HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 73 11 Sale of Land ':t~111-:: . 4 . --.111'" - ~"'~'~.:'-~-<t~:~-~r~~:"~-!1'~~:è~jf'J~'î"· ~'>'~'¡.;:;~:'--.~ ~rBE . .. . f .ßY~liAiW JJ,mœER,. U--l,l .~ ".- CO~OB.ATIONOF,TßE" V!LL!GE OF TIVERTON it BY-LAW TO AUrHORlZE THE SALE AN ) CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN LAlWS TO ROLANlhGEORGE.äL.uOUS. THE COUNCIL QFTHE(WRPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF TIVERTO HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS': TQat the, Reeve and C1:erk be, and they are her atltbOriød, onb&b.alf of' the,Corporation, to execute a ) the f'ollowing lands to Roland George Aldous f'or the cons of Three thousand dollars '$3,000.00) ,and to af':f1x there Corporate Beal: of .&.it and SINGlILARtut,certain parcel or tract of' land an premises,situatej lying and being in the Vi1:1:age of' Tiv rton in the County of' Hruce and Province of Ontario and being composed of" tllat portion of Lot Number NINE (9) according to Regi tered Plan Number 210, Subdivision of' Lot ONE (1:), P1:an 55 in he said Village of TivertQn, containing Sixteen hundred and eigh y (1,680) square feet of land, better know aâd described s f'ollows: cmoomCDID at a post planted at the South~westerly angle of Lot Number EIGHT (8) in said subdivision of' said Lot One (l); ~ SoutharlyaJ..ongtheWést.erJ.yl1mit of said Lot Ni a distan~e of Twenty~eigb.t (28) f'eet; fflNCE Es.sterly parallel to the Southerly 11mi t of said 9 a distance of Sixty (60) feet to a point; mNC~ Nortlaerlyparallel w:l.th the 'westerly limit of sai Lot Nine 9J.,a,dlstance ot Twenty..eight (2~.feet, more or 1 ss, to the SOuth~easterly angle ot said Lot Number Eight (8); THfCE Westerly parallel to the Southerly limit of' said (9 and in a straight line to the, place of beginning. , PASSEVIN OPEN COUNCIL at the Village of Tiverton, this 3rd day of October " 1973. ¿¿~8J. . ,". _'-.-............ _ >1' -} A,' "',, _-:-." \':.:: ..:,ú~Wdt;VE .... ",'~ ,'.---.-. '// .. '-J"~~" t/;l ~~....~~ -. - - ---.. .. .::::. ~ _......~- -:;.. ..,~ ....;.. .-::- ...-...':;:1 =- ,"/E J ~ w 'CJ' ......'~" '. ..-......,.....~....- '- ,,,," .--..~...-, -.~, ",; .:.. .- ~---4' Rt' .::..."'" ......-- ~~.._~:~,-~.;.;.;.._¥ :j'