HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 78 001 Appt Enforcement / , / 1..--'" ~ THE CORRORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF ~ #1~ ,1 BY-LAW NUMBER 78-1 IVERTON A By-law to appoint a By-law Enfor ement Officer for the Corporation of the illage of Tiverton. WHEREAS the Council .ay appoint a By-law Enfo who shall have the authority of a Constable w the enforcement of the By-laws of the Municip to Section 68 of the Police Act, and Section the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, and the Counci expedient so to do; cement Officer th respect to lity pursuant 52, s.s. 63 of deems it THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of t e Village of Tiverton enacts as follows: 1. That Michael O'Hagan be, and is here y appointed By-law Enforcement Officer for the C rporation of the Village of Tiverton. 2. That the said Michael O'Hagan shall old office during the pleasure and subject to t e By-laws pf the Council and shall with respect t the Corporation of the Village of Tiverton and the e forcement of its by-laws, exercise all the author"ty, powers and rights and shall perform all the dut es and obligations which by statute or by-laws are, or ay be conferred or imposed upon the By-law ~nforceme t Officer. 3. That the salary of the said Michael 'Hagan as By-law Enforcement Officer of the Co poration of the Village of Tiverton shall be payment in full for all services required of him and all fees or emoluments of any kind accruing to him by virtu of an Act, Statute or By-law shall be paid to t Corporation of the Village of Tiverton and be cre ited to the General Funds of the šaid Village. 4. The said Michael O'Hagan shall receiv as remuneration for performing the duties of said off"ce, such salary as ~ay be fixed by County Council fro time to time. Passed in open council this 24th day of Janua , 1978. cfA . Reeve ~ Clerk ---":'~:"":"'~""::"""" - ," ...--.........,. ¥ --... ,..:\:";:'~...---..:~,,,,-.I/ .... _ '-' _'" "" .... Or -,"- ..'-' .. _ .__ ~ \;0" __...'" '......... ' :...~~- '\:' :. ':::. ~~~ ;~ 3 ~~,~ ,,::;;;:;". - ..-''- ...-...... '. -"/."- - ...:: '. .-.;:.. ~. . ..../ .-.,'" .~.. ....~- >..~':;.:.'.~-';:.~~> . I .. . >;a~~ ' ..~ I ~ ¡ j !i AGREEMENT made this 12th day of December, 197 BET WEE N: COUNTY OF BRUCE THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF TH (hereinafter d "the County") -and- THE-MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS OF . THE VILLAGE OF MILD~1AY , THE VILLAGE OF TEESWATER, THE VILLAGE OF PAISLEY, THE VILLAGE OF TARA, THE VILLAGE OF RIPLEY, THE VILLAGE OF TIVERTON, THE TOWNSHIP OF ARRAN II II I I' II II I I (hereinafter cal ed "the Municipali ti s" ¡ WHEREAS by By-Law No. :1.4-0 ( , the unty has agreed to appoint a By-Law Enforcement Officer at a fi ed remuneration for a one-year period; &~D WHEREAS the Municipalities hay expressed a desire to use the County By-Law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of enforceing their own By-Laws; AND WHEREAS the County has agreed 0 allow the ,Municipalities to use its By-Law Enforcement Officer on a cost- sharing basis; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) paid by the Municipalities to the County (the covenah t~ receipt of which is hereby acknowledged) and the mutual contained herein, the Parties hereto agree a follows: 1. The County agrees to employ a By-L Enforcement Officer for a period of one year, commencing January 1, 1978, to December 31, 1978. 2. The County agrees to allow the Mun'cipalities the right to'use the County By-Law Enforcement fficer for the purpose of enforceing their own By-Laws. ~. ~ê County ar,d the Municípali ties agree to share the cost of the said By-Law Enforcement Officer as follows: " .. II II Ii 11 I I I _J ;j . n ,¡ -2- (a) It is agreed that the cost bei shared is the total cost of employing the By-Law Enforcemen Officer, including, salary, mileage and fringe benefits; (b) Thirty percent of the cost of By-Law Enforcement Officer will (c) sèventy percent of the cost of By-Law Enforcement Officer will be paid by ploying the County; the Municipalities; (i) Each municipality which is a party to this agreement shall be responsible to pay 10 percent of the cost; (d) The Municipalities