HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 73 05 Establish Fire Depart
BY-LAW NO. 73-5
Being a By-Law to Esatablish a
Fire Department
WHEREAS the Municipal Act provides that the Cou il may by
By-Law establish and regulate a Fire Department:
THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Village
of Tiverton enacts as follows:
1. In this By-Law, unless the context otherwise r quires,
(a) "Council" means the Council of the Village of Tiverton,
(b) "Department" means the Village of Tiverton Fire Department,
(c) "Member " includes an officer.
2. A Department for the Village to be known as
Tiverton Fire Department is hereby established and th
Department shall be known as the Head of the Departme
3. In addition to the Chief of the Department, th
personnel shall consist of a Deputy Chief and such nu
Chiefs andother officers and members as from time to
necessary by the Council.
4. (1) The Chief of the Department may recommend
the appointment of any qualified person as a Member 0
(2) A person is qualified to be appointed a me
Department for Fire Fighting Duties who
(a) is not less thanl8 years of age and no
of the
er of Division
ime may be deemèd
o the Council
the Department.
ber of the
more than 65
years of age,
(b) has successfully completed at least Gr de 8
(c) is of good character
(d) passes such aptitude tests as may be r quired by the
Chief of the Department, and
(e) is medically fit to be a member as cer ified by a
Physician designated by the Chief of t e Department.
(3) A person appointed asa member of the Depar ment for Fire
fighting duties shall be on probation for a period of
during which period he shall take such training and e aminations as
may be required by the Chief of the Department.
(4) If a probationary member appointed for fir fighting duties
fails any such examination, the Chief of the Departme t may recomment
to the Council that he be dismissed.
5. The
6. The
remuneration of all members of the Departm nt shall be
by the Council.
Chief of the Department is responsible to he Council for
administration and operation of the Depart ent, for the
of its members, and
May make such general orders and departmen
be necessary for the care and protection 0
and Generally for the efficient operation
provided that such general orders and rule
with the provisions of any by-laws of the
the proper
al rules as may
the Department
f the Department,
do not conflict
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(b) shall review periodically the policies and procedures of
the department and may establish an adviso y committee
consisting of such officers as he may dete mine from time
to time to assist him in these duties.
(c) shall take all proper measures for the pre ention, control
and extinguishment of fires and for the pr tection of life
and property and shall enforce all municip 1 by-laws
respecting fire prevention and exercise th powers imposed
on him by the Fire Marshals Act.
(d) is responsible for the enforcement of this by-law and the
general orders and departmental rules.
(e) shall report all fires to the Fire Marshal as required
by the Fire Marshals Act.
(f) shall submit to the council for its approv 1, as required by
the council, the annual estimates of the D partment.
7. The Deputy Chief shall report to the Chief of he Department on
the activities of the divisions that are his responsib lity and carry
out the orders of the Chief, and, in the absence of t e Chief, has all
the powers and shall perform all the duties of the Ch ef.
S. (1) The Department is composed of the followin divisions:
Division of Administration
Division of apparatus, equipment
Division of Fire Fighting
Division of Fire Prevention
- Page 2 - By-Law No 73-S
Division of Training
(2) The divisions of apparatus, equipment and communications,
fire fighting and training are under the direction of the Deputy Chief
who is responsible to the Chief of the department for the proper operation
of each division.
9. The Chief of the department is responsible for the carrying
out of the following duties of the division of admin stration:
(1) Provide administration facilities for the Chief and Deputy
Chief of the department.
(2) Prepare the Departmental Budget and exerc se control of the
(3) Prepare the payroll of the department and initiate requisitions
for materials and services and certify al accounts of the
(4) Maintain personnel records.
(5) Arrange for the provision of new building.
(6) Arrange for the provision of medical serv ces.
(7) Prepare the annual report of the Departme t.
(S) Carry out the general administrative duti s of the Department.
(9) Provide liaison with the County of Bruce ire Co-ordinator.
(lO)Assist the County of Bruce Fire Co-ordina or in the preparation
of a- fire services emergency annex and op rating procedures.
10. The Deputy Chief is in charge of the division
equipment and communications and is responsible to th
carrying out of the following duties of the division:
(1) Prepare specifications for the purchase of apparatus and
(2) Maintain and keep inrepai~ all existing b ildings, fire
fighting rescue and salvage apparatus of t e Department.
(3) Modify apparatus and equipment.
(4) Provide recharging facilities for fire fig ting extinguishers
and cylinders and to test and repair hose.
(5) Where a waterworks commission is establish d provide liaison
in order to ensure an adequate flow of wat r in new water-
works projects and the adequate maintenanc of existing
waterworks facilites for the use of the de artment.
(6) Issue clothing, equipment and cleaning sup lies.
(7) Receive alarms and dispatch apparatus.
(S) Prepare specifications for new communicati ns systems and
for additions to existing communication s stems.
(9) Maintain the communications systems of the Department.
