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BY-LAW NO. 2005 - 121
WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as ame ded (the "Act")
provides that a municipality may incur a debt for municipal purpo es, whether by
borrowing money or in any other way, and may issue debentures and prescribed
financial instruments and enter prescribed financial agreements or or in relation
to the debt;
AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipali of Kincardine
(the "Municipality") has passed the by-laws enumerated in column (1) of
Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law uthorizing the
projects described in column (2) of Schedule "A" (individua Iy a "Project",
collectively, the "Projects"), and authorizing the entering into f a Financing
Agreement for the provision of temporary borrowing from OSIFA i respect of the
Projects (the "Financing Agreemenr) and desires to issue deb ntures for the
Projects in the respective amounts specified in column (5) of Sch ule "A";
AND WHEREAS before authorizing each Project the Muni ipality had its
Treasurer update its most recent annual debt and financial bligation limit
received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in a rdance with
the applicable regulation and, prior to authorizing each Project the Treasurer
determined that the estimated annual amount payable in respe of the Project
would not cause the Municipality to exceed the updated limi and that the
approval of the Project by the Ontario Municipal Board was not re uired;
. AND WHEREAS the Municipality has submitted an application to the Ontario
Strategic Infrastructure Financing Authority ("OSIFA") for long- rm borrowing
through the issue of debentures to OSIFA in respect of th Projects (the
"Application") and the Application has been approved;
AND WHEREAS to provide long-term financing for the Proje and to repay
certain temporary advances in respect of the Projects made by IFA pursuant
to the Financing Agreement dated effective as of June 11, 2004 (the
"Advances"), it is now expedient to issue 2.35% amortizing de ntures in the
amount of $1,800,000.00 in lawful money of Canada, payable s mi-annually in
instalments of combined (blended) principal and interest n each year
commencing on February 15, 2006 and ending on August 15, 202 on the terms
hereinafter set forth;
AND WHEREAS on May 18, 2004 a regulation was filed whic changed the
name of the Ontario Municipal Economic Infrastructure Finan ing Authority
("OMEIFA") to the Ontario Strategic Infrastructure Financing Autho 'ty ("OSIFA").
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By-law No. 2005 - 121
OSIFA Water Pipeline Borrowing By-law
NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of th Municipality of
Kincardine ENACTS as follows:
For the Projects, the borrowing upon the credit of the unicipality of the
sum of $1,800,000.00 and the issue of debentures th refore upon the
credit of the Municipality to be repaid in semi-annu I instalments of
combined (blended) principal and interest as hereina er set forth, are
hereby authorized.
2. The Mayor and the Treasurer of the Municipality are he by authorized to
cause any number of debentures to be issued for such s ms of money as
may be required for the Projects in definitive forms, not xceeding in total
the said sum of $1,800,000.00 (the "Debentures"). The ebentures shall
bear the Municipality's municipal seal and the signatures f the Mayor and
the Treasurer of the Municipality, all in accordance with he provisions of
the Act. The municipal seal of the Municipality and the si natures referred
to in this section may be printed, lithographed, engra ed or otherwise
mechanically reproduced. The Debentures are sufficien Iy signed if they
bear the required signatures and each person signing ha the authority to
do so on the date he or she signs.
The Debentures shall be in fully registered form a one or more
certificates in the aggregate principal amount of $1,80 ,000.00, in the
name of OSIFA, substantially in the form attached as Sc edule "B" hereto
and forming part of this By-law with provision for paymen of principal and
interest (other than in respect of the final payment f principal and
outstanding interest on maturity upon presentation and s rrender) by pre-
authorized debit in respect of such principal and interes to the credit of
such registered holder on such terms as to which the r gistered holder
and the Municipality may agree.
In accordance with· the provisions of section 18 of the ntario Strategic
Infrastructure Financing Authority Act, 2002 as security fo the payment by
the Municipality of the indebtedness of the Municipality 0 OSIFA under
the Debentures (the "Obligations"), the Municipality is her y authorized to
agree in writing with OSIFA that the Minister of Finance is entitled, without
notice to the Municipality, to deduct from money appr priated by the
Legislative Assembly of Ontario for payment to the Mun ipality, or from
money appropriated by such Assembly for payment to th Municipality in
respect of such matters as may be specified, amounts n exceeding the
amounts that the Municipality fails to pay to OSIFA on account of the
Obligations and to pay such amounts to OSIFA.
