HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 014 land sale cleary e e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC INE BY-LAW NO. 2004 - 14 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SA E OF LAND TO NOEL CLEARY (Plan 61, East Part Lot 11, Park West, N/S St. AI rt Street) WHEREAS Section 268 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides for procedures for the sale of lands de lared surplus by municipalities; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Kincardine has declared Ian 61, East Part Lot 11, Park west, north side of St. Albert Street, former Town f Kincardine, now Municipality of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce, to be surplu ; AND WHEREAS Noel Cleary wishes to purchase from th Municipality of Kincardine those lands known as Plan 61, East Part Lot 11, ark West, North side of St. Albert Street, former Town of Kincardine, no Municipality of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce, being more particularty escribed on the Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached to this By-law as Sc edule "A"; NOW THEREFORE the Council for the Municipality of Kinca ine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Mayor and C.A.O. be authorized to execute su h documents, on behalf of the Municipality of Kincardine, as they may d em advisable to convey the lands described on Schedule "A" attache hereto, to Noel Cleary. 2. The sale price for the said lands shall be forty-one thou and five hundred dollars ($41,500.00). 3. This transaction is subject to the conditions outlined in he Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached to this By-law as Schedule" ". 4. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its nal passage. 5. This By-law may be cited as the "Plan 61, East Part 11, Park West - Cleary Land Sale By-law". READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and DEEMED TO BE PASSED this 4th day of February, 2004. /" ßL-.æA Mayor'" SCHEDULE nAn to BY-LAW lITO. 2004 - 14 AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE (FO~ \151 IN THE PROVlNCIE OF ONTARIO) III Noel Cleary . ,_ to purchase from · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¡F..ú1Õ ¡ai.......;,¡..¡.¡..;¡. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. M~~I'?IPfIl.~ ~f.KI....~.rdin~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .thelollawing "'U (foI""!'I..........So\Ionj ........ PERIY. c..... mthe :::::::::::: :3~~~T~~iKi~rdl~;:::n~¡paíl~o::~n~~I;:;'·. '.ç~.~.~Street......... and ing a frontage of. . . . . . . ~. '''.0. . .. mare or Iesa by a depth al. . . . . . . . .~ .;¡ 1,J . I. .. more or less and legally described a. New lot to be created, Plan 61, East Part Lot 11, Park west. fonn."'" Town of Klncard!n.~ ......... ::::::::::: ~~::::::: :M~~I~I~II~~f:Ki~~~~I~~,C~~~tY~fB~:: :""'::::::...: }JL,/' . . (the·praperty"). nI-i' 6- (IoaoI_..IondInd__...__¡ ~ ~ ,.:>-err:> . PU PIlCE,,¡C-~I"'1.-.~~IJ\""':SE-Vf.;NTijqlcl~DF~.H~ttl;).~D....... . Dallan( ~.a7,5ØU.Ø....) D · its ( . uP~~. .).. . . . . S~N.HUNDRED.ANDJ:IFTY. .. . .. Dou.,,.,(CDN$.. . . . 7~O~OO.. . . . -...-) ~ cheque payable to. . . . . . . . ~~~a.1 ~Pa.g!t .KJ~card.i~.. ~al Ea~~. . . . . . . . to be held in truoI pending completion or . . 