(b} Prepare the annual report and budget of t e division of
apparatus, equipment and communications t be submitted to
the division of administration.
f apparatus,
chief for the
Page 3 - By-Law No. 7'3 - 5
11. (1) The Deputy Chief is responsible to the Ch ef of the
department for the management and operation of the d vision of fire
fighting and for thecarrying out of the fOllowing du ies of the
1. Prevent, control and extinguish fires.
2. Conduct, through the division of fire figh ing or the
division of fire prevention, investigation of fire in order
to determine cause,origin, and where appro riate, to notify
the authority having jurisdiction to condu t an investigation.
3. Preform rescue and salvage operations and eder first aid.
4. Respond and assist at such emergencies as m y be required
by the Chief of the department.
5. Participate in training at stations.
6. Conduct company fire prevention and famili rization
inspections of premises.
7. Perform apparatus maintenance and cleaning duties at stations.
S. Prepare the annual report and budget of t e division of
firefighting to be submitted to the divis administration.
(2) A Captain isin command of the company to which he is assigned
and is responsible for the proper operation of that company to the
Deputy Chief.
(3) Where theChief of the department designa es a member to
act in the place of an officer in the department, s ch member, when so
acting, has all the powersand shall perform all the dutiesof the officer
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- Page 4 - By-Law No. 13-5
lZ. The Chief of the department
out of the following duties of the
(1) Conduct fire prevention
(2) Enforce fire prevention
(3) Examine building plans.
(4) Provide personnel for fire prevention lect
(5) Establish and maintain photography facilit s.
(6) Maintain fire loss records.
(7) Receive, process and follow up reports of
inspections conducted under the Division 0
(S) Prepare the annual report and budget of th
Fire Prevention to be submitted to the div
is responsible for
division of fire p
inspections of pre
the carrying
ire prevention
Fire Fighting.
Division of
sion of
13. The Deputy Chief is responsible for thecarryin out of the
following duties of the division of training:
1. Conduct training for all personnel of the D partment in
fire administration, fire prevention and fi e fighting.
2. Administer training programs in stations.
3. Prepare and conduct examinations of members as required by
the Chief of the department.
4. Prepare theannualreport and budget of the ivision of
training to be submitted to the division of administration.
14. (1) The provisions of this section with respec to the
promotion of members do not apply to the Deputy Chief.
(2) Any member having at least years of ser ice with the
department may make application to the. Chief of the Department to
qualify him for promotion to a rank immediately ior to his present
(3 )
Every recommendation for promotion of a m
the Chief of the Department shall be
to the
council by
evaluation of:
(a) The results of examination taken by
(b) The age and physical fitness of the
(c) The fire and station recordof the me
(4) When, in the opinion of the Chief of the
other factors for the promotion of two or more membe
senioity of service in the department governs.
(5) The fire fighting and station record of e ch member of the
Department shall be evaluated as follows:
1. The Captain of each company søall eval ate each member
on the
epartment, all
s are equal,
of the company.
(6) The Chief of the department and the
evaluate all members of the department who are
Chief shall
ipating in an
examina tion for·· promotion.
(7) Every applicant for promotion shall take
and praéticàl examination as may be required by the
uch written, oral
hief of the
15. Every member of the department appointed for
duties is subject to a medical examination at least
at such other times as the Chief of the Department m
16. (1) Every member of the department shall repo
time prescribed by the departmental rules and shall
until relieved.
(2) In the case of a member failing to report
officer-in-charge shall report this in writing, thro
officer, to the Chief of the department.
(3) No member,
(a) while in uniform, shall enter any pre ises where
alcoholic beverages are sold or cons except in the
performance of his departmental duti
(b) If his ability is impaired by theuse
beverage or drug, shall be permitted
(c) while on duty, shall consume any int
or drug.
(4) No member shall solicit the influence or support of anyone
in order to secure a transfer, promotion or other a vantage.
17. (1) The Chief of the department may repriman , suspend or
recolDØlend dismissal of_- any member for insubordation, inefficiency,
misconduct, tardiness or for non-compliance with an of the provisions
of this by-law or general orders and departmental r les that in the
opinion of the Chief would be detrimental to the di cipline and
efficiency of the department
(2) Following the suspension of any member t
department shall report the suspension and his reco
- Page 5 - By-Law No.73-S
(3) A member shall not be dismissed without
opportunity for a hearing before Council, if he mak
for such hearing within seven days after receiving
l~. The department shall not respond to a call w
fire or emergency outside the limits of the municip
fire or emergency,
(a) That in the opinion of the Chief of the
property in the muncipality or property
the municipality that is owned or occupi
(b) in a municipality with which an agreemen
into to provide fire protection, or
(c) on property with respect-to which an agr
entered into with any person or corporat
protection therefor.
19. This By-Law comes into effect on the day it
ire fighting
nce annually and
y require.
t for duty at the
emain on duty
for duty, the
gh his superior
of an intoxicating
to remain on duty.
xicating beverage
of the
to the
eing afforded the
s a written request
otice of his proposed
th respect to a
lity except to a
epartment threatens
ituated outside
d by the municipality
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