HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 74 06 Dog Licence ;?;,~~ i'- (1i,.~lJ . e , . ;. TBBCORPOüTION OF THE VILLAGE OF T¡vER'1'ON. ~y -LAW NUMBER 74~6 WHEREAS by the Dog Licencing and Lifestock and Poultry P otection Act, pr.$viously the Dog Tax and Lifestock and Poultry Pr tection Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 133, and all amendments theret , a Municipality is empowered to pass a by-law for the licen ing and regist~ation of dogs and for imposing a licence fee on t e owners of d~. and for the prohibition and regulating the runni g-at-large of dogS and all matters related thereto. BE I'1'ftl!:tuU'ORE RESOLVED that the Corporation of Village of Tiverton e~cts as follows: 1.) That .ach owner in the Municipality shall register ach of his dogs and attain a li~ence for each dog and that the licence fee shall"as follows: a) før a mal$ dog if oftly one is kept $ 2.00 b),lør each additional male dog $ 4.00 ct' fOr a female dog if only one is kept $ 4.00 df !for each additional female dog $ 6.00. e} for a spayed female, the same as a mele hi' 2.) 'fhü.n paya.ent of the licence fee for a dog the wner shall be,furnished with a dog tag and shall keep the tag ecurely fixed on t:b!t dog' at all times until the tag is renewed or replaced, but the tag may þe removed while the dog is being lawfu ly used for hun"aq deer in the bush. 3.) The f.. for each tag shall be $ 0.25 and the tag sh s~ number and the year in whichi t was issued a tbåt1~enceshall remain valid far a period of ~~ r~ ahal.l be kept by. the Clerk or other officer ~..~,showtD.g the name and address of the s~ 1'1-.r of the tag. 11 bear a the tag and ear. and a esignated for ner and the 4.) Ev"'OWÐe¥ shall prohibit the running~at-largeof _t1lipality and if éIOqsare running-at-largein th an -..øhorize4 officer shall have the authority to s suCilh,409 and· said dogs, if not claimed within thirt ~~ng, may be sold or killed. is dog in the Municipality ize and impound days after 5.) __owner of a dog, who allows it to run-At-large contrary to tbUI'by-la.w, isquilty gf an offense and on summary conviction iü*le for a fine of not. more than $ 50.00. pag 2. . . , . . .¿. ., page 2. 6.) Every owner who fails to comply with Section 1, or 0 uses a tag upon a dog other than that for which it was issued, is guilty of an offense and on summary conviction is a fine of not more than $ 50.00. Read a fixst, second and third time and finally. passed this 2 b't11 , 1974. ~ day of -'-""........... ~-'---~- -: :~..."'... -- -'" .~ -.-- ......,;/. ... --'~(:..-" ...-----~-'-'.I//'...- 5-~ ,-~-::: ~ -..~~_*~": _ .....J _-,~ _ ::~::.. :~': ::::;: ~- - _.- - -:". -v:,- :;,,:;..~~ ~ :.; :~~ /... _;. J~ .....,;. _~' .._...~_ <.,::/""-'--~ .......:,-:.;: '-< -~;!~~~~~':-~_: c Reeve .~