HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 73 01 Appt fire Chief ¡?--h ;t¿~~k':;' :¡ :i , il :j " " :l * . !I !i " I' i! ,J ¡i :i 1i , i: II fj Ii r ,I Ii Ii if i) II !í 'I il :j q II I' ,I il Ii it 'I I, I' 'i It II ¡¡ . II II ¡; ,I i' ,I , I' Ii Ii Ii Ii 'I I: I' I' ...;., .~~ I' 'I Ii . CORPORATION;,OIi' THE VILLAGE OF TIVEmJON, BY-LAW NO. 73-1 .L B)'joLa. to, appoint a Fire Chief' f'or the Corporat1on of' the Village of' T1verton WHEREAS, 1t is expelld1ent alld. necessary that a B)'- 8111""1oiI be passed¡ to appoint o.a.e member of' the 1r1verton Volunteer,' Fire, Department as Fire CMef'.. ~BEFOBE tbe Council of' the Corporat1on of' the Vil age et ~verton hereby enacts as f'ollowst 1. ~ GORDOIL SHEWFELT be: and is bereby appointed F1r . Chief' f'o~ the Corporat1on of' the Village of' T1verton F1re' Department at an BGnoraur1.WII of' OU HUNDRED: ($100..0 ) nOT.r.ARS per a&nWl1.. 2i.. TBAT'the sa1d GordoD:Shewf'elt hold of'f'1ce as F1re of' the. Corporatiøn ot the TJ.Uage of' Tiverton dur1 the pleasure ot.the CODcll of' the said Y111age, or unt 1 such time as a resignation1s rece1ved f'rom h1m, or 1s a req)iest ot the existing COWlcil.. READ a tirst, seeoad and th1rd t1me 1n open Council thi 231'4 dq ef' January, 1973. - --"- e~v( ~ REEVE ( i" " " Ii '/ I' l' --- ¡i ¡i " - II 1i " ,. ¡¡ -' :: :::: ...~;.. : -. ,-.....,. - ....v ..- ~ ; .,'\..'..-- -......... i I' I ~ I; ¡: ". ~..- - . -",.- " i ~ [! 'I " ," Ii " H j! ! ~ ¡: r ...-.