HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 72 03 Mun. Water System " . ~ z- ,~ .~. .,' 'I!I!" ,. "?,..;: - ¡I'~".", ,t-/ , _. . t ¡e . 'e ',-' , THE CORPORA'fION OF THE VILIAGE OF TIYERTON BY-LAW # 3-72 A B~-Law to authorize the construction of the distribution facilities as pertaining to the Municipal Water System in the Corporation of the Village of Tiverton WHEREAS the council of the Corporation of the Village f TiTerton deell it expedient to pass a by-law authorbing the construction of water mains and connections on certain streets within the Village of Tiverton. and WHEREAS the council of the Co.rporation of the Village f Tiverton deems it expedient to impose certain charges agai t lands and property adjacent to the construction of the water mains wi thin the Village of Tiverton. in accordance with subsection 2. and subsection 8 of Section )80 of The Munici al Act. THEREFORE the cotncil of the Corporation of the Villa e of Tiverton enacts as follows. (1) 'rHÀ.T WA'fERMAINS including conncections be con- structed on the following streets; KDlG STREET SOUTH frOll MILL STREE! to 161) feet south QUEEN S!REET from KING S!REET to JAMES STREET KING STREET NORTH from QUEEN STREET to 1268 feet north CAMERON STREB! from ARGYLE STREE! to KING STREE S'fANLEY S!REBT frOll KDlG STREET to McKAY STREET ., CRiJRCH S'fREET froll ARGYlE STREET to KING STREET ROSS STREET froll KING STREET to McKAY STREET McKAY S'rREET from ROSS STREE'f to STANJEY STREET ROSS S'rREET frOll! McKAY S'rREET to JOHN STREET ARGYLE STREET trOll CAMERON STREET to QUEEN ST MILL STREB! frOll )08 feet East of KING STREET JAMES STREET ALBERT STREET from KING STREET to EAST LIMIT < ~ .. , .... .,Þ , '. , ~ . . .. . ,",-,'.' , By-Law 2-) lAB· STREIT froll KING STREET to JAMES STREET IAMBS STREET from QUEEN STREET to RAE STREET JOHN STREET from QUEEN STREET to ROSSSTREET PATTERSON S'l'REET from MILL STREET to MANSE S'l'REET MILL STREET from PATTERSON S'l'REET to KING STREET MANSE STREET from PATTERSON STREET to KING STREET (2) !HAT CONNBCTIONS be installed trom the main to th~ property line on the following streets. MILL STREET from KING STREET easterly )08 feet KING STREET frOll QUEEN STREET to MILL STREET QUEEN STREET from West Limit of Lot 84 to KING STREET () ANt) THAT the annual payments are to be raised by the following. l(a) Fro~age ASSESSMENT - 2).120 tt. @ $0.)2 (b) Domestic Water Customers-180 0 $~8.00 (c) Service Connections-160 @ $10.00 (d) Mill Rate Levy-2.0 lIills on )81.577. TOTAL ANNUAL REVENUE $7. )98. 00 8.640.00 1.6Qo.00 76).00 $18.~01.00 2 The following is an example ot the annual charg on an average dwelling property in the Village t Tiverton having a frontage ot sixty six (66') t et and assessed at $2.000.00 (a) Frontage assessment - 66' @ $.0)2 (b) Water Rate (c) Service connection (d) Property assessment-2.0 mills on$2.000. Approximate Total Annual Charges $ 21.12 48.00 10.00 o 4.00 $ 83.12 (4) AND THAT the area upon which the trontage rate is to be levied is as follows. IQ:NG STREET SOUTH both sides trom QUEEN STREET 0 South Boundary Lot 74 KING STREET NORTH both sides from QUEEN STREET 0 Nol:th Limit Lot ). Block D both sides QUEEN STREET/trom West limit Lot 84 to East Lim t' Lot 2. Block F CAMERON STREET both sides trom ARGYLE STREET to KING STREET r,' STAN lEY STREET both sides troll KING STREET to McKAY STREET both sides CHURCH STREET/trOll ARGYlE STREET to KING STREET ~: .'<.