01 this Agroement and to be aedited toward .... Purd1aoo Pri,," an complelian. Buyer ag_ to pay.... balance DO 1oU_: uy.r ag....s to pay the balance of the purçhase price, subj.ct to adJustm.nts, In cash or by certifl.d ch.qu., Sell.r on the compl.tion of this tran.actlon. . offer is conditional for THIRTY (30) days from acceptance upon council of the Municipality of Kincardine val of thl. Ag....m.nt, failing which this off.r shaD become null and void and the Buy.... d.poslt shall be eel to *h.m In full wlt/ lut Interest or pemllty. This conditio" I. Included for the be!1e"t of the Seller and may ov.d by th.m at thliir .01. option w'.VtI!1 Uut u.n, ~riod ~Io~. .1I.r warrants that on closing the subJ.ct lands will constitute a legal building lot for a singl. family dwelling confQrms to the. '.~Gks and requlrem.nts of the bull llng code, .. Th Seller further warrants that on closing .11 costs associated with the municipal services, all Impost fees, all Pu c Utilities charges and all lot l.vI.s will have been paid and that any outstanding costs or charges, fees or levl will be paid by the Sell.r on or before clo.lng and that the .ubject lot Is serviced with municipal sanitary rand water. Y!¡-<'I'",,,£Áøs,,",,-:, i$ ,.ry'.,¡/(~¿, ¡~,. ",.Sj'¿h(:4... ¿"~e, ........ Ct1J/ qç~~<Ù.c'z;; '---LH. JL-k'-'·,4..£,-4, '""<.À Seller ag..... to execute and register a dlscharg. of all existing mortù1lØ'er,ll.ns and .ncumbrances on the t lots at his own 8XPiIJ\S88 on or before closing. 1. ULl(SI. . . . " MA.&.~M.. . . . . ._h_alonn(.)partof"'is~. nELSINa.uDEDI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - -.. -. -... -. - - -". - - -. " - -. - -.. -. - - - - -. - - - -.. - - -.. - - - - - -. - - -'. - - - - - -. - - - -.. - - - -. - - - -'.. - - - - - -.. 2. IXTURlSEXCUlDED................................................................ . - - - -'.. - - - - - - -. - - - - -.. - - - -... - - -. -. - -. - -. - - - - -. - - - -. - - - -.. - -.. - - - - - - - - -- 3. ¡u, ITEMS; Tho following equipment i. nonted and _ induded in the Purd1aoo Pric:o. The Boyer aar'" to ......... the rental conIrad{.), if aosumablo: - - - - - - - - - -. -.... -....... -...... - - - -.. - -.... - -........ - -.. - -.. -'. - -.. - -. -- 5. 6. 1UllV00000UTY.ThioOflw....llbe_bIoby.. ,iuYl!r.. . until. .5:~~. p.m.anth.. .~6~. .dayal. . . ~~n~!lry. . . '. .~O~. .' _ time, a not ac:œpIed, this 0fIw shall be null aJ.¡ vaid~ the dopa.;t ....1 be rotumod to tho Buyer in lull wifhaut _. ¡,.or¡ ..,.....GOIIIdItIou 01..--- DAtEoThioAg__ohoIIbeCDmÞlotedbyna_than6:00p.m.onthe, ...:...;.,>....>Ldaroi:'..... ."'"!"t'...... .,...... . ""'!' IIoIian,- p" 'on althe pr_...." be given to the Buyer....... _.....;...., .... in this A rwmonI. 1-' onCU. Vondar ~ appainIo. ' tho I,iofing'BtoIœr DO N¡on! far the purpaoo aI ÎYÎ"IJ ~ rwc:oivin naIicøo """""'" to this Ag-.t. 0nIJ If the eo.operatlng ~ the....--. the...,... In IhIo Ira............. the Buyer'(8' =e the Co-o~ BrOker a. Agent far the ..lMJrpaoo of .. and roooivÌl!i naIicøo ~ to this AgroonwnI. Àrfy noIiœ reIaIing heròta or henrin ....U be in WfitinQ. Thi. oIIw, any _ oIfor, none. of theroof, or ~ naIic:o ohoII be dooinod given arid recoived, whOn hand d ivonrd to the addrou far....,¡ce prov,dod in Ihe AOO-Iedgom.nt boIaw, or a IaainôIo ......,.,. " pRWidod herein. _ tranomittod .loctranioofIy to that Iacoimil. number. AXNa.. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Fot........,oI_..SoIIorjFAXNa. ...................... .(FotdolMo~of_"_ .U...i.tranoadianisoubjodtoGaadoandSoMaosTax(G.S.T.),tI...uchlax....llbe. . .. . . (J~~~J~ '!."!.~. .. . . . . .the Purch... PrKo. this tranoadian i. noI.ubjocl to G.s.T., Seller _ to certify an or boIarø cIooing, that the tranoadian i. not ",bjocl to G.sl TI.I SIAIICH.Buyer ohaU be aIIawod until 6:00 p.m. an the. . . . . . . . darof:- . 1.0 .~J(..p.rI!,r I!' ~~I",," . ,. . . . ., Roquisilian Dato) to · the IiIIo to the ..- at his own __ and _ the __ of: (~ thiny day; from the later of tho Raquioill::'bat. or the date an which the · . in ...is AgrMmonI ... IuIfiUod or _ waived or; c.~ .... day; prior to complelian, ta oatioly himoolf thal1hore are na autotanding work anIoro tloIìò", naIicøo........,--the..-~n _( . ... ) be ..:r..1Iy ...,¡¡;;;j':nci thai the' .. kruiIding mayl,;, ¡niuiocI cigãiñof ñik' of fini. w.r Iioieby ',ônšocititõ thõ muÎ1iàpåiÍly' 0; ÔlIio': gcW~ '.. reI"";ng to Buyer _... of oubtonding wark anIoro offoc:ting the ..-, ond Seller ag.... ta _ and d.liver .uCh further autharizaliano thio reaard DO au- may roaoanaåIy require. "-USE. Soller and au- _ thai 1hore is na ~dali... or warranty of any lánd that the futuro intended .... of the properly by Buyer is will be lawful.......... may be 'f :'rlCOll) provided far in this Aa_. Providodthattholillotothe "-is~ andfroolram aI...........d _, charges, Hons, and oncumbra"""'.......... otherwi.. oøocificallyprav;dod in . ~ and __ and ........ lor (a) any rogio1ørod _ or _ that run With .... land pravidinB thot .uch are complied with; (b) any rogisIored · pal agroomonlo and rogistorod agreomonlswith publicly rogulatod utilities providing.uch have boon compliodwith, or """'rity has been paotod to.....re compliance campWian, a. _ by a .-from the reI...nt muniåpality or regulated utility; (<) any minor _Is lar .... SuØPIv 01 domosIic utility or teIophan. · to the _ or ~~; and (d} any ....monts lOt drama~, -... or -IV.-.n, public utility linest tØloj>hon.linos, c:øbIe tokwioian Hn.. - _ic:oò which do not ~ afIor:t.... prosent u.. of the _.11 within the.~ timos reIIorred to in paragrapo B any valid abjoct<an to titIo or to any work ardor or dofic:ion<y naIic:o, or to the fact the oaid ~ .... may not lawfully be continued, ar "'at .... prinåpal building may not be insured · . of fire is made in $" to ~Ier and which Sehr .. unable or unwilling to remove, ~ or satisfy or obtain insurance save and except , risk al fire m favour of the and any mafl¡ ageo, (with all related ..... at the _ of the SelIorj, and which Buyer will not waive, this natwiIhoIandmg any . _ ar nogaliatian. in reopoct of .uch abioc:tiano, ohaU be ot an and and aU rnanioo paid shall be relumod without or dodudian and 'Wér í'E:~ BtoIœr and ~ng Brabr .haII not be 1iablo far any ..... ar dama OS. Save DO la any valid objoc:tian oa ....... ouch d!IY and -..._ far any . . going to the _ CI the title, Buyer shall be oandUOÕOlly doomOd to ....... aClC:llllfeclSollon titIo to the property. NG AlllANGIMQIIIo oGc:h 01 the SoIIot and Buyer roIain a lawyer to