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04 012 land sale habitat
e e e e TIlE CORPORATION OF TIIE MUNICIPALITY OF KINC INE BY-LAW NO. 2004-12 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SA E OF LAND TO GREY BRUCE HABITAT FOR HU ANITY WHEREAS Section 268 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 001, c. 25, as amended, provides for procedures for the sale of lands de ared surplus by municipalities; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Kincardine has declared L t 28, West Side of Albert Street, as shown on Plan 3R-7836, Townplot of Inverh ron, Township of Bruce, now Municipality of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce to be surplus; AND WHEREAS Grey Bruce Habitat for Humanity wishes to p rchase from the Municipality of Kincardine those lands known as Lot 28, We t Side of Albert Street, Townplot of Inverhuron, Township of Bruce, now Municipality of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce being more particularly escribed on the Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached to this By-law as Sch dule "A"; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of th Municipality of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Mayor and CAO. be authorized to execute suc documents, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardi e, as they may deem advisable to convey the lands described on Sche ule "A" attached hereto, to Grey Bruce Habitat for Humanity. The sale price for the said lands shall be one dollar ($1.0 ). 2. 3. This transaction is subject to the conditions outlined in t e Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached to this By-law as Schedule" ". 4. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its fi al passage. 5. This By-law may be cited as the "Lot 28 Albert Street, I verhuron - Grey Bruce Habitat for Humanity Land Sale By-law". READ a FIRST and SECOND time this 17th day of December, 2 03. READ a THIRD time and DEEMED TO BE PASSED this 21st day or January, 2004. J:J1. _ ß. k Mayor ' --- -- ¿ -II-UOI 05:24PM FRQ,HIfICIPALITY OF I I !!CARD IN! ,'.w"_ _... ._. ,........,.,1._·...... ,',,-no.. L....... : ~.... ~.... oJ' II,; T!iís·lš-Sche.dü·lë "A" to Municipality of Kincard~ne By-law No. .;0 --=~=-=~:,I~'::'=ru _SIt-386-1Z18 T-I03 P002/001 F-084 "'....'- 2004 - lIB Grey Bruce 81111111 lor J1UmIIIity MuRi,ipalily ofy~- ., If'" ..... .....J..iII ..... .._ 'oPtlfC.....lrom -....-. AlbcnSt- . .' Mullicip&líllY o!.K.Incardilll: (IAv.cdIuron) . . 336 ~ 28 ÅI!J«ÌSf. J,~=_. ii:iiîclïRtiàc T~~~K'il1C8l'diøe) ;.-..--.,.-,,.¡.,,,¡ '........PiIN East . . .... Albert.SI """'..J...........,~._ I....·~ ..........,........-......... .,.,.,w.-...¡ Doll... IC_ 1.00 ... 0lIl: ........ t . U~ Af:œnIaJJI:e . I... ." . - CONIf . - ~--- . 10 - KÍØ!:!II:diI\t ø.c..t.El1ale Ltð. . ... . ...... ...............- -.............-.. : ~~~...~...;~........ ,...,............". on... hr. .........,.,........ ......... , 8uyer agms to pay 1M beIanc:c of die purohUo price. lubjcçllO acijUltllltnt\; by bBM. dJat\ or by mn(lc(t . I/IC, 10 Ihe Seller on !he c:oßIp/cIiOll orchis ~ÛOP. , c-ìsu~er .. Cl3!'é4~'\- -\-~. Su..~J ~ð 10r-J I..j'" \ \k. severJ. l (\ ~o-- ~O 'tl~ ~ C\ \v..\..,:""+- {tr- 1\ U I'l\Ol\4 Y ~Ù'I/'\j $"'-.,,1) be k".\-\- ~'" "'o-\-~ \uh· .;- ~. ICI.·_. QtrA1'1IU-MQ. .... ---"-........-. 1~~1 3 _a_."'-"'_.--'pN",~"",,__, .........._.._.........__....._ . . 1....·a~_1IUI...._...,..'.. _BVH....... _ .;00-......... 17Ih·....... Novembet . __. ,... _............ 0Iloo _.....""" :;¡;¡;;¡¡¡...............'_IO..._ ..Id........_, ___..._........_......_.....:00.......... . 17tb .... .DeC(.øÞer .2003. _~ ............,_ ............. ~......... __ ...............,., MIhiI '- _. :................. ....,........ - ~..._.........-.. ~... ~ ~ JNI........ .... ........... ..,..... (,. I 11.""111( l... 1.......... "'............. '<;f ....................... c. 4' """'- ~_.........-....... ~ 01 "'!i"i~ ~ ,zr-.... ~ Ant tMIIfce ~ \...... ~,. hit... hi-be ftt -~~':l"~~' ~~, rIOt".-,,! ~ ...~-....................~ ...................~_..... ·tn..........I~r ......... 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(""1UL..' .'.'t\....nl"......I"- I~I...HI... '-.:II -, ..J~~ _"'" VI IU ~u< AGRllMiN1' OF PURCHASE AND SALE (POll USI IN 'HI PIOYINCI OF OInMlO) œ Grey Bruce. Habitat For HUlnallity Municipalily of Kincardine. If,,\\\,,_~,*~ . a..... 10 p"'e~.. "om - . E -'..Lot28AIbt;.rtSt .,.., . ,_,,,,,...he 151 ',A MullÍcipa.liJtyofKì¡grdim: (Inverburon) 0 F _ .t,.......1 132Fc:eL,. ,.....", ._...'-br.....~ol: 33 . ee:l Lot 2 Albert St, W"Jn~W"Q/I, Kincardine TwP(Mun. of Kmcardllle) ¡Ft,;fÞIJd'i'-':':'ot-"W.'1 . ,I,. followi,,~ . .. tido.1 Albert 51 mor. or .... and legally d.cribed o. '{LII"'~it:'Ìi..J~~;;,'--,,,,cIMcY";"~""".1 (tho "P'op""Y") One Doll... (CDN$I J. 00 I .. Uoon /,I,cccmance ..1 """ . ... D.II...ICONS¡ . 't"t...;.,Ih...,......~ .~:.i:.-:r.~~~~~~=!2~1~~~~~'Prie.0f\ ~~~. a~~.~to ~~..~:.w.:ñ~:n(.eetpendlng ~I_j~ or yer agrees to pay lhe balance of the purchase price. subjccl to adjll8trnents, by bank draft or by certified .10 the Seller on the completiOJ'l of this tra/lsaCtiOlI. . 1. UIoIa) INQ,\IDID,. _hod htrelo .....It!..... of ""' "'_1. 1 , 2003, ,,-, Tholollowing aq_ it """",.,d .....~ '" tho """'- "'leo, Tho Buy. _.. _.......... _,0<I1eI. ,,__., -~IU";':,'Thi' 0fIw oholt... ¡~;"""I>r . B~a,,¡;.r . . .nO" 8:00 p.m. ..,h. 17th d.,. of November . h time, if no! QCCepttd, ""' oø. ...... b.l)cAf OMI Woíd lilnd the d"POtlf.hoII be r."'" to 1M &vy.r '" fuM wilf\out ¡...... - .'1, ThI.Þ,,_ """ ba ...._ lor.. _.... 6:00 p,m. .. III. ., 171.b day 01 . December ~JI."'on. -"'ont ,..... .4," ~ ~heN" ~ 10!.he'UJfW' "'",... ofM,wiM ptOyidtdlor In tht.~. : SaII.......... :'T.:r~':':: l"õng ...,~.... ~ "".... ou"'... of ,i'Ò!\o ..d -.."1/....... ..,..... to ...,. ""'_I. o..Iy".... Co .'.....011 .:I\r- urk'''' ., .... .,.,. ... ... . _Â.-l"~. ... IUy.- n.r~ oppoinb 1h. CO'O~""' ~..... CM ....-.1 'or Ih. purpow 01 "nel ~ "otic... fM,trswnr to UN. ~MrMnf. Iv" raolic. t.... '.