The Debentures shall all be dated the 15th day of August, 2005 and shall
be issued within two years after the day on which this By law is enacted,
and as to both principal and interest shall be expressed a be payable in
lawful money of Canada. The Debentures shall bear intere t from the date
thereof at the rate of 2.35% per annum payable semi-ann ally in arrears,
as part of the semi-annual instalments described in thi section. The
Debentures shall be paid in full by August 15, 2020 a d semi-annual
instalments of combined (blended) principal and interest s all be payable
on February 15th and August 15th and commencing Feb ary 15, 2006 in
each of the years during the currency of the Debentures a set forth in the
amortization schedule set forth in Schedule "C" attach d hereto and
forming part of this By-law (the "Schedule "CO).
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By-law No. 2005 - 121
OSIFA Water Pipeline Borrowing By-law
Payments in respect of principal of and interest on the Debentures shall
be made only on a day on which banking institutions in Toronto, Ontario,
are not authorized or obligated by law or executive ord r to be closed (a
''Toronto Business Day") and if any date for payment is not a Toronto
Business Day, payment shall be made on the next ollowing Toronto
Business Day.
7. Interest shall be payable to the date of maturity of the D bentures and on
default shall be payable both before and after default an judgment. Any
amounts payable by the Municiþality as interest on ov rdue principal or
interest in respect of the Debentures shall be paid out 0 current revenue.
Whenever it is necessary to compute any amount of int st in respect of
the Debentures for a period of less than one full year other than with
respect to regular semi-annual interest payments, such interest shall be
calculated on the basis of the actual number of days in he period and a
year of 365 or 366 days as appropriate.
In each year in which a payment of an instalment of co bined (blended)
principal and interest becomes due, there shall be rais as part of the
general levy the amounts of principal and· interest payabl in each year as
set out in Schedule "C" to the extent that the amoun have not been
provided for by any other available source including othe taxes or fees or
charges imposed on persons or property by a by-law of a y municipality.
The Debentures may contain any provision for their re istration thereof
authorized by any statute relating to municipal debentu s in force at the
time of the issue thereof.
10. The Municipality shall maintain a registry in respect of th Debentures in
which shall be recorded the names and the addresses f the registered
holders and particulars of the Debentures held by them re pectively and in
which particulars of the cancellation, exchanges, s bstitutions and
transfers of Debentures, may be recorded and the Municipality is
authorized to use electronic, magnetic or other media ~ r records of or
related to the Debentures or for copies of them.
11. The Municipality shall not be bound to see to the execu ion of any trust
affecting the ownership of any Debenture or be affected y notice of any
equity that may be subsisting in respect thereof. The unicipality shall
deem and treat registered holders of Debentures as the bsolute owners
thereof for all purposes whatsoever notwithstanding an notice to the
contrary and all payments to or to the order of registered olders shall be
valid and effectual to discharge the liability of the Mu icipality on the
Debentures to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. Wh re a Debenture
is registered in more than one name, the principal of a d interest from
time to time payable on such Debenture shall be paid to 0 to the order of
all the joint registered holders thereof, failing written ins ructions to the
contrary from all such joint registered holders, andsuc payment shall
constitute a valid discharge to the Municipality. In the cas of the death of
one or more joint registered holders, despite the foregoi g provisions of
this section, the principal of and interest on any Debentu s registered in
their names may be paid to the survivor or survivors of s ch holders and
such payment shall constitute a valid discharge to the Mun ipality.
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By-law No. 2005 - 121
OSIFA Water Pipeline Borrowing By-law
12. The Debentures will be transferable or exchangeable a the office of the
Treasurer of the Municipality upon presentation ~ r such purpose
accompanied by an instrument of transfer or exchange i a form approved
by the Municipality and which form is in accordance ith the prevailing
Canadian transfer legislation and practices, executed y the registered
holder thereof or such holder's duly authorized attomey or legal personal
representative, whereupon and upon registration of uch transfer or
exchange and cancellation of the Debenture or Debentu s presented, the
Mayor and the Treasurer shall issue and deliver a n w Debenture or
Debentures of an equal aggregate principal amount i any authorized
denomination or denominations as directed by the trans ree, in the case
of a transfer or as directed by the registered holder i the case of an
13. The Mayor and the Treasurer shall issue and deliver n w Debentures in
exchange or substitution for Debentures outstanding on the registry with
the same maturity and of like form which have bec me lost, stolen,
mutilated, defaced or destroyed, provided that the applic nt therefore shall
have: (a) paid such costs as may have been incu d in connection
therewith; (b) (in the case ofa lost, stolen or dest yed Debenture)
fumished the Municipality with such evidence (including e idence as to the
certificate number of the Debenture in question) and ind mnity in respect
thereof satisfactory to the Municipality in its discretion; .an (c) surrendered
to the Municipality any mutilated or defaced Debentu s in respect of
which new Debentures are to be issued in substitution.