---- ..J 1 ( ) ".';: . , . . . .,. ...."':;1, ... --;- . Rosa STBET .both sidøs from KING STREE'f TO JOHN STREET McKAY STREET both sides troll QUEEN STREET to STA EY STREE'f . . ARGYLE STREET both sides trom CAKiRON STREET to QUEEN STREET MILL STREET both sides trOll PATTERSON STREET to JAMES STREET ALBERT STREET both sides troll KING STREET to East Village Limit RAE STREET both sides from KING STREET to JAMES STREET - MANSE STREET both sides trom PATTERSON STREET to KING STREET PATTERSON STREET both sides FROM MANSE STREET to QUEEN STREET WICKHAM STREET both sides trom ALBERT STREET to QUEEN STREET JAMES STREET both sides trom RAE STREET TO QUEEN STREET JOHN, STREET both sides froll QUEEN STREET to ROSS STREET .. (5) AND 'fHAT an exemption will be granted under Sect on JaG (14) (b) ot The Municipal Act on corner lots of up to 100 teet. (6) AND THAT the area upon which the General Levy (Milll'&~~is to be applied, shall be the whole ot,the Village ot Tiyerton. (7) AND tHAT the Water Rate shall apply to all the u erS ot the .Water System. (8) AND THAT the cost of the construction ot the sai works shall not exceed $141,165.00. and shall be repayable over a term of twenty years. (9) AND THAT This By-Law is subject to the approval _ of The Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIllE THIS 4th day ot May 1972. -'-............":-...::............... ~....-....::. '-'-:.,= ...~.J!;'"''"''''.... --~0-'-' -._~~-"ij '" -- ~ ....:/ -, /,.,"'~ - .....J _. ~ e:: .....;::.. ".. :: -...: :. -~' / REE ,. v· .. -oJ _:,;..._ ::: ~_..: ~ :.~.. .--: -: .~ ;: -'" -.' - /..-'~ ~ :~- " :;- ~~ :" oJ :..:::::. .- /, :/...., ~--. ~...J --..~:-=v.: "'~ ............. ....~.....-....:~~:: .' ....:J;Þ ~\.:. -__- ".'. : ---~:--....-_.... . ~:-:_:-._,~'.~:,iaIìo....u --,;,/j .,.;0 ! '... (4) By-Law 72-3 ~-' ~,. ) ,~. ..t ..._ , ~ READ A THIRD time and passed in open Council this 24 h day of July, 1973. ~'. -- :-~-~~::.":'"'" ..,--\..~-~-~""" - "." ...~ _- y ...._v....... ~ ""- ~ '/ ...../ ,... '. ~ ' <: --- ~ ð~Æ REEVE _..::. - ....;~.... - (¡;( f1 uif CLE ~ 1 ~~ ^ -... .- :-: .:: =. : ::: ': /"> - -. ~.:;. -~::-; - .-..~:: . ~ - ..::.. : '" :;-. ,'-::-. .¥. ~/ .. '"" '"' "-,.... ........~.....- " J/'~-'-~',,,,':;,__- '-_ ../.i_~ .:....-__ '.. .....-- -...-...-....- . . . ~. . · · · · . ... ,~ ~, !' r' BY-LAW NO. 73...4 OF VILLAGE OF TIVERTON A By-taw to amend By-taw No. 3-72 being a By-taw to authorize e construction of distribution facilities as pertaining to a muni ipal water system and imposing a water works rate within the Village of Tiverton. The Council of the Corporation of the Village of Tiverton ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Section ,~~ of By-taw No. 3-12 be amended to r to section 362 (1) (14) (b) (i) rather than Section 380 (14) (b) of MUnicipal Act, such that the Section shall read as follows: '.. an exemption will be granted on Section 362 (1) (14) (b) (i) of The !tmicipal Act on corner lots up to 100 feet. 2. add M the in section follows: That Section 3(1) (d) of By-taw No. 3-72 be amended t lands upon which frontage rate is to be levied as ind cated 4 ~ of this By-Law~ such that the Section shall read as (d) Mill rate -2.0 mills on total assessment of the lands upon which frontage rate is to be levied a indicated in Section 4(v' of this By-taw. 3. That Section 6 be amended by striking out the words shall be the whole of the village of Tiverton" and substituting theref "shall be the lands upon which frontage rate are levied according to Section 4 Whereof", such that the Section shall read as follow : ~. That the area upon which the general levy (mill ate) is to be applied, shall be the lands upon which frontage rate are levied according to section 4 \',' , hereof. 4. This By-taw shall come into effect on the subject to the approval of the Council of the Village the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board. REAP a first and second time in the Council Chambers Village of Tiverton this 22nd day of May, 1973. .'~ READ a third time and of the VitJ.aqe~e£-!iverton on the " " .... t ~:. . "'... ......, \\,..:.-......- !:I"í '.... ... ,~ ..w~w..._ ~:.. '" _- -.....:... -..... ~ w'. ~vw-' , w_...~...., .~:2':~¥ V_:__":~$~'-:~~ :---/-/ -~ :-:: " ..., . -:-¿ ....- -=- -~ ....."..~ : -'~ -.J..... ø" ~ ",,- ~,.. --::/. _.................w ..<:;, .._ ~. . /.../., - ::"::...~,:"....., "".... -.........:.:.~_:~.......~ in the Council ers July , 1 73. 'ä.~Ú":",\ JA;;" ~;;~"'-. _ _