c:arnpIoIe the Aatoon_d orPurchaoo and Solo of the prapor1y. and whore ...."rclio.' wiD be comp(otod by oIodIarNc: regisIratian purouant to Part III of the Land RagisIraIian R8Iann Ad, R.S.O. 1990, ChaIIIor L4, and any a_ , the Soller and I\i w adaIOwIodøo ancf agree thai the doIïv.y of daaImonto arid the roIoaso theroaI to tho Soller and Buyer may, at the lawyers' . ; (a) not ac:cur ~ with the rogisI,oIÏan of the _¡deed (and ather rogisIorablo dacumontalian,) and (b) be .ubject to canditiano whoroby lawyer rec:oiving q~- anellor money will be required to hold them m truoI ànd not_ them ........ in aa:ardanœ wilh tho term. of a written agreomont the 1awyoiS.' -.-....-. . Standard ........ Do .... ....... when printing OJ' ..epr,"Iu.lng the standard ....- portion. ..... No. ,., .'10' fOIMS"aolllJlll RelMax Loù Lands IIøahy LId. 7. B. 9. 10. . 11. r I I - -- 12. DOaIMENTS AND DISCHARGE. Buyer shall not mil lor the production of a!!)' title dood. abstract, 'IO'V8y or _ ..idonœ of titI. to the P"'I'8'!Y ~ .uch a. are in th~. P"'"'1'ion ar cantraI of Seller. ø __ I¡y Buyer, iõl Seller wiD deliver any oIcetch or ourvey of the IR I8Ity within Sellen coritra[ to _ as .... a. ~.l'nd I!riar to the ~Date. K a ditcIia~ any C~ held by a CDrfJ!>'GIian ir_..........t punuant to the TIIIit and Loan Campa_ Ad Canaila). Chartered TnMI Company. Cñdit Unian, Caiioe PapijIaìre or Insuranee Campany and which " not to be _ by S4Jyer an com~, " nat available in' form an comp/elian, Buyer _ to C!CØPI Sellen ~. pei1aIjaI unclerlalcing to ablain. aut aI the daoing funds, a ~ in registrable form and Ia rwgioIer .... an titIé within a ....auab.. pOriad of time _ complelian, ~ that an or beIare campleIian Sell.. sholl ~ to BU)'!I' a modgllgl JlÐfe..NhIl prepared ~ the mortg"s.. Mtting out the balance ~ .. òbIain the dilChatge, togethw With a direction exeèuIed by Seller .dired!ng pCIJf!I8IIt to the n_s.. aI tIie amount riqUired to alìiain the discharge aut òf the _ due an campIeIìat,. 13. l_cnON. Buyer _ haYing had tIie appcl!lunity to i!'ll*l the IR I8Ity and understando that upon accepfaolCO of this Offer there .hall be a binding agreement õf purd1œò and .... _ Buyer and Sell.... . 14. INSURANCE. All building. an the __ and all _ thÏ!1m bOina pun:haoed shaN be and """'"" unh1 campleIian at the risk of Sell.... P.nding completion, Seller .hall hold all insurance >aiidéo, if a"y, and the prac:eeds ihereaf in IrvIt for the lQfiieo as their .......... may a_ and m the ...... of substoñtial dami Buyer mav. eith.. terminate tt\is Agreement and heM all monies pajd returned wittiout interest or deduction or .. take the proceeds of ~ ißlU!G"CII .. complete the ~rchOl8. No insurance shall be transferred on completion. If s.ø. is taking bock a ChargeJM",.fv.r, or ~ is aauming a U1arge/Mort ~ shall tuØølv Seiter with reasonable evidence of odequate insurance to ~ Sehr's or othw m~u', inNrwIt on completion. . 15. PLANNING ÄCT. This Agreement shaN be eIIec:tive to ....... an _ in the p~ only II SeDer ~ with the .ubd'Msian cantrol p.....n.ion. of . Plann~ ~_.ÞV comPletion and Seller aw8ltaOts to øroc:eed diliøt!nfly cf his~.. to oI*Iin ~ ~ consent by ~n. 16. DOaIMENT ÞllEPAllAnON. The TranoIer/Deedohall, __ far th.1.and Transfer Tax AffidaYit, be '""-'"' in ~ form at the expen.. of SelI.r, and any Charge/Mor:fgDll'! to be given back Iw the Buyer to Seller at the _ af the _. K .....