14. The Debentures issued upon any registration of transfer r exchange or in
substitution for any Debentures or part thereof shall ca all the rights to
interest if any, accrued and unpaid which were rried by such
Debentures or part thereof and shall be so dated and sh II bear the same
maturity date and, subject to the provisions of this By-law shall be subject
to the same terms and conditions as the Debentures in espect of which
the transfer, exchange or substitution is effected.
15. The cost of all transfers and exchanges, including the printing of
authorized denominations of the new Debentures, shall e bome by the
Municipality. When any of the Debentures are surrender for transfer or
exchange the Treasurer of the Municipality shall: (a) in the case of an
exchange, cancel and destroy the Debentures surrende d for exchange;
(b) in the case of an exchange, certify the cancellation a d destruction in
the registry; and (c) enter in the registry particulars of th new Debenture
or Debentures issued in exchange.
16. Reasonable fees for the substitution of a new De enture or new
Debentures for any of the Debentures that are lost, s len, mutilated,
defaced or destroyed and for the replacement of lost, olen, mutilated,
defaced or destroyed principal and interest cheques ma be imposed by
the Municipality. Where new Debentures are issued i substitution in
these circumstances the Municipality shall: (a) treat a cancelled and
destroyed the Debentures in respect of which new De entures will be
issued in substitution; (b) certify the deemed cancellation and destruction
in the registry; (c) enter in the registry particulars of the ew Debentures
issued in substitution; and (d) make a notation of ny indemnities
17. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, any notic required to be
given to a registered holder of one or more of the De entures will be
sufficiently given if a copy of such notice is mailed or oth rwise delivered
to the registered address of such registered holder.
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By-law No. 2005 - 121
OSIFA Water Pipeline Borrowing By-law
18. The Mayor and the Treasurer are hereby authoriz to cause the
Debentures to be issued, the Clerk and Treasurer are i dividually hereby
authorized to generally do all things and to execute al documents and
other papers in the name of the Municipality in order to rry out the issue
of the Debentures and the Treasurer is authoriz d to affix the
Municipality's municipal seal to any of such documents a d papers.
19. The proceeds realized in respect of the Debentures, afte providing for the
expenses related to their issue, if any, shall be apportion d and applied for
the Project and for no other purpose except as permitted by the Act.
20. Subject to the Municipality's investment policies and goal ,the applicable
legislation and the terms and conditions of the Debentu s, the
Municipality may, if not in default under the Debentures, t any time
purchase any of the Debentures in the open market or b tender or by
private contract at any price and on such terms and cond ions (including,
without limitation, the manner by which any tender offer ay be
communicated or accepted and the persons to whom it ay be
addressed) as the Municipality may in its discretion dete ine.
21. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon its Inal passage.
22. This By-law may be cited as the ·OSIFA Kincardine to In erhuron Water
Supply Borrowing By-law".
READ a FIRST and SECOND TIME this 3rd day of August 200 .
READ a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED this 3rd day of A gust 2005.
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By-law No. 2005 - 121
OSIFA Water Pipeline Borrowing By-law
Schedule "A" to By-law Number 2005-121
Amount to
be Financed
Through the
Issue of
of the
Kincardine to
Water Supply
Amount of
ount of
D bentures
to be Issued
$ ,800,000.
Term of
Years of.
"r -...ct
No. 2005-01
This is Schedule ,,~ " to By-taw
No.~""'-,LI p_e~"! rd day
tf..:~t u--~~. -.. ré-- . .
': . '''' . ., Province of Ontario
promises to pay to
or registered assigns, subject to the Conditions attached hereto which fo
Conditions), upon presentation and surrender of this debenture by the ma
August 15, 2020, the principal sum of
--- ($1,800,000.00) ------
part hereof (the
rity date of this debenture
by semi-annual installments of combined (blended) principal and interest i the manner and in the
amounts set forth in the attached Amortization Schedule (the Amortization Schedule) and subject to
late payment interest charges pursuant to the Conditions, in lawful money f Canada. Interest shall
be paid until the maturity date of this debenture in like money from the 15 day of August, 2005 or
from the last date on which interest has been paid on this debenture, whic ever is later at the rate of
2.35% per annum, in arrears, on the specified dates, as set forth in the A ortization Schedule (each,
a Payment Date) in the manner provided in the Conditions. Interest shall e paid on default at the
applicable rate set out in the Conditions both before and after default and udgment. The payments
of principal and interest and the principal balance outstanding in each yea are shown in the
Amortization Schedule.
