'-.... . . - :>.. - -. . ,-' ~ -'- __ /":.1 ,.~~: ~v ..; '-' ;j: - -':~ ~:::.-. .~ J.:~..._ odi this