HomeMy WebLinkAboutKIN 52 1546 Transient traders P'Z. COBPOBØION 0:1 '!'.Em ~1IN. OF KIN INK Br';r.ø 110. 15,+6 1Iw;Ba.S 1 t 1& prortl.e' _ ne JIUn1c1pal ¿ñ ...,.1..4 8ta\l1t.. o-r OIl.tu1o. U5t. "ct1011. .u,. 8Q.b leri10.' I' anI. 14 .. _.Iai. that 'the CoUJ1c11s o-r O1ID8!IV paSB bT-J..... -ror Uøe..1Dg. reguJ.aUng and ove'X"hg tranB1e11.t tralera. .~ 'fR2RøoRl ØACI'ß]) ani 11. 1. harebr ctea. bT ~. JDuûo1:pa1 CouoUo-r ne OorporaUolI. 01" the 'loa 01' nnOUd1ll.. a. toll...: (1) Aa7 tranaie.t baler or other perllCn not; ute"" .. n.. .......a\: BoU 01" tile , 01" na~ eari.1ae .1' 18 _terei. on1't tor the t1rst t in respect of 1!U1C1II18 .1' DaB1a..a a....aent 1"01' the 'th ourren1; 78&l". and Whttbtter. ¡o.U. .:re. or IJI8rëandise l' r .aJ.e 1IT auet1oa. _abn." b;r h,iJa.e.lt .1' b1 a Uoen e4. auct10ll.eer or othefti.. or .u otter, thea 1"01' sal. 1a 8.Dy other 111."'''.1'. llhall. baton I rei. Da81ne.. ob~in a ieen... troll the Cle.:tì: '1'~.t the Corpor&Uo. to permi him or he:r to ca:r17 OR aeta hua1...a ul. 'the Cluk 'ina 01" the said Co:rpora'1" 18 ho:re1ÞT authoria.1. to 18a. oh licen.e on :pàylllel'l't 'bT nab. '\rana1en1; traier or other :p raon 01" 'the BUll ot '!Wo ImDRII!1I HT.T..&DS. (I) 'I:t'IU1a1eat bai.e:r ahalJ. iao1uiLe aDT pe bua1M.. .ho ha. not rea1ile4 continuous~ tor at J....t are.IIOJttha _at pre0e4iDg ""'....riJIc nlk R,iae.. 'Ü1ere. (J) thiB bJ"-la. ùaJ.l not apply to 01' .took 01" a baDlaal't .1' 1nIlO1...ell.\:. .i th1D. the ......,,"£ aJIT ·R....1noup1lCi1 or In801......, AO't 111. -ro:r.. ilL bUrl0. nor to e aal. 01" a'IJ.7 .t08: "'.....1... 'by or b:r :na..n 01" 1"ire. 'lfhi iø being ao14 01' 41.,0.... o-r .1 thia :the JÐm1 c1palU:r ia .hi the bu.1II.... .... be1Dg eaniea. on at the 'time 01" 'the 'Ra1'l"""u to.r. Iaøl...enc:r or 1"1" 110 10»& all DO leo"'. ware. or_:rohan .. tU'e adilea. w ... .to.. (4) ~. b:r-1a1f p,,11 no" ap:p17 1;0 '\be --,., I;i.DC the )(Un1oipal1tT tille o-r his . ot a 'bua1ne," .. a ~ /< f - 2 .. bona :t14e pvebaøe:r Who "''\1II.ue. 'tho .... (5) be IItIa pall. :tor III 11OGe. .u.J.l De ored teil. to '\he person pay1ag 11; on &CCOUII.:t of tax.. ;paya.ble :reBpeO\ 01" the bueine.. ad to '\\he :real V 'l¡us8 on prope 01fJltI4 aJt.à. 0011111'181 b:r BUell. tran.ien'\ '\rail...r 1JL4I01DMcrU bUB111..... (6) :&T&z:y- transient 1;rader who oarrie. on bu inesa w1thout a l1oen.. lIhall 1M guilV at an otten.. and 1'811.81t::r equal to '\he l1een.. :tee 1I111ob. he sb.o ani. 1:11 aW't1OJt \'berew tha S1UIl ot not 1eaa and no't 80ft \baa ftO 1ItI1IDBD DOLURS. (1) bez:y-tranaiu;t 1;raie:r Pall _u_ hill 1 "eJ>" to '* 1'roaineJI.n:r ea" pe"..,..,.n:r Uapl~eil.1n hie laGe o-r buaill.8aa du:r1ng the hll tea 1JI. 'llhiü :u i. oar.r.r1De busine.a .8 a . "ran.ient trde:r .... iJ1 4etauU \he:reot 8hal 1naar a ~"''''JV '11m DOT.T.&'R§ ot no' 1... '\baa .. :DOrwA.R DOl' sore ~ (8) ]iyu;r Q»l1....t -r.r III tran.'" traie:r' Ueena. sbA'J.:l, a. a pañ ot hi. a~pl1oe:t1.. fer .. l1cenae . III atat.ent in 1fri '\iIIg OOJtb"."... III tall deøoription 01" good.. 1fare. or m.erchanU.. 1fhio1i b pnpo... to 1"01' aale uader moil 11...... (,) .. 'b;r-11ll1f or b7"¡aw. of the Corporation 01' tbe Qaunv at ~i1'IC ,\ran81_t 'rai.era Bra..flas.... UJt4Qo authorlt;r 01" tãe Kw11c1p hereafter }IU.... 1Ihal1 1QP17 to or 1M in -ror of KiIl.carl.1JLe whUe the proTt.ion. 01' thie -law rema1ll. in ao' or 01" uq aO't ia ~. Mid 'f01fD 1"or... (IO) _-la1f naaber 1065 o-r the Oorporatlon 0 the 'Iown 01" nnC!l.l'ð.1ne 1. he:reb:r ~ale". iCe? /z.;;u.~ _DB -.:? i:~~'4Zf <..J#f/trvI.'. __ Y/{J"..:" tv 4/;"'/(/::',7'-) -# L~ l cJ-i:: r-/9Jl.2Jl4. nad1JlC . , _ ,9' r....3rd. rea.UDg Ii! ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ~ PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO July 8th. 1952 Mr. R. Lautenslager, Clerk, Town of Kincardine, Kincardine, Ontario Dear Sir: Receipt ill acknowledged of your et:.ter of July 5th, toget:.her with two copies of your By-law No 1546. 'l'he By-law in its present form a pears to be quite in order, with the exception of section 9. 'l'here 18 DOthing definitely 1ßIOng with section 9 but I would int out that there 18 DO authority for a county to license t ansient trail\ers and, therefore, DO cOllnty by-law in this re pect could take precedence over the town by-law. . '!'he fees set:. out ere within the ts set:. out in '!'he Kunicipal Act and I feel that the by-law s in order for third reading. I am unable to endorse the appro al of the Department on the By-law as there is DO authority au horizing such action by this Department. Both copies of your by-law are r turned. . herewith. Yours v W. H. I'aJmer, Supervisor WHP/cs Attach. 1