The Municipality, pursuant to section 18 of the Ontario Strategic Infrastru ure Financing Authority
Act, 2002, (the OSIFA Act, 2002) hereby irrevocably agrees that the Minis er of Finance is entitled,
without notice to the Municipality, to deduct from money appropriated by e Legislative Assembly of
Ontario for payment to the Municipality, or from money appropriated by s ch Assembly for payment
to the Municipality in respect of such matters as may be specified, amoun not exceeding any
amounts that the Municipality fails to pay to OSIFA on account of the ind tedness evidenced by this
debenture, and to pay such amounts to OSIFA.
This debenture is subject to the Conditions.
DATED at the Municipality of Kincardine this 15th day of August 2005.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF and under the authority of By-law Number 2 05-121 of the Municipality
duly passed on the 3rd day of August, 2005 (the By-law), this debenture is sealed with the municipal
seal of the Municipality and signed by the Mayor and by the Treasurer th reof.
~~ --tÞ4--J....
Glenn R. Sutton, Mayor
Brenda Fre ch, Tre
-r,,-ü<A<.,.-< fI'
Date of Registration: 15th day of August, 2005
JV...t. Á
OSIF A hereby agrees that the Minister of Finance is entitled to exercise certain rights of
OSIF A Act, 2002 as described in tJús debenture.
·on pursuant to section 18 of the
Ontario Strategic Infi'astructure Financing uthority
Authorized Si . Officer
We have examined By-law Number 2005-121 (the By-law) of The Corpora ion of the
Municipality of Kincardine (the Municipality) authorizing the issue of d bentures in the
principal amount of $1,800,000.00 dated August 15, 2005 and maturi g on August 15,
2020 and payable in semi-annual instalments of combined (blended) rincipal and interest
on February 15th and August 15th in each year commencing on Febru ry 15, 2006 and
ending on August 15, 2020, both inclusive.
In our opinion, the By-law has been properly passed and is within the lega powers of the
Municipality. The debenture issued under the By-law in the within fo (the Debenture) is
the direct, unsecured and unsubordinated obligation of the Municipal' . The Debenture is
enforceable against the Municipality subject to the special jurisdiction and powers of the
Ontario Municipal Board over defaulting municipalities under the Mu 'cipal Affairs Act. This
opinion is subject to and incorporates all the assumptions, qualificatì ns and limitations set
out in our opinion letter.
August 15,2005
White, Duncan, Linton LLP
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Conditions the Debenture Page 1 of 4
Form, Denomination, and Ranking of the Debenture
1. The debentures issued pursuant to the By-law (collectively t e "Debentures" and
individually a "Debenture") are issuable as fully registered Debentures without
2. The Debentures are direct, unsecured and unsubordinate obligations of the
Municipality. The Debentures rank concurrently and e ally in respect of
payment of principal and interest with all other debenture of the Municipality
except for the availability of money in a sinking or retirement fund for a particular
issue of debentures.
3. This Debenture is one fully registered Debenture registe ed in the name of
OSIFA and held by OSIFA.
4. The Municipality shall maintain at its designated office a regi try in respect of the
Debentures in which shall be recorded the names and t e addresses of the
registered holders and particulars of the Debentures held y them respectively
and in which particulars of the cancellation, exchange , substitutions and
transfers of Debentures, may be recorded and the Municip lity is authorized to
use electronic, magnetic or other media for records 0 or related to the
Debentures or for copies of them.
5. The Municipality shall not be bound to see to the execution of any trust affecting
the ownership of any Debenture or be affected by notice 0 any equity that may
be subsisting in respect thereof. The Municipality shall dee and treat registered
holders of Debentures, including this Debenture, as the ab lute owners thereof
for all purposes whatsoever notwithstanding any notice to the contrary and all
payments to or to the order of registered holders shall be alid and effectual to
discharge the liability of the Municipality on the Debenture to the extent of the
sum or sums so paid. Where a Debenture is registered in ore than one name,
the principal of and interest from time to time payable on su h Debenture shall be
paid to or to the order of all the joint registered holders t ereof, failing written
instructions to the contrary from all such joint registere holders, and such
payment shall constitute a valid discharge to the Municipal' . In the case of the
death of one or more joint registered holders, despite the ~ regoing provisions of
this section, the principal of and interest on any Debentu s registered in their
names may be paid to the survivor or survivors of su h holders and such
payment shall constitute a valid discharge to the Municipali .
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Conditions the Debentnre Page % of 4
Payments of PrinciDal and Interest
6. The record date for purposes of payment of principal of nd interest on the
Debentures is as of 5:00 p.m. on the sixteenth calendar day preceding any
Payment Date including the maturity date. Principal of nd interest on the
Debentures are payable by the Municipality to the persons r isterad as holders
in the registry on the relevant record date. The Municipality hall not be required
to register any transfer, exchange or substitution of Debentu s during the period
from any record date to the corresponding Payment Date.