-0 Of' p'fCWi<IcM fOf n.eín .haIt be in *riting. ThÌII øHwrt, an)' c:ounÞer oHW. f'IOI¡te 01 ~ 01 0"" notiot .heII b. ....:.~ .nd ......... w,*, ÞtoM ~ to tM addr., for ~. provicMd in tN Aclu'lowledg".,.rd below. Of . ....._"_ d"""" _n."'" __ _~I. .....1acaNNfo........., FQJI' . ,. '.", .-.,. " ('.~oI,"""",loS.U., FcøHo. _T' ,.... ,,.._.. it.uIoioct.. Ooodo IIIId ~ T...10.1 T.I.U- ow,... _ ba .included in " ' (onf"I..d.dÌl>¡Woødritiilfl'lfI) "hi. eoc:tløn i. not ''''~ 10 0.5.T.. w.... to ~ on or b,Iott' do.me. thaI....IfontaØiofJ;, ltoI'ubi«! to O.$,T. 8. f1 .._ 8</vor.hallbaol'-aol...16,oopm on"".." 3rd ""of December .2003 . 1«_.... Dato". .. ,he ,>I.: .. 1M __ "'_'"..... ........ awl ...oil thto .... 01: I" IIWty __ from .... "".. of 'he_Roo_. Oato ., !he .... o. whl<h 'h. '" '" ¡¡;~:"~i';;.íï~~Ÿ~I~.l'Io'1o "''1>'''.. ,. _..........................0 -,¡¡......... ......1 CDftI . mar _ tft.w'~~ ,.." of tn. $eDw heteOy ~n""'" to th. """"iç¡poIlty or 04"- IfØ\"lWnn-.n,a ,....~ tIC!' hr.... 1. vf C!~~ work Ctfde" olftdne It.. properr,o, Gfld s.u.. .... 10' ... anr; dtMoer .uch funh... aufho,Ø'attol'l' .. 8Ww ....., _.....,. ~... . ...: StIw and .~ OQf. thai tMr.. it no ~~ or ~ 01 any kind thcø th. future IWtndIld UN of ø,. prol*fv 17r B"'Y'" .. '" ...11 1owIvI_....., _lit opoåic~ _idod'" in Ihiò ........... JO. TIM -.........11>0............_ d.... ...... _ <ill ,...._ ,..._, -CIII. _.1IIId .........._..... .. _.. .-'Ii,oIIy .....d... ;" thlt .,..,... Dnd Icrv. ONI_ .. for (oj G"Y ,.t"." ,eltridtoN or (oveftQnl. thea. """ ~h the 10M p.'O'I'Kffnv thai blch .. C;Omph.-d w.lh; tb) any r~,"".,d _.~... ............,--.-... wiIi. P!I~ .......edulil.......,.;.¡¡.", """ __ ....,;rod............,. hot boon _to "'"."" ,o'¥_. ~ ~on. ot .,;JtnC'Iid IIy a I.... from ... ,....., mUnCipøIity 01 ,..,.....,.-IAifity.. (q CIfff mit'tor ..~ ro.. the IUPPfy 0' ","-lie IIfillry Of t"ephon. MiMe 10 Ih. pro,wt)o 1M ad;ocMl ~; CN\d d ony -.menll1Ør droin"t Iform Of'aN""" ......., pubk uli~ ~"~l "'ephon. ~, ÐQbie ~tion Iln.. . Of of ~ wtWch". noI .......ÍCIIy aØId h "...,w ute of ~ ~ tf within ... apeciliotd Ii....... ~ 10 in pQ'P'OgRIpn 8 CI"¥' ¥91~ 9bilrtion to t.. or to any 010Mf '", werle. Of'd.r or ~ Mtiao, or to tt,. fQd the ..ia Pf1iNnI "" MOV Mt lawfully b. con&mUlld eM thot ¡-... pr~ ~ mov ftOI 1M m.",red oeo_ r_ øf If,. iI modt '" _Ii,. fø W. end ~ w.. ill ~ Of ~ Ie .,.,..,.., ,~-õ, ,afí.Iy iÞr <ilbfofn in'\HOPIW_ IIG.,. and _atpt OQCII 11'" of M. 1ft ~ 01 ... e.w- and ony 1'10__"",. . (with 011 ,...... ('DII. 01 .... ..... of-~ W-I, and whtch ~ ....ø l'Iot 'fio"Qi".. II,.. Þ, .ftOt-id..,.,.4;nil¡lony 'nO._ . OCft 01 m· ...-.".._oI....~.IIho."oIon"'"'andaH"*".·.poid.holf b.røu,netfwtlhrMlnI..-.t or 'on and Wet .l,.. 8roht ond Co øP." ..... ,w ftOt .. ..... b" anv (0,11 Of' ~. Saw OIl to ~ valid ~., to møJe bv .'-'Ct\ ~\r..- . ·.,...'....._.1.... :!:!EoIoaIIJoo....Iu.'.................'...CC....5oIIw.....'.....__ ._ J I. '. .. _-WJIïiN--*,"" S..." ""0" CI ~~;h., AcI,.....·et PtìKhoiii and S. of lit. Pto....f't. and wh,er. th. ot' . L.-~b)o......