HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIV 78 007 Appt Enforcement THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF TIV RTON BY-LAW NUMBER 78-7 A By-law to appoint a By-law Enforcem Officer for the Corporation of the Vi of Tiverton. WHEREAS the Council may appoint a By-law Enforc who shall have the authority of a Constable wit the enforcement of the By-laws of the Municipal to Section 68 of the POlice, and Section 352, s Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, and the Council deem so to do; nt lage ment Officer respect to ty pursuant s. 63 of the it expedient THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Tiverton enacts as follows: 1. That Leo Murray be, and is hereby app inted By-law Enforcement Officer for the Corporati n of the Village of Tiverton. 2. That the said Leo Murray shall hold 0 the pleasure and subject to the By-la Council and shall with respect to the of the Village of Tiverton and the en its by-laws, exercise all the authori rights and shall perform all the duti which by statute or by-laws are, or m or imposed upon the By-law Enforcemen fice during s of the Corporation orcement of y, powers and s and obligations y be conferred Officer. as· By-law of the n full for all or emoluments of an Act, Corporation ited to the uneration ce, such salary time to time. Passed in open council this 23rd day of May, 19 8. 3. That the salary of the said Leo Murra Enforcement Officer of the Corporatio Village of Tiverton shall be payment services required of him and all fees of any kind accruing to him by virtue statute or By-law shall be paid to th of the Village of Tiverton and be cr General Funds of the said Village. 4. The said Leo Murray shall receive as r for performing the duties of said off as may be fixed by County Council fro 5. By-law Number 78-1 is hereuy repealed. Reeve -- ~~~'-[-;~>~>" --~ - '--:^'..'l-~ A~ ~- :,,1; \. . ~ ".t,.-;. ,- ; f .----~~ '-- ~ :.7'T... . ~ --.J _:- :_,. '" -"- - ¥.:::.: Clerk -;.. _-'- c:--:.- :~. "'~~~:.,~ '_. -.-' ........~~:.v_...,: 1:/,/.:...... "::.-"'.- .,- /' :.':: ::...~-_. ,....~..._---- _""·é~'- ~