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NO. 2004 - 02
(Plan 4, Park Pt Lot 15, Sutton Street)
WHEREAS Section 268 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c 25, as amended,
provides for procedures for the sale of lands declared surplus by mun cipalities;
AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Kincardine has declared as surpl s to its needs
those lands described as Plan 4, Park pt Lot 15, Sutton EIS, FF, Mun cipality of
Kincardine (former Town of Kincardine) in the County of Bruce and h ving a frontage of
66 feet on the east side of Sutton Street;
AND WHEREAS Douglas B. Smith wishes to purchase from e Municipality of
Kincardine those lands described as Plan 4, Park Lot 15, Sutton E/S, FF, Municipality of
Kincardine, (former Town of Kincardine) in the County of Bruce bei g more particularty
described on the Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached to this y-Iaw as Schedule
NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Munici ality of Kincardine
ENACTS as follows:
1. That the Mayor and CAO. be authorized to execute such d uments, on behalf
of The Corporation of the Municipality of Kincardine, as they ay deem advisable
to convey the lands described on Schedule "A" attached he eto, to Douglas B.
The sale price for the said lands shall be twenty-five tho sand two hundred
dollars ($25,200.00).
This transaction is subject to the conditions outlined in the Agreement of
Purchase and Sale attached to this By-law as Schedule "A" and, that fifty per
cent (50%) of the net proceeds from this sale be credited to the Kincardine
Economic Development Fund; and fifty per cent (50%) of the net proceeds from
this sale be credited to the Municipality of Kincardine Capital eserve Fund.
4. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon its final p ssage.
5. This By-law may be cited as the "Plan 4, Park pt Lot 15, S tton Street (Smith)
Land Sale By-law".
of January, 2004.
~¡'(- k
Mayor ".
BuYER, .......mnnnnn.nmm.....h............mºQ,gIª§.~,.ªmj!h...h.h........................mn..hn.....n.h.n.m.... ,ag'." to pu<ch"", "om
.,nmu__. (Full IegoIlIOmes of 011 8uyers
SELLER, m .....m....n.....n......hnnm....hn~.I,I.lJj!;~Ji!Y..Q!..I<;I.lJ51!!!1:!!(\~......hmnn...h__mnnh......................n.m......... ' the following
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.a:~ .~E=:..... ......n........ª.I!!!ºI1.ª!~~Lmn...h.m.n......mmn."onfing on th.m..m);.a§L.......~d. oI........n.....:;ì!-!!tQn§tr¡¡¡¡\................
in th...... n....n.........hnnm.........mmm............~W)j!;i.P.~Jj1yo.f.1<;i.l151!!æin.e.,nçº!-!I1.ty.ºf.I3.f1J.~........nn....mnn..............n........
and havi a frontage of........______.ªª.f.~~t_m_..h_____.more or less by a depth O(___m__J~~.f.~tn~~____ more or less and legally described as
. ......... ....................~I.~.n.4'-P.ª*P..\·.I,.º!J~,.:;ì!-!!!!m.~!?,J:f,.,~)'!!1!Ç,IPª!ity.ºf.l<jl1!;!1fç!i.l1~~.ºf.ß.r)'!!;I!..............;~... ~
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as l..... .1,J1:Jº!1.ªÇ9!!l:JkI!19.e.......1.... ........mm...h.ºt-!.I;.'!J!ºl,J.ª"t-!-º... .m.................. 00110.. (CONS......... .1ßÇ!Ç!.00........
(HEofflwithlUpon ocxeptance)
I. cheque payabl. to............Rg.Yª!.k~e!!9.~.[;1\9.~ª119¡¡.ß.~!!ï.çº,.........h..to b. held in trust without int.,.st p.nding completion 0'
notion of this Agreement and to be credited toward the Purchase Price on completion. Buyer agrees to pay the bolance os follows: _
er agrees to pay the balance of the purchase price, subject to adjustments, by bank draft or certified cheque, to the
on closing.
It is un erstood and agreed between the buyer and seller that all the necessary permits are available upon application by
the bu r, at his sole expense, to construct a single family dwelling on the said lands.
er Is conditional upon the approval of the terms hereof by the town council representing the Municipality of
ne. Unless the Seller gives notice in writing delivered to the Buyer within 30 days after acceptance of this Offer that
ltion Is fulfilled, this Offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be retumed to the Buyer In full without
. This condition Is Included for the benefit of the Seller and may be waived at the Seller's sole option by notice In
the Buyer within the time period staled herein.
