HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 72 10 Conveyance of land . :", .; '&~,;"...,^ '~';" ::>i.;','<__ :_:-'. e'.-, .:t. ... ."', ,'-" ~.,~ ., BY-LAW~O. 72-Ut,. OF. THE CORPORA1'1EOjf, OF THE Y;,¡(1.*AG.E OF TIVERTON Õ;"¡~_,~._: A BY.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CONVEYANCE OF A CERTAIN STRIP OF L D TO ONE GORDON ELDON ROPPEL. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Village of Tiverton owns the WeÅ¡terly ,dil'tion of Lot ,Four (4) in Block "A" on t North side,of, Queen Street, Plan 190 ,of the said Village of Tiverton, abutting the pontion ot said Lot foreowned by one, G01'don EldohRoppel. . . AND' WHEREAS the ,CorpoI'át1onofthe V1-11age of Tiyerton has agreed to convey to the said Gordon Eldon Roppe the st,rip O,t land Ilereinaftercìèscribedt for the purpose of aking hir'¡ RQPpe1ts parcel of said Lot Four (4) a more viable and aleable pajicel of1ø.nd. .¡;" THEBEFORE The Council,of the Corporation of the of Tiverton,enacts as follows: - J THAT tile Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby auth rized and directadto exeoute a conVeyance ,to Gordon Eldon Roppel of the said, Village of Ti verton ,the lands ,hereinafter described, djto affix theret@ tile, Corporate Seal of ,tile Village of Tiverton: ~~u~: ,~~~:d tt:in:ei~a~~eP~~!¡g~roirffç~;~o~~~ ~: ~,,4;e~f Bruce and Bro<tince of Ontario and being composed of that po' U;on of Lot NumberJ1'OUR (4) in Block IIA" on tile North side of Queen Street " in tile Suøcß~:'s10n of tbeSoutn.-b.a.J.t",Q'f',Lû-,NumberONEÜ) 'the First. Concession of tb.~ Township of Bruce in the County of ruce according to Registered Plan Number 190. COMMENCING ata point in the Northerly limit of said Lot FO at a distanceiof 9.08 te~t measured Easterly therealong fro Northeast angî'e of ~aídLot FOUR (4) i THENCE Southerly and wi th the Wes(terly hmi t of sa1d Lot j;t·OUR (l¡) a distanae of, feet; T~f~,; EaliteI'ly an, d para1l, e,l,with the Southerly limit Lot FOUR ';,adistanceo.f 1.,0 feet;THENC!1; Northerly and ar-aUel with said We$teI'ly limit of $aid Lot FOUR (~) a distance o~ 2j7.60 feet to the Northerl7 lj,mi t of said Lot FOUR (It); THENCE We terly along said NQrtherly limit of said Lot a distanae of 1.50 f et to the place of beg~~1ng~ PASS~ in Open Council in Tiverton this, day of Septem eI', 1972. .-1f.b-~~ -- ,. ... -- ,'_. ¥ '-II ...c _.....-" '.~ ...w·- ..¥:..~..r;;,..... ~ , ",'" -,...'" ~. .,.t;,..,~ i '-' - -:.. ~_ y ., .' . '2 (-" ~ <\ '. :' ~ , -- : µe~ :~-: - - .- -:,.:;.- _tiÕ' .. p '.--' .. - ;:~- ~ - ../. - ...~.. ,J - ~ ... '" __ ,I......... _ -::~ :..~ ..;..,,:~ _.... ..... .~ ./ ............, "..I ~/f ~,,_..~.,~.~..,~ v_: ~ .:.;....- ,,' \." ,..... " .~~.~~:~~.:....~~- .' ;."5;,·.-.F~·~:· ;:~; '. '''''"''',;' . ' ".,\'v·...."",'" :4¡¡~t-~-~ ;'~ .....,,;->" ....ì!...~,~--- ~.' ~,!-'.. .~ ~