HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 72 04 Construct water distr ~ , .?" - 7' . . "'!""^'--:" . ~,~. I CORPORATION OF 'fHE VILLAGE OF TIVERTON BY-LAW NO. 12-4 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WATER DISTRIBU'l'ION SYSTEM IN THE VILLAGE OF TIVERTON WHEREAS it is provided by the Municipal Act. O. Ch. 349 Section 379 s.s. 52 "A" "1" that Council of local municipalities may pass by-laws for authorizing the comple improvement. alteration. enlargement or extension of any p undertaking or any other part or parts thereof. owned Corporation and controlled and managed by the Council WHEREAS certain ratepayers in the Village of 'l'iverton have requested the Municipal Council of the said Village of Tiv rtøn to instal new and larger watermains and connections as set out in Sc¡edule "A" attached hereto. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Tiverton de ms ti expedient to instal the watermains herein after mentioneda AND WHEREAS it is necessary to btrrow the sum of $141 165.00 on the oredit of the Corporation at THE rate of six (6%~ per cent per annum which is the aaount of the debt in;.nde to be created by this by-law. AND WHEmS the Royal Bank of Canada has agreed to 10 the Corporation the said SUII of $141.165.00 at an interest rat of six (6%0 per cent per annUlI' AND WHEREAS THIS by-law is approved by the Ontario M icipal Board by its order dated the First day of June, 1973. AND WHEREAS The Ontario Water Resources Commission ha apprpved the said extensions by its Certificate No. 7-0307-72-006 dated the 28th day of June 1972 under section 41 of the Ontario W ter COlRlllission Act. '!'HEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Villa e of Tiverton enacts as follows.- (1) That a sum not exceeding $141.165.00 be borrowed from he Royal Bank of Canada in the Town of Kincardine for the pu ose aforesaid by way of promissory notes . , ,. ~ ~/¡r/' ,./' . . ".c, - . (2) Bj'-La 72-4 (2) That each promissory note shall bear interest at the r te of six (6%Þ per cent per annum. (3) That each promissory note shall be sealed with the sea of the Corporation signed by the head of the Council or by so e other person authorized by by-law to sign the same and by the treasurer. (4) That debentures shall be issued for sale of the cost 0 said project but not exceeding $141.165.00. (5) That this by-law shall becoae effective upon the final passing thereof. READ a first and second time this 4th day of May 1972 ~ -- ----'-'- " - " , .' " -. ~ -// /. ~ --,;... ~: ....;:.. : -':,.;...-'" .- : ~-: VE ~ - .- - ,-< ~ -¥$-.; -----::. >-- f/i -_.,£,:: .J:~__ .~",\,\';:'_'" - . '.. \~ .:,-....-- .~ - .... -- ,- ._-~- READ, a third time and finally passed this 24tCijay of ·-<T, : ,-, "-'1' ' 6'~d.J d~ REEVE -..... " /,,1 , ~, July, 1973. t., ~. "=,. ~"'..,..,., ' .y'/ ~ . BY-LAW NO. 72-4 SCHEDULE ...." Water aains to be enlarged as follows I Street From '1'0 Size King Street South Mill Street 1613 ft. 6" south . Queen King James 6" King North Queen 1268 ft. 283' 6" north . C8ll.~ Argyle King 6" Stanley King McKay 6" Church Argyle King 6" Ross King McKay 6" McKay Ross Stanley 5' 6" , Ross McKay John 90' 6" " "- Argyle Cameron Queen 99' 6" Mill 308 ft. E. of King James 6" Albert King East Limit 6" Rae King James 6" Jaaes Queen Rae 173' 6" John Queen Ross 550' 6" Patterson Mill Manse 48' 6" Mill Patterson King 334' 6" Manse Patterson King 334' 6" . . 1Ira..!