HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 74 05 Sale of Land ~)~ ~;" BY-LA';! NUHBER '1~--S>- OF THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF TIVERTON A BY-LA" TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE ,lliD CONVEYi-iNCE OJ!' Cl'RTAIN LANDS TO ROLAND GEORGE Þ~DOUS. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF TIVERTO HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLO,IS: '. That the Reeve and Clerk, be, and they are hereby authorized, on behalf of the Corporation, to execute a D ed of the following lands to Roland George Aldous for the cons deration tit of Three thousand dollars (~3,000.00) and to affix there 0 the Corporate Seal: ~ and SINGUL.ffi those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises, situate~ lying and being in the Village of Tiv rton, in the County of 1:Iruce and Province of Ontario and being composed of those portions of Lots EIGHT (8) and NINE (9) accordi g to Registered Plan Number 210, Subdivision of Lot ONE (1), Plan 55 in the said Village of Tiverton, more particularly descr bed as follows: , FIRSTLY: That portion of said Lot Eight (8) more partie arly described as follows: CO¡~ffiNCING at a post planted at the South-westerly angle Lot Eight (8); THENCE Easterly along the Southerly limit Lot a distance of Sixty (60) feet to the South-easterly said Lot; THENCE Northerly along the Easterly limit of s a distance of Eighteen (18) feet; THENCE <"esterly and pa with said Southerly limit of said Lot a distance of Sixt to a point in the Westerly limit thereof; THENCE Souther said \vesterly limit of said Lot a distance of Eighteen ( more or less, to the place of beginning. SECONDLY: That portion of said Lot Nine (9) more partie described as follows: CO}lliŒNCING at a post planted in the South-westerly angle of Lot Eight (8) in said Subdivision of said Lot One (1); THENC' Southerly along the westerly limit of said Lot Nine (9) a distance of twenty- eight (28) feet; THENCE Easterly and parallel to the Sou herly limit of said Lot Nine (9) a distance of Sixty (60) feet to a point" THENCE Northerly and parallel with thedesterly 1 it of said tot Nine (9) a distance of Twenty-eight (28) feet, ore or less, to the South-easterly angle of said Lot Eight (8)¡ THENCE .ksterly parallel to the Southerly limit of said Lot Nine ,9) and in a straight line to the place of beginning. of said of said ngle of id Lot allel (60) feet y along 8) feet, PASSED IN OPEN COUNCIL at the Village of Tiverton, this 2 th ~ day of March J 1974. ~ êf.~ ~JY REEVE -",,-~'" ...-~ ~'- ....._""..... - - ~ ~ " "".... ,\ ......_4 _~_ ....,.. '"... -- ,~...~...-.....--....,,:,,;.:~;.... ".. __,"V_w -..;,.~.. ~ .......:7_. , '. "'_ ~..... \~(f/:~~~~:"):) "~,-;<~-;.~-~;~~~~~.< .' < -