7. The Municipality shall make all payments in respect of se -annual instalments
of combined (blended) principal and interest on the D bentures on each
Payment Date commencing on February 15, 2006 (other t n in respect of the
final payment of principal and outstanding interest on maturi which shall be paid
upon presentation and surrender of this Debenture), by pr -authorized debit in
respect of such interest and principal to the credit of the gistereCI holder on
such terms as the Municipality and the registered holder ma agree.
8. The Municipality shall pay to the registered holder interest 0 any overdue
amount of principal or interest in respect of any Debenture, th before and after
default and judgment. at a rate per annum equal to Prime R e (as defined
below) plus 200 basis points, calculated on a daily basis fro the date such
amount becomes overdue for so long as such amount remai s overdue and the
Municipality shall pay to the registered holder any and all co ts incurred by the
registered holder as a result of the overdue payment.
9. Whenever it is necessary to compute any amount of inter st in respect of the
Debentures for a period of less than one full year, other han with respect to
regular semi-annual interest payments, such interest shall e calculated on the
basis of the actual number of days in the period and a yea of 365 days or 366
days as appropriate.
10. Payments in respect of principal of and interest on the Deb tures shall be made
only on a day on which banking institutions in Toron 0, Ontario, are not
authorized or obligated by law or executive order to closed (a "Toronto
Business Day"), and if any date for payment is not a T nto Business Day,
payment shall be made on the next following Toronto B siness Day and no
further interest shall be paid in respect of the delay in such ayment.
11. The Debentures are transferable or exchangeable at the 0 Ice of the Treasurer
of the Municipality upon presentation for such purpose accompanied by an
instrument of transfer or exchange in a form approved by the Municipality and
which form is in accordance with the prevailing Canadian t nsfer legislation and
practices, executed by the registered holder thereof 0 such holder's duly
authorized attorney or legal personal representative, ereupon and upon
registration of such transfer or exchange and cancellatio of the Debenture or
Debentures presented, a new Debenture or Debentures 0 an equal aggregate
'10." ..
Conditions f the Debenture Page 3 of 4
principal amount in any authorized denomination or de ominations will be
delivered as directed by the transferee, in the case of a tran er or as directed by
the registered holder in the case of an exchange.
12. The Municipality shall issue and deliver new Debentur s in exchange or
substitution for Debentures outstanding on the registry wit the same maturity
and of like form which have become lost, stolen, mutilated, d aced or destroyed,
provided that the applicant therefore shall have: (a) paid suc costs as may have
been incurred in connection therewith; (b) (in the case f a lost, stolen or
destroyed Debenture) fumished the Municipality with such evidence (including
evidence as to the certificate number of the Debentu in question) and
indemnity in respect thereof satisfactory to the Municipality n its discretion; and
(c) surrendered to the Municipality any mutilated or def ced Debentures in
respect of which new Debentures are to be issued in substitu ion.
13. The Debentures issued upon any registration of transfer or exchange or in
substitution for any Debentures or part thereof shall carry all the rights to interest
if any, accrued and unpaid which were carried by such Debentures or part
thereof and shall be so dated and shall bear the same matu 'ty date and, subject
to the provisions of the By-law, shall be subject to the same erms and conditions
as the Debentures in respect of which the transfer, excha ge or substitution is
14. The cost of all transfers and exchanges, including the p 'nting of authorized
denominations of the new Debentures, shall be bome by th Municipality. When
any of the Debentures are surrendered for transfer or excha ge the Treasurer of
the Municipality shall: (a) in the case of an exchange, ca cel and destroy the
Debentures surrendered for exchange; (b) in the case of an xchange, certify the
cancellation and destruction in the registry; and (c) e ter in the registry
particulars of the new Debenture or Debentures issued in ex hange.
15. Reasonable fees for the substitution of a new Debenture 0 new Debentures for
any of the Debentures that are lost, stolen, mutilated, defa d or destroyed and
for the replacement of lost, stolen, mutilated, defaced or de troyed principal and
interest cheques may be imposed by the Municipality. W re new Debentures
are issued in substitution in these circumstances the Muni ipality shall: (a) treat
as cancelled and destroyed the Debentures in respect of w ich new Debentures
will be issued in substitution; (b) certify the deemed cancell tion and destruction
in the registry; (c) enter in the registry particulars of the ne Debentures issued
in substitution; and (d) make a notation of any indemnities p vided.
16. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, any notice r quired to be given to
a registered holder of one or more of the Debentures will b sufficiently given if a
copy of such notice is mailed or otherwise delivered to the egistered address of
........ .:.
Conditions tbe Debenlnre Page 4 of 4
such registered holder. If the Municipality or any registered
give any notice in connection with the Debentures on or be~
day is not a Toronto Business Day (as defined in section 10
then such notice may be given on the next following Toronto
older is required to
any day and that
these Conditions)
usiness Day.
17. Unless otherwise expressly provided herein, any reference h rein to a time shall
be considered to be a reference to Toronto time.
Governina Law
18. The Debentures are govemed by and shall be construed in ccordance with the
laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of C nada applicable in
·Prime Rate" means, on any day, the annual rate of interest hich is the
arithmetic mean of the prime rates announced from time to ti e by the five major
Canadian Schedule I banks, as of the issue date of this De nture, Royal Bank
of Canada, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, The Ban of Nova Scotia,
Bank of Montreal and The Toronto-Dominion Bank (the "R rence Banks") as
their reference rates in effect on such day for Canadian dolla commercial loans
made in Canada. If fewer than five of the Reference Banks q ote a prime rate on
such days, the ·Prime Rate" shall be the arithmetic mean of t e rates quoted by
the remaining Reference Banks.
ThIs Is ~. ~ wfoBy-Law
No. JooS".Il.' r--ddlø~day
Municipality Namo:
Pttnctpal Amount ($):
Ann.ollntoroat Rate (%):
Loan Tonn (Y....):
~tu.. Date (mIdIyyyy):
Maturity Date (mIdIyyyy):
Payment Frequency:
Loan Typo:
AmortIzIng Debenture Schedule
Tho Municipality of Klncardino
211512006 $71.543.21 $50.393.21 .00 $1.749.606.79
811512006 $71.543.21 $50,985.33 .88 $1.698.621.46
211512007 $71,543.21 $51,5&1.41 $19.9 .80 $1.647.037,05
811512007 $71,543.21 $52,190.52 $19.35 .69 $1.594.846.53
211512008 $71.543.21 $52,803.76 $16.73 .45 $1.5012.042.77
811512006 $71,543.21 $53.424.21 $18.11 .00 $1.488.618.56
211612009 $71.543.21 $54.051.94 $17.49 .27 $1.434,566.62
8111/2009 $71.543.21 $54.687.05 $16. .16 $1.379,679.57
211512010 $71.543.21 $55.329.63 $16.21.58 $1,324,549.94
811612010 $71.543.21 $55,979.75 $15 .46 $1,268.570.19
211512011 $71,543.21 $56.637.51 $14. .70 $1,211.932.68
811512011 $71.543.21 $57.303.00 $14,2 .21 $1.1501,629.68
211512012 $71,543.21 $57.976.31 $13. .90 $1.096.653.37
811512012 $71,5013.21 558.657.53 $12. .68 $1.037.995.84
211512013 $71.543.21 559.346.76 $12.1 .45 $978.849.08
811512013 $71.5013.21 $ $11.4 .13 $918,605.00
211712014 $71.543.21 $60.749.60 $10.7 .61 $857,855.40
811512014 $71,543.21 $61.463.41 $10.0 .80 $796.391.99
211612015 $71,543.21 $62.185.60 $9.3 .61 $734.206.39
8117/2015 $71.543.21 $62,916.28 $8,6 .93 $671.290.11
211512016 $71.5013.21 $63,655.55 $7. .66 $607.634.56
811512016 $71,5013.21 $84.403.50 $7,1 .71 $5013.231.06
211512017 $71.5013.21 $65,180.25 $6, .96 $478,070.81
811512017 $71.5013.21 $65.925.88 $5.6 7.33 $412.144.93
211512018 $71.5013.21 $66,700.51 $4. .70 $345,444.42
811512018 $71,543.21 $67,484.24 $4,0 8.97 $277,960.18
211512019 $71,543.21 $68,277.18 $3, .03 $209.683.00
AcUveReports Evaluation. Copyright 2002-2004 (c) Oeta Dynamica, Ltd. AU Rights Reserved.
This is SMMu1e .. .£.. II to.By-Law
No.;t..,.-,.., passed 1be ....,( day
Mayor Clerk.
Ac:tivøReporte Evaluation. CopyIight 2002-2004 (e) Da Dynamics. Ltd. All Riglrt1i ROS8!V8d.
TO: White, Duncan, Linton LLP
IN THE MATTER OF an issue of 2.35% amortiz g
debenture of the Corporation of The Municipality of
Kincardine (the "Municipality") in the aggregate princi al
amount of $1,800,000.00 authorized by Debenture By-l w
Number 2005-121 (the "Debenture By-law")
I, Rosaline Graham, Clerk of the Municipality, refer to my D aration in respect of
the above-referenced matter declared on 5th day of August, 2005. I hereby c ify that all
statements contained in such declaration are true and COlTect as at the date her of.
DATED at the Municipality of Kincardine as at the 15th day of ugust, 2005.
:!. ..,.,.
TO: White, Duncan, Linton LLP
IN THE MATTER OF an issue of 2.35% amortiz' g
debenture of the Corporation of The Municipality of
Kincardine (the "Municipality") in the aggreg te
principal amount of $1,800,000.00, authorized y
Debenture By-law Number 2005-121 (the "Deben
I, Rosaline Graham, of the Municipality of Kincardine, in
do solemnly declare that:
1. I am the Clerk of the Municipality and as such have a perso knowledge of the
matters herein declared to.
2. The Debenture By-law was finally passed and enacted by th Council of the
Municipality on the 3rd day of August, 2005 in full compliance with the nicipal Act, 2001, as
amended (the "Act'') at a duly called meeting at which a quorum was prese t. Forthwith after
the passage of the Debenture By-law, the same was signed by the Mayor d the Clerk and
sealed with the municipal seal of the Municipality.
eferred to in
Council of the
was present.
by the Mayor and
3. All of the authorizing by-laws (the "Authorizing By-laws")
Schedule "A" to the Debenture By-law have been enacted and passed by
Municipality in full compliance with the Act at meetings at which a quo
Forthwith after the passage of the Authorizing By-laws the same were sign
by the Clerk and sealed with the municipal seal of the Municipality.
4. For the project described in the Debenture By-law (the "Pro ect''), before the
Council of the Municipality exercised any of its powers in respect of the ~ect, the Council
caused its Treasurer to calculate an updated annual debt and financial obli tion limit. Before
the Council of the Municipality approved the Project, the Treasurer detenn ed that the estimated
annual amount payable in respect of the Project would not cause the Muni 'pality to reach or
exceed its updated limit, with the result that the Council of the Municipali authorized the
Project without the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board.
5. No application has been made or action brought to quash, s t aside or declare
invalid the Debenture By-law or the Authorizing By-laws nor have the s e been in any way
repealed, altered or amended except insofar as some of the Authorizing By laws may have been
amended by any of the Authorizing By-laws set forth in Schedule "A" and he Debenture By-law
and the Authorizing By-laws are now in full force and effect.
6. All of the recitals contained in the Debenture By-law and th Authorizing By-
laws are true in substance and fact.
7. To the extent that the public notice provisions of the Act ar
Authorizing By-laws have been enacted and passed by the Council of the
compliance with the applicable public notice provisions of the Act.
8. None of the debentures authorized to be issued by the Auth rizing By-laws have
been issued except for the debentures in the amount of$I,800,OOO.OO whi are now being
issued to the Ontario Strategic Infrastructure Financing Authority pursuant to the Debenture By-
law (the "OSIFA Debentures").
y-law (the
of the Municipality.
e By-law and in
ng powers.
9. The amount now being debentured in respect of the Project oes not exceed the
net cost of the Project to the Municipality.
10. The debenture certificate issued pursuant to the Debenture
"Debenture Certificate'') has been signed by the Mayor and by the Treas
The Debenture Certificate is in all respects in accordance with the Deben
issuing the OSIF A Debentures, the Municipality is not exceeding its borro
· ..
11. The Municipality is not subject to any restructuring order, th the result that no
approval of the Authorizing By-laws and of the Debenture By-law and/or 0 the issue of the
OSIF A Debentures is required by any transition board or commission appo ted in respect of the
restructuring of the municipality.
12. I certifY that no litigation or proceedings of any nature are n w pending or
threatened, attacking or in any way attempting to restrain or enjoin the issu and delivery of the
OSIFA Debenture authorized under the Debenture By-law, or in any mann r questioning the
proceedings and authority under which the same is issued, or the capacity f the said Mayor or of
the said Treasurer of the Municipality, and no authority or proceedings for e issuance of the
OSIF A Debenture or any part of it have been repealed, revoked or rescind in whole or in part.
13. I further certifY that the Authorizing By-laws and the Deb By-law and the
transactions contemplated thereby do not conflict with, or result in a breac or violation of any
statutory provisions which apply to the Municipality or any agreement to hich the Municipality
is a party or under which the Municipality or any of its property is or may e bound, or, to the
best of my knowledge, violate any order, award, judgment, determination, 't, injunction or
decree applicable to the Municipality of any regulatory, administrative or er government or
public body or authority, arbitrator or court.
AND I MAKE this solemn declaration conscientiously beli ving it to be true and
knowing that it is of the same force and effect as ifmade under oath and b virtue of the Canada
Evidence Act.
at the Municipality of Kincardine, in )
the Province of Ontario, )
this 5th day of August, 2005
KATHRYN JEAN FREIMANIS, a Corrmlss/oner efc..
County of Bruce, for Mahood & ~ .
Barristers and Solicitors. '
Expires April 16. 2007.
TO: White, Duncan, Linton LLP
IN TIlE MATTER OF an issue of 2.35% amortiz g
debenture of the Corporation of The Municipality of
Kincardine (the "Municipality") in the aggre te
principal amount of $1,800,000.00, authorized by
Debenture By-law Number 2005-121 (the "Deben
1, Brenda French, Treasurer of the Municipality, do hereby certify that on rbefore August 15,
2005, I as Treasurer, signed the fully registered amortizing debenture num ered 2005-01 in the
amount of$I,8oo,000.00 dated August 15, 2005, registered in the name 0 The Ontario Strategic
Infrastructure Financing Authority and authorized by the Debenture By-la (the "OSIF A
I further certify that on or before August 15, 2005, the OSIF Debenture was signed
by Glenn R. Sutton, Mayor of the Municipality at the date of the executio and issue of the
OSIFA Debenture, that the OSIFA Debenture was sealed with the seal of e Municipality, and
that the OSIF A Debenture is in all respects in accordance with the Deben e By-law.
I further certify that the said Glenn R. Sutton is the duly elect Mayor of the
Municipality and that I am the duly appointed Treasurer of the Municipal ty and that we were
severally authorized under the Debenture By-law to execute the OSIF A ebenture in the manner
aforesaid and that the OSIF A Debenture is entitled to full faith and cred ceo
I further certify that no litigation or proceedings of any natur are now pending or
threatened, attacking or in any way attempting to restrain or enjoin the i ue and delivery of the
OSIF A Debenture or in any manner questioning the proceedings and the uthority under which
the same is issued, or affecting the validity thereof, or contesting the tit! or official capacity of
the said Mayor or myself as Treasurer of the Municipality, and no autho "ty or proceedings for
the issuance of the OSIF A Debenture or any part of it has been repealed, revoked or rescinded in
whole or in part.
DATED at the Municipality of Kincardine as at the 15th day f August, 2005.
Brenda French
I, Rosaline Graham, Clerk of The Corporation of the Muni 'pality of Kincardine do
hereby certify that the signature of Brenda French, the Treasurer ofTh Corporation of the
Municipality of Kincardine described above, is trI1~and.genuine.-__
Rosaline Graham
To: White, Duncan, Linton LLP
IN THE MATTER OF an issue of2.35% debenture of
Corporation of The Municipality of Kincardine (
"Municipality'') in the aggregate principal amount f
$1,800,000.00, authorized by Debenture By-law Num er
2005-121 (the "Debenture By-law'')
I, Brenda French, Treasurer of the Municipality, DO HEREBY C TIFY THAT:
1. The Municipality has received ftom the Ministry of Municipal Aft1. and Housing its
annual debt and financial obligation limit for the year 2003 (the "2 03 Limit)!.
2. With respect to the undertaking described in the Debenture By-law (the "Project"), before
the Council of the Municipality authorized the project, described' Schedule "A" to the
Debenture By-law (the "Project''), the Treasurer updated the 2003 imitl in accordance
with Ontario Regulation 403/02 (the "Regulation") and determin that the estimated
annual amount payable in respect of the Project, would not cause e Municipality to
reach or to exceed its updated limit as at the date of the Council's roval of the Project,
and the Treasurer determined that the approval of the Ontario M 'cipal Board under the
Ontario Municipal Board Act was not required.
3. As at the date hereof the Municipality has not reached or exceed its updated 2005
4. In updating the 2003 Limit! , the estimated annual amount payabl described in Section
4(2) of the Regulation was detennined based on current interest r tes and amortization
periods which do not, in any case, exceed the lifetime of any of purposes of the
Municipality described in such section, all in accordance with the recommendations of
the Public Sector Accounting Board.
5. The term within which the debentures to be issued for the Munic' ality in respect of the
Project pursuant to the Debenture By-law are made payable does ot exceed the lifetime
of the Project.
6. The amount now being debentured in respect of the Project does ot exceed the net cost
of the Project to the Municipality.
DATED at the Municipality of Kincardine as at the 15th day of August, 005.
1 Limit used when authorizing the Project
2 Most recent limit received from MMAH