-ol'ÑCriigiIIl"QIIÍonpul'luonlto Qrtlloflhel.ondJt~ß~".,mM...S.O.1990 ChapNrL4ønd"...EI«ffonl(~~ietrallo"Ad. 1, C;~ "A._ ..A/. -Wl4 ~ 0fI'II~ ~J. ~O..:~.~....... DI'Wd.~.."...1adQ. øc,d......... ,.... _c:"-'.. õI 0.."'0 'Vf\d,. IiIØ".~,.w. 4eC\¡. ~. .,,.d ~ ....... D.It......~ GAd.... ...... I Ie,' .... SøI_ I:IItd ~ .. ~ INiJf oœur ðf .....--. fÍIN Of h .~A.4.. of.,. Iron_I'- (ond ""'1 ~ to be . --." (OftnctÏOft wiIh Ih. C'OmpWion of thi. trClnMdionI ond tb) b. Nbfed Ia .:o~", wh"" IN ~I ~ Q"y '" .... D.Ii...,... -I. '" reqiHr to hold .,.,. in WUIf on4 rtOt r-"'H .etme ~ '" .~ 'IWieh.......IN of ø ~u"'*" f~i"P'OtiØf'l oe~ Ww.." Ih. , , . ","I",,,, of~cII it ," -,"":"- __.. .....r,.ho l... s.....,.of I)".... c:.....do. ~........... O!ood 10 '" ilia I"","", "". -"""'a. of .... DoIi.orioowill..... ,..... ..,.GøoIoI.land .,."'_ 011;..., Iud> _,__ ..~b. , INITI.... ()t MmII(SI' INI'IAU 01' SlLL..._), c:=:> '-wit Do................,..,..... "''''II'.~Aw'' ......~p....... ........ 1M "12001 ..... , of 2 Rea! Estate Lid. / 'a')~}fiT'ER bY" R_. Sy...... COt!> )})Y7J , ~ 'WWtIf.R·IIOfrIC'V_CI .. 3 5. .2003 6 "...."""ry ot"""_1C> &v,.1) .... Pufdl.... ¥Tice . 19. 11/17/03 15:33 ROYFL LEPIŒ/KIHCARDII'E REAL EST ~ 519 371 6776 003 _ D'IQ'-- ...,...............Ior......-....... oI_tôtIo-.-' ......"'''''''"'_oI..........___.....in . "'.-.. of SoIIor. ø __ ...Ihir-. _... -..- _..... '" ....., of tho ..-or'..... __ .-.......,......... - _Il1o and prior .~ ;1'·[\:" 0... tfo........~anyCbo."JN-A, 1. ......,ac.orpolUlion ~ ~""'TtuIIt.-..ct L~C~,.-':d~. Chat1cIr.d T.. eo...-" CNIItlMiort, c-.~ Dr ~Compgny and whim II noftobe--' II, 8utMron t\IM~IJI ~11.. IS nul awaiIabAein I~ ..bJ.form - __ _ to _ _.. ..............- .........1"9 to _. .... 01.......... -... . ,¡;.,,¡,.... in '............ ""'" and 10 ........ ,_. .. ..... to be~"""""'" iii .JUI ... per.. of... ahT~. ~ Ihat on or..... _. / ." n S4Ihr tIdI ,.".,- to"" a ~ ........ lor.... ""111. -..... ""'................. oIoIain.... -........ .......a.-..- __ deeM............. -" ...""", · __..._-.. .........to......_~ '" .It........... _... _................It... boIo_.... on _.......... '~ . ", ........ !\ad tho ...,..,....., to ........ .... ~ and ...d........... .... _ .. ,,',.- .f ..... 0«- ....u I...' ..._._,' "''''''''- """...."- __ and s.ø.. : AM' on.he prop8Itf ond.... tftirÞg.1Mina ~.. ... _ ~ ~ _....[..,. at..... n.Ir 01 w.. ,.... ~io.'r .w hold øIf i~~. if any, "h ~ tMrwof'lft tfW lor 1tw....... ..... ___ "'IOJf""" artd in the.,. ot 'It' . .u ~ """' ..... .......... iii" ....._ _, .nd .... '" ........ pa;d .......... -.. _ '" docIocIion .. .... _ ... "'.-. of ""1 Öft_ """ .......- No............... .............. _. IfSollor"...... bad<. c~ "'...,..." ---.. a.."'"''''''''''''". aheIIu;p,s.u... rf.inoY.~Qf""""*""'-toprotedSlllenor~_ _ _ It......on_.....¡:.rI. of ACr: Thit ~" stt.U be .ø.:rw. to ØMto .. ......... in .. ptOp"'" 'IiIIf1"'J' if s.hr compIi. with .. Jubdiwition control ~ the · Ad by J:~I!I~~}..J WIIr~ to pt--' ~.M.....1o øbfain OWl ~....... ~ ~ft. I __""'ON, Tho T....../I*d _. __ _ ... Land T_ T... _. "" ......, in __ Iorm .. .... _ of wr... and ~ .. "" ..... ...... ... .... ..... hi SoIIor .. .... ........ of ......,.,. If""- br '-. SoIIor _ """ .... 1orIDÕod......................_....._,¡,. ._...co__...-..sornof...-..".Ad.U.0.199O. : ..... ......"" ....... __ ... ........ ...... ... ... ......... " any. --v 1M ..... to _ I. .... Mio_ of _ _ .. ~ IioWIioy in _ 01 ... -w. ... SoIor _ .... .............., -""'"" 01 ... "'- T... Ad ... __ of 1M..... .............. IUl:h øedit if s.ib.rcWwn CMIo .cøpqp~ "'pf~~ora~~nthatw.ÎI not"". non.......... of~. : J¥oy __ _ _. ...... _ indudònø local ;....._.... _ and __ ...... '" .._ utilÕly _goo and .............. - · OJ..... .t,". ....... ~ and -... to'" .....f ....,........... day 01 'ompIorion _ to be _.....m.".eI hi e_. ....., r......... in 011 ....... ""..... _....... ..--.... 1M"" !oJ cIoine or ~.f _ ....., ......... /0, ...... moy "" -- ......._..wriIiog...... by _.......,......... _ '-"-",.,..........., ""_.r,...... __ in.... -"- . Mt _ of....· ._'" .. ...... ......... ..., be ...... _ SoIIor .. ...,... '" _ ........ __ .. .... .. ... - ............ Mono, ""................. _.. "-,,,_lira o......d -. T"~' _of 00I0ria s...;ng.~ c..cIII u.;",...e.-._ :w: u. act, SoIIor ___..... ......... ..- ;, _ -... ... ,__... .......... .......... ...... FamIr law Ad, '.:>0. 1 990 ........ ..... .......tMCCIIIMntIl.... ~. , _ .....__ and ___ .. ..,..... ....... ... _ 10lio< __ "'..-. _Iloo ... _ any -. ...... -'" .... with ~on ~:' 11 urea'... 1d I.,.. ond thai fa 1M ... of s..hñ ItncNdeclge no .,....... on 1he ~ contrøi.. or hat. .. c;ontained · ..... çontaiIw ~""4I~ Idl~". TbiI wor...... ,holt tufYÎve and "ell "'*IJ8 0,. the compI.IIOft of tht. tranJadiOtl. GItd if the buUing it porl of a ~ ..._.....~ ooaIwto"'" pjot of... buôIcIing whkh".............. of ohio ..._. ___... ..,.. Ai......, ........... r- ..... _ till'" .......,.,.......... ". . ".1\"" 1M ~ to .. ........,. & .... ......... I. JØ'ICIftheinbrt iftvol...d~ "kaneaction ........th.pol1....... out ìn the ConlnMtion of R.........1Ghn b*w. '" _1I04Il.. If..... ...... .. ......_~ _ any ......... ...... 10 ... ............. I......... ony SdJecIuIo .-had ........ end .ny i. tho.......... ";d~.¡;:;""n .........lMaddooI..-..... ___............,.¡........ pnwiIian 10.... _ of _ _i<t ........_.q. Th10 inducIioa any -... "- ..... -....... -. N:::"'" "- ..... .... s.ø.. T"-" no --.... -"""'1'. .......... 01 condIíon. ........ ..... ... ''y_u... .... than ell ."....d . . For the pwpoHI of.... '-"_,-",. Seller m.ana .... and au,. .,...,. . lNo...._._. ................... "'"'-of...........__...tho_. .. UI'.'.: Tho...... _ .....¡.....~.. _ and ouiom 01 tho ......ignod........... .............hoJeOn. ... ~ "-" .?/l'7J.",'--:;~':¡-':' · ,. ~t . ~ .~,~ I DATLLJJI~· ~'~......." ...,~..?:'.~... ...:(J<-::~..... DATL../y!IIIf?¿ Sol.... _ 10.... ...... 0iIw. I....... ~._ Ll..... "'I' 10...-: 10 III( ......, 10 .. 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