ULE(s)..m......m..t-!.QI1~m.m...h.h..._ched h_o lann(sl part 01 this Ag,eem.nt.
1. INCLUDED'.....nnmm......m.......................h..m...............NQn.e......................h...................m...m.................
ITEMS: The following equipment is rented and not included in the Purchase Price. Th. Buyer agrees to assume the rental conlrod(s), if assumable:
2. lIS EXCWDED:...h...mm.......hmm.....................m........mm..II!ºI1~.mm......m....h..............................h.....................
n_ _ _ _ ""'''''''''hn_ _ _ u_n_n_..... _ _ _ n_ _~ _.. .....~n_n._....UU__n...nhnnn_.......h_ _ _ _......~ _ _ _ _. u _... .u. n_ ......hhu'n_ .un.hn........ _ _ _ n_....h _ _ _ n.. ......
j..... ·~jüTY;;.¡;i~öii:.;·;h·~il¡,;;;~bï~ï;.::::::~i!;::::::::~~i.·.·.·.~~ºº·...·.·.·~:~:~~·;.;~:::?2.~.~.::::;¡(;;:~::::::i)~m~r::::::::::::?ºº~:::::
offer . time, if not accepted, this Offer shall be null ønd void and the deposit shaU be returned to the Buyer in full without interest. jyear
ON DATE: This Agreem.nt sholl b. completed" beby no Iotet-thon 6,00 p.m,onhth.."..2Q~Pa~.,Tdoy ~......m.....f.~I?f1J.!I!y...h.........' ...2QQ4.... .
Up lelion, vacant possession of the property sha given to the Buyer unless of erwlse prov. ~ Tor in mlS Agreemeot. (year}
6. II: I Seller h~ appoints the listing Broker as Agent for the pl,lrp0s8 of giving and receiving notices pursuant to this Agreement. Only If the Co-operatlng
resents the Interests of.... Surer In this fralllClClloll,. the Buyer hereby appoints the Co.operating Broker as Agent for tl1e purpose of giving and
9 notices pursuant to this Agreement. Any notice relating hereto or provided for herein shall be in writing. This offer, any counter offer, notice of occeptance thereof,
or a notice shan be deemed given and received, when hand ClelWered to the address for service provided in the Acknowledgement below, or where a facsimile number
is p . herein, when transmitted eledronically to that facsimile number.
FAX N ......_________...UhhUuu...h_nu_n....h.JFordelivery of noIices roSeller} FAX No. ____h._._....hn__....___.....______..h_n....h.n... (For delivery offlotices to BII)Ittf'
ØST: thistransodion is subjec;tto Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T.), then such tax shaU b~..hm....hmc.JM~~~!~ ..............._...the Purchase Price.
nsaction is not sub;ec:t to G.S.T., Seller agrees to certify on or before closing, Ihat the transaction is nol subject fa G.S.~,
: Buyer sholl be allowed unlil6:oo p.m. on thO.mm~!!L"h'doy oI..........h.....ht=~~fIJª!Y..........h......h' ...?QQ4..., (Requisition Dot.) 10
the tille to the property at his own øpense and unfll the earUer of: Ii) thirty days from the later of fhe Requisition Dote or the dale on Which the conditions in this
f are fulfilled or otherwise waived or; (iij five dayø prior to ~pleOOn, to!<JliW hif!1self th,ot there are no outstanding work orden or deficiency notices affecting
='p~~i~rb:id~~ us~~-.;.lñsiiiécTågä)ñiïñiliöfffre:~~~~æ:~ñii~~~ñ?~n~~pãriiÿ-õr·õiliërgÕVëiñmëñfålmuJ ci:~e:in~~~d~~iïs~
0110 nding work orders a'Jk:ding the p~, and SeJI.. agrees to eJCeCUIe and deliver such further authorizations in this regac:r: Buyer may reasonably require.