also agree pay to the Coun ty an amount equal to 10 percent of the total v lue of the amount of the expense incurred by the By-Law Enfo·rce ent Officer; (i) This amount is to be compe ation to the County for administering this employing the By-Law Enforceme t Officer; (ii) This administration fee s all be shared equally by the participating M icipalities which at the present time will mean ach participating Municipality which is a party 0 this agreement will be responsible for 1/7 of the total administration cost. 4. It is agreed that all charges and ees as outlined in Paragraph 3 of this agreement will be inv iced by the County· to the Municipalities at the end of every th ee month period during the currency of this agreement and ea participating Municipality shall be responsible to pay its share to the County within 30 days of the receipt of the invoice. 5. Each participating Municipality sh 11 have the right to inspect all books and records maintained y the County with respect to the financial employment of the B -Law Enforcement Officer. 6. This agreement shall be in force a the Parties hereto from January 1, 1978, to . bind all 31, 1978. I II · -3- 7. Each participating t1unicipali ty fur er agrees to pass a valid By-Law pursuant to Section 68 of The olice Act, R.S.O. 1970, C. 351, appointing the County By-Law En orcement Officer for the specific Municipality involved. 8. It is agreed by all Parties to this agreement that the .''''- County shall not be responsible for any damag s which may result from the enforcement of any By-Laws for any 0 the participating Municipalities and the participating Municipa ities agree to indemnify the County if the County is called n to pay any such damages. 9. It is agreed that any other Municip lity within the County of Bruce shall be able to apply for in lusion in this agreement, and acceptance shall be at the opt on of the County, with cost-sharing to be reduced proportionate y. 10. Notwithstanding any other financial agreements herein- before mentioned, each Party to this agreemen shall be responsible for the direct expenses incurred 'n enforceing their own By-Laws. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing statement, such expenses shall be the cost of purchasing tickets and other forms necessary to commence the judicial process, all costs of prosecuting By-Laws in ourt, including necéssary legal advice and the fees of the J tice of the Peace 11. It is agreed that any fines impose for the breach of who swears the information. a By-Law shall be the property of the Munici lity prosecuting the offence, and it shall be responsible for the necessary action and costs to collect such fines. 12. Notwithstanding anything else 13. Each participating Municipality efore mentioned '" in this agreement, the County shall not ponsible to employ a By-Law Enforcement Officer for the the existing person in this position r is dismissed by the County before the termination of this to pass a By-Law authorizing the signing of and a certified II I , !1 ~ . , . . .. ~ , n . -4- copy of such By-Law shall be filed with the C erk of the County forthwith. WITNESS the seals of the Parties he eto as attested by their proper officers on their behalf. ., - -"" ~.....- "-'J,/ . 'J -"'" ...........' .:;" :~. ~~... ::..- X .~~/'-:. ~.~ : :.- ....~. ..,'. - . - J ~ ....., .. ;- ....~.. '<---~..~: - . . .'''~ .~.'-. '.", w·· ""'-= . v '.~.~_ ww· "'0:'.. .~._~. ......:::... J/.. _ ,\:..- ">J":,,;'\\.;' 1\ .. THE MUNICIPAL CO ORATION OF THE COUNTY OF BRUCE Per; THE MUNICIPAL CO ORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF MILDMA Per: Reeve Clerk THE MUNICIPAL CO ORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF TEESW R Per: Reeve Clerk THE MUNICIPAL CO ORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PAISL Per: Reeve Clerk THE MUNICIPAL CO ORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF TARA Per: Reeve Clerk I II II , t -5- THE MUNICIPAL CO ORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF RIPLEY Per: Reeve Clerk / .. ~..-..........,- ~-' ----~----. ~~ --....."", ....... /f~~··,~·_'~-~/~~~ '. :: ~ .: -.' ~. : :.: :. :::;:= =;.- --" - - - "':;,-..::.. ~-....--- -:'~/-., -' -.. 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