-id III' B~ Seller <XMII1an1s that the T"';"'¡""/D8ed to be delivered on comp'1eIian shall contom the __ cantemplatei:t bv Section 50 (22) of the Ptanning Ad, R.S.O. 1990. 17. RESIDENCY. BIJI'OI" shall be crediteéI _ the l'urchase I'rice with the amount, II any, _ lor Buyer to par to the Minioter of National Revenue to '!IIisfy B"""" "ability in ~ al lax oavabIe by Seller under the nan.reoidency pravi..... of the Incame T.. Ad by ...... of this ..I.. Buyer .haII not daini sudi cred~ II s.il1er delivers an completion the Pmcribed certificate or a oIaIutory declaratian that Seller i. not then a .....reoident of Canada. lB. ADJUSTMENTSt ~ rents, ~ _, [OCiIty.~ including local imp........'" _ and unmetered public or ~ utility ct.a... and unmetered _ aI fuel, as aaøIioabIe, ohaII be !!f'POI'IÍaned and aIIaw.id Ia the dw aI com",",",", the day of "!"!PeIian iheIf Ia be apportleioed to~. < 19. TIMIi LIMI1'St "tome shall m aU _ be of the _ hereof pra'lidtid that the time lot doing or compleling at "!'Y ..- ~ lor herein may be 8Idended or abridaed by an _ in wriling .igned III' Seller and Buyeo: or by their nn~ lawyers who"."'Y lie .p .cl.fi!"liy ~ m that rwaard. . 20. TlNDU. 1-";" tondOr aI dacu_ or man~ ~ may be rriade _ Seller or B"I'OI" or _ I"8!f08cIiv8 !<!'!"Y8I' an the day ..r lor ~1Qf1. Maney be tond~ Iw bank draft or ~ certified by a CharW«I Bank, Trust Company, PraY.... aI Ontario S<Mngs OffiCe, Credit Union or Caine Pai>uIaire. 21. P:¡ÝLYLAWAa. Seller warrants that......... _i. not necenary ta thio _ under the _ioians of the Family Law Ad, R.S.O. 1990....... 5eNer's _ has _ the con.... here...1t.. pravic!ed. 22. UFFI. Seller ~ and warrants to 8Uye( that durinll the Hm. Seller has awned the~SeIIer has naI caused any building an the ~ ta be in_ with in.uIatio~r.o. h aldehyole, ani! that to tI1. boot of Sellen na bviIdina an the __ cantoins or has _ coòIained msulelian that contom. . This wananIy ohaII """ive and naI= an the . aI this hnoactiañ, aiuI ø the building is part of 0 multiple un~ building, this warrant¡- .hall anly aPPly to that pat! of the building which loth. 'eeI of this ....adian. 23. CONSUMER REPORTS. The JI!IJW llilienby _d _. ..IlIUm.. _I...... _.....,.. _I Info_ ....y.. ........... .. In __on with thlli tro_... 24. AGENCY. R is undeBtoad that the brabrs iIwaIved in the ttan_n ............ the pao1ieo as set aut in the Canfinnatian of _ion below. 25. AG~ IN WRmNG. ø there 10 canfIict _ any praYioian added to this Ag......... (indudjng any Schedule -.:hed hereto) and any pravi~an in the ~ _set I>D'Iir1n hereof. the added p<aYioiqn ohaII oup_ the IIIandard .....set ~oian to the _ aI ouch canfIict or diKt8fI\!II<Y. This Agreement ì~ any Schedule attached hereto, shaH coniØtute the entire. ~ment between 8ùyer and Seller. There is no .......I.tti~n, ~, èoUatéroI ~ or oandition, which offects thio __ _ than as ~ herein. For the _ al thi.~. Seller means vendor and ...,., mean. purChaser. This __ shall be...d with ãII ~ aI gender or nUmber required by the _. 26. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, The ....., _, administfatoios ............ and "";9"' of the unoIeniøned are bound by the termo herein. I acknowledge receipt at my signed caay of this accopted Ae- of PuIdoaø and Sale and I authoriø the Agent to forward a COpt' to my lawpr. DATE ¡SoHo;) Thè ÑluniëJPaiitY Of Kiñèai-eilña DATE jw.r) ~ - - - - - - . - - - Addreu for Service:. _ _ _ _ . _ . . DATED at....... . .... .~,!~a!'C!I,!~..... ....... .this... . ~~t~.... dayof.... . ~~~~a~..... .,. .~~~. . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the pnoenœ of: IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and oeaI: _ . ~. . ~. . .? . . . ~,gQ .~, . . . . . 'NOélélëàrý _.. DATE. cÌ:ttn.15 /tYL . . DATE íWimõui·..· .... "·I¡.;..j" . .. .. - ' ....... I, the Undersigned Sell.... ag.... to the above Oller. I hereby irrevocably imIrud my ~ to pel)" directly Ia the LIsting _ the unpaid _ aI the cammiuion together with 0ppIic:abI. GOOds and _ T... (and any _ _ a. may hereaItòr be appIioabIe), Irarn the pnicMdo of the ..Ie prior to any payment to the undersigned on completion. as advised by the Listing _ to my lawyer. DATEDat....,¿-~:·:...~....... ...........thi..?~.-·...dayal.... .~~~ . ....~~~. SIGNED, SEALED AND DEUVERED in the pnnonce of: IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set '"X "'Jnd and oeaI: (_ .... ....../ L-../ _~. . .C:~.~-ç:::}(A. . . . . .. ! DATE.:s-~.....,....;~....~Lo~ ¡w-) ~- ~ The Municipality of Kincardine . ¡w......¡ . . . t·: . . .. (ŠoIio,j'" . . . . . . _ DATE. . . . .. .. . SPOUSAL CONSENT. The Underoi¡¡ned 5pauoe of the Seller hereby _nto to the diop..ition ...idenced herein ~ Ia the pravioians of the Family Law Ad, R.S.O. 1990. and hereby _ with the Buyer that heIshe wiII_ all necenary or incidenIaI dacumento to give IvllIarcst and _ to the .... 0YicI0nc0d heiein. . DATE jwio.ôu¡· ..... .... '¡S,.õ.ô. '" ... .. . -. .... . CONI'IRMAnON OF IXBcunON, Not.~I.londinø anythinø canloinod _nlathe cant....." I canfirmthioAg_with all chanøe! both typed and writton_ finally.-uled by all parties at. .cQ~Qja.m.®thio. .ó2h. .dayal. .<JfHU....... Òt,.., ....... .1l~.fh.n.AJÐÅ..... CONFIRMAnON OF RlPRDENTATION ......-r--::.¡ I h.reby acknawIedg. and confirm the Listing _ repre_ the ¡_ of the I hereby adonawledge and canfirmthe Co-aperating Braker repreoonts the i...... . . . . . . . . ]S;IIoi~~~"'I..;.r . . . . . . inthistransactian. of the. . . . ' SÖIIÕ<~': . . . . . . inthistransactian .--/~ "..6-' - ... SIgñotu"'o1~òrciut6orl..ã~·" - . -....... .. -.." Sigñciutici1Cs"r:.JL';Iioúr"or"cMhõriiJ.';'_lIt.1hi· -... -. Nameof","", ......., . ~~~a.1 ~~~ .K.I~~~.I~e. ~a! ~~~. . NameolC, . ...,........ . ~~ ~~a. ~a.n~~ ~~I~. L,~'. . tI.5~.1 . .3~~~9.6 .. !;~~.1... ~~~~9.. ~ÔI.~9.1. . .3.9~.. . J':~.1 . .3.9~~~~O... ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I acknowledge receipt at my oignod copy 01 thio _pled Ae-- aI PuIdoaø and ~!:\,~~~j~~;~: .?:~Üi· Ioowot --@}:i_ary .... r DATE (....... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. . .. .. .. . AddteuIarSoMce,. .... . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . ... T.I.No.I J. . . .. . ... . -. - . TeI.No.I. . . J. . . . Soller's ""-' . . .. .. . . .. .. Add.... IU 8r's Lawyer ... .. .. .. .. .. - "" -. -.. - - -.. -.- Add.... . - - - . - -. - - - - -- ( .!.. Tel. No. . . .I. ..!. FAX No. .. . ( .1. TeI.No. .. . . J. . . .1.. FAX No. ... . FOR OFFICE use ONlY œ-.