PUTU USE: Seller and B~r ~ree that there IS no ...........I...ljoo orwarronly of any kind that the future intended use of the proper1y by Buyer is or will be lawful except
as m be~ifically p~ for in fhis~menf. " ,. , , ,
10. 1m.! rovicled that the litle to the properly JS good and free from all registered reslridlons, charges, liens, and encumbrances except 0$ otherwise specifically provided in
thi, menland ~ and except for (aJ ,any ~stered reshictiot:'~.or <N."!O~ that run with the land p~idi~g thot such,are complied with; (b) any registered municipal
agree ,nls and !89Islered agreements With publidy reg~ utilities provichn~ ~uch have b~n comphed With, or security has been. ~~ 10 ensure compliance and
compl ,as. evidenced by ~ Ieller from lhe relevant mUnlapofdy or regulated uli1iIY.¡ (cJ any mmor e?se'!1~nt~ for the supply ~ domestic utility !,~lel~phone se......ices to. the
pro or adacent properties; and (d) any øosements for drainage, storm or sanitary sewers, pubhc utility hnes, telephonelln8$, cable television hnes or other servIces
which nol materially affect fhe present use of fhe property. If within the specified times referred to irl paragraph 8 any valid objection 10 fitle or to any outstanding work
order deficiency notice, or 10 the fact the said present use may nollawfully be continued, or that the prinåpol building may not be insured against risk of fire is mode in
writing Seller and which Seller is unabl. or unwilling fa remove, remedy or satisfy or obtain insurance save and except against risk of fire in favour of the Buyer and any
mortg ee, (with 011 related costs at the expense of the SeUer), and whid1 Buyer will not waive, this Agreement notwithstondi"jl any intermediate ads or negotiations in
respect sum ob¡ec:tions, shall be of an end and 011 montes paid shall be returned without interest or deduction and Seller, Usling Broker and Co.operating Broker shall
not b. for any costs or damages. Serve os to any valid objection $0 made by such doy and except for any objection going to the rool of the title Buyer sholl be
condu Iy deemed to have ac:œpIed SeU.... titl. to th....--. '
11. C OSI ARRANGEMENTSs Where each af the Seller and Buyer retain a lawyer to complete the Agreemenf of Purchase and Sale of the property, and where the
will be compJeted by eJedronic registration pursuontto Part III of the land Registration Reform Ad, R.5.0. 1990, Chapter L4, and the Electronic Registration Ad,
1, Chapter 44, and any amendmenfs thereto, the Seller ond Buyer acknowledge and agree that the exchange of dosIng funds, non-registrable documents and
s the "Requisite Deliveries-) and the release thereof 10 the SeIfer and Buyw will (~ not occur at the same time as the registration of the transfer/deed (and any
menfs intended to be registered in connedion with the completion of this fransodion) and (b) be subject to conditions wherebyfhe Iowyer(s) receiving any of the
Deliveries will be required to hold some in trust and nol release sam. eKœpf in aa:ordonce with the terms of a document reqisfralion agreement between the
, the form of which is as recommended from lime to lime by the law SoåeIy of Upper Canada. Unless otherwise ag.-d to by th.lawyers, such exchange of
'site Deliveries win occur in the applicable land TdIes Office or such ~ble to both lawyers.
rd F_, Do not alter whon printing or repracluclng the ndanl pre-set portlan. Fonn No. 100 01/2003 Pago 1 012
I 'J. DOCUME~TS AND DISCHARGE: Bt/yor ~hull nol (.edl fOl 1118 prodUc:.Iion of any tille deed, ubslracl, sUlvey 01 other evidence of ¡ille 10 the property elCcept such as Ole in
II If,) pOSSOSSIOII or ~~>I1ltol of Soller: II reqvesled by Buyef, Seller will deliver ony skelch ?f survay of the propet1y within Sellt,! 's '0,,1101 to Buyer as soon os possible ond prior
Grlor to the RequIsition Dole. Ir a dIscharge of ony Charge/Mortgage held by a corporation incorporoted pursuant to the Trust and loon ComponiesAd ¡Conada) Chartered
ank¡ Trust ,Company, Credil Union, Caisse Popl,llaire or Insurance Company and which is not to be assumed by Buyer on completion, is not ovailob e in registrable form
on completion, Buyer, agrees to ~ccep~ S~l"r's lawyer's pers,?nol u~rtakin910 abta.in, out o~ the closing funds a discharg~ in registrable form and to register same or
couse same to be registered, on tdle within a reasonable penod of time ahr completion, provtded that on or belore completion Seller shall provide to Buyer a mortgage
statement prepared by the mortgagee setting out the balance required to obtain the discharge, and, where 0 real.time electronic cleared funds transfer system is not tieing
used, a direction executed by Seller direding pay-ment to the mortQaAee of the amount required to obtain the discharge out of the balance due on completion,
13. INSPECTION: Buyer acknowledges having hail the opporlunity fo ìnsped the properly and understands that upon acceptance of this Offer there shall be a binding
agreement of purchase and sale between Buyer and Seller.