-· la11ftUlTMUIMINt To, eooOpenllinø B",ker.'-n on the Ia.ogoing AgNemerI at PuIdoaø an.Uale: In canoideratJan lor the eo.o~ Broker procuring the Ia.ogoing .........ntof Purchase and Sale, I herebydodate that 011_ ...,.;,.d or _ by me in co.. <Ii,n with the Tranaoction as contIIm in the MLS RuIea and ReguIatiom of my Real &tate Board IhaI be ~ and held in truII. This agrwment sholl conatituIe a Comm'n'; . Truat AgNement as cWined in the MLS Itutea and .hall be tubject to and gowrn.cf by the MLS RuIø pettatning to Commiui= f\ TtuIt. DATED 01 of the daI8 and time of the acc»pIanctl of the b.going Agreement of Purchaø and Sole. AcIcn. if 411 f ~ by: ¡"-ñaiv,.Õf·i. ," .....oiÕuthori.d - - - - - . - . - . - -e.:..:..: Õf' - irõlcWoiaÜthÕriDci - - -.- . SCHEDULE "A" to BY-LAW RO. 2004 - 14 SCHEDULE "A" TO THE AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE <FOR \lSE IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) PAGE 2 IB ule is attached to and forms part of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between: ... ......................... .NoeICI.ary. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. . ..... . .. ..' . . ... ". .,and SEW" ...................... Th.. M~nlcipali.~ of. Klnca.rdln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , larthe and sale of. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - -. - - - - -- - - - -.. - - -. - - - - - - -- - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - -'. - - -.. - - -. this ffer is further conditional, until 30 days prior to completion of this ag....m.nt, upon the Sell.r s.vering the pare as d.scribed In Schedul. "B" attached h.reto, failing which, this offer will be null and void and the Buy.r's d.po it returned in full, without interest or penalty, This condition Is included for the benefit ofth. Seller and may be w ved by him at his sol. option within the tlm. period allowed. r Is further conditional until 30 days prior to completion of this ag....m.nt, upon the Buy.r satisfying f that a building p.rmit and all approvals satisfactory to him, would be Issued if applied for the subject n.w be cr.ated, failing which, this agreement shall become null and void and the Buyer's deposit shall be to him in full. This condition Is includ.d for the benefit of the Buy.r and may be waived by him at his tlon within the time period allowed. ....d and understood, b.tween the Seller and the Buy.r, that If this agreement has not been compl.ted on re August 11, 2004, any lat.r closing date will be set with the mutual ag....ment of the partl.s, .~ (NOTE: . is farm muol be ¡niNalled by all parties to the Agreement 01 Purchase and Sale.) '" ....'11~.~..... ......~='The~~~&.... .... ¡..;,.;,' ia';";" .................................. .(SÒIIM ................................... OUA nclard Pann. Do not alter when printing or ............ng the standard p"'- portion. IiAL I UIDI ..... No. '101. 01101 I1e1Max Lake Lantb l1eQ/l)I Ltd. . ~ -..-.. ( ! i ; --- .. .-...-.-- . ----~~- ----- SCHEDULE "A" . to BY-LAII 110. 2004 - 14 SCHEDULE "B" \...\G '~.' ~b...s ~ L-~en.ï . c:; I Î)t#", "J t... J P....1' 6 /o·~ ~~ . .. - i. , PAGE 3 5<.fJ3.J£c.::(" L -e -,- ··,t ' r ~ -S··~K ~