14. INSURANCE: All buildings on the P"?P.erly and 011 other things beit::ItJ purchased shall be and remain until completion at the risk of Seller. Pending completion Seller sholl
hold .011 ¡nsu.rance policies, if any, and the proce~ds thereof i'.1 trust ,for the parlies as, their interests moy appear and in ,the event of substantial damage, Buyer'may either
terminate IhlsAgreement and hove all monteS pend returned without rnterestordedudlon or elselakelhe proceeds ofany Insurance and complete the Rurchase. No insur.
shall be transferred on completion. If Seller IS taking bock a Charge/Mortgage, or Buyer is assuming 0 Charge/Mortgage, Buyer shall supply Seller with reason :
evidence of adequate insurance to proted Seller's or other mortgagee's interest on completion.
15. PLANNING ACT: This Agreement Shall be effedive to cnate an interest in the property only if Seller complies with the subdivision control provisions of the Planning Ad
by compJetion and Seller covenants to proceed diligently at his expense to obtain any necessary consent by completion,
16. DOCUMENT PREPARATION:· The Transfer/Deed shall, save fOr the Land Transfer Tax Affidavit, be prepared in registrable form at the expense of Seller, and any
Charge/Mortgage to be given back by the Buyer to Seller of the expense of the Buyer. If requested by Buyer, Seller covenants that the Transfer/Deed to be delivered on
completion sliølf contain the statements contem~ by Section 50(22} of the Planning Act. R.S.O, 1990.
1 7. ,RESIDENCY: Buyer sholl be credited towordsth"e Purchase Price with the amount, if any, necessary for Buyer to PIJ}' to the Minister of National Revenue to satisfy Buyer's
liability in respect of tax pc!yable by Seller untler the non·residen'}' provisions of the I....come Tox Ad by reason of this sale, Buyer shall not claim such credit if Seller delivers
on completion the presai&ed certificate or a statutory dedaration that Seller is nol then a non·residenl of Canada.
18. ADJUSTMENTS: Any rents, morl~ge interest, realtY faxe$ indueling.local im~ment rates and unmetered public or private ulilitycharges and unmetered cost of fuel,
os app'licoble, shall be a~portionèd and allowed to the cloy. of completion, the dqy of completion itseff to be ~rtioned to Buyer,
19. TIME UMITS: Time shall in all respeds be of the essenC$! hereof provided thot tl1e lime fór doing or completIng of any matter provided for herein may be extended or
abridged by an agreement in wriling signed by Seller and B~r or by their respective lawyers wlio may be speCifically authorized in that reøard.
20, TENDER: AnytenCfer of documents or money hereunder may!:ie made upon Seller or Byyer or their re~ I~rs on the day set for completIon. Money may be tendered
by bank draft or cheque certified by a Chartered Bonk, Trust Company, Province of Ontario Savings Office, Credtt Union or Caisse Populaire.
21. FAMILY LAW ACT: Seller warrants that spousal consent is nat necessary to this transodion under the provisions of the Family law Ad, ItS.O. 1990 unless Seller's spouse
has executed the consent hereinafter provided.
22, UF'I: Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that during the time Seller has owned the property, Seller hos nol caused any building on the property to be insulated with
insulation containing uMormaldehyde, and that to the best of Seiler's knowledge no building on the property contains or has ever contained insulation that contains
ureaformaldehyde. This warranty shall survive and not me~ on the completion of this transadion, and if Ihe bußding is part of a multiple unit building, this warranfy shall
onlr a~pJr to that porl of the buílding whid1 is the =irR.~ this tronsodioo.
23. CONSUMER REPORTS. The B_ Is hereby that a consumor reporl contalnl", C1'ed1t and/or personal Information may be referred to
In connection with this tra_CIIon.
24. AGENCY: It is understood that the brokers involved in the transadion represent the parties as sel out in the Confirmation of Representation below.
25. AGREEMENT IN WRlnNG: If there is conflict between aoy' provision added to this Agreement (induding any Schedule attached hereto) and any provision
in the standard pre·s&t portion hereof, the added provision sholl supersede the standard pre·set prov:ision to the extent of socn conflict or discrepgncy. This Agreement
induding any Schedule attached hereto, sholl constitute the entire Agreement between ~ and Seller. There is no representation, warranty, cOllateral agreement or
condition, wf'Íich affects this Agreement otherthan os~ herein.1=orthe purposesofthis Agreement, Seller means vendor and Buyer means purchaser. This Agreement
shall be read with all changes of gender or number required by the context.
26. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: The heirs, executors, òdministralors, successors and assigns of the undersigned are bound by the terms herein,
~¿J~~o~tS'éAli¡)"[;·DÈliŸÉREl<i~9¡~ë~~~1?:~~·I:i.Q·IÑ'Wi'rNEšS;';¡'ë;e¿ë;eufo{.; . liäñd:J ;:-,;¡,...........P.e.Ç¡¡!'I1I>t:!L............. , ····ÆJEJ-·.
¡vi'';';;;iJ~''''hm''''''h' ¡B;.;.;.;¡n---...oMij..m--- Doug "ñimï ! OATE..'àÆ.<;'j¥-ð.3.~.
rwiiñessï·········· U ·Hh... n....h...... ......__._....h... ..... a;,,;;..~i..-..··..h n_....h.._...Uh.·_nU____·.h·_____..._hh_..... (Seal) __..·.h.. ........... Hh............
I, the Undersigned Seller, agree to the above Offer. I hereby imwocably inslrud my lawyer to pay directly to the Listi....g Broker the unpaid balance of the commission logether
with applicable Goods and Services Tax (and any other taxes as may hereafter be applicable), from the proceeds Of the sale prior to any paymenl fa the undersigned on
completion, os advised by the Listing Broker to my lawyer.
~¿J~~O~sÉÄLÉ··j..·····~VERE~j#ë~~~ñ1?:~I?J:Í.9·IÑ·WñNËŠS·whë;e~ïij,:ëhõ¿!¡;;'°rñý'Ii'--d::J :':äí:···········º-e.9ª!'I1!:1¡¡r.............., ....2i?E~·····
iW;i.;.;~;:7;1~··················)¡=~.·~·~·~g¡¥·K¡ncardine·t .:::.~.~.:_~.l~Cf.Iº=....
(W;~-- ..--.............. '.h__'__ "...uh_ ~._."'.h."""'" (šêãê;¡" ~.... ..~......,.,. ."-.... "h_"'.~.___'U'_·h__·_...."........ lSeol) ... U...h.. ............ h...........
SPOUSAL CONSENT: The Undersigned Spouse of the Seller hereby consents to Ihe disposition evidenced herein pursuant to the provisions of the Family Low Act,
R.S.O. 1990, and hereby agrees with the Buyer that he/she will execute all necessary or incidental documents to give full force and effect to the sale evidenced herein.
iWiiñ~;)h----.................h.-.--......--.................... .(~.';"_.""""""'h___'''..h_.''''hh_''U'_h__''h''_'''''' (Seal)
..... h.... u.........._...h........
CONFIRMATION OF IXEWnON: Nofwithstonding onythif'19 contained ~. confinn this Agreeme~~with all changes both typed and written was finally executed
by all partie. 0I.,.l:.11... o.m, e§ thi..h.lrJÆ..doy oIumtUl........mumuu.....' Æi!.~.3 .~'::::-:-.?-.~~~~uu....
(year) Sigl'lOhJre of Seller or Buyer)
I hereby adcnowledge onc:l confirm Ihe listing Broker represenls ,he interests of the hereby acknowlêdgtt and confirm the Co.opera'ir'lg Broker represents the intentsfs of lhe
......~~~n~~.£r....mu.m i,th;,t",n'adòon
Nom. of li"i,. .,...., ........ ~.Q)'~L~.ef.'¡;¡g.e..¡;.J:<.çh~l1g¡¡.Rª~!\Y.ÇQ..m.....
1 519 396-5522 1 519) 396-2337
in this traruaction
S¡gñãlUñi oTCO:ôpërätfñg 1IiõIC&iôr'õiiffiõiiZêëf~fátíý&--""" no ......... ...h. u.........
Name of Co-operoling BrokØf":
._.__..................................... ··.h. .........
( ) (
. t~.N~: n............ ..----.. .h___nh___... FAXN~""·. ..h...... ............ ..........
I acknowledge receipt of my signed copy of this accepted Agreement of Purchase and Sale
(SolI.., Municipality of Kincardine
Add...,s for Service ...... h....................._..._n......__...........................
Seller's Lawyer ....... n.............h................. ......_ ...............hh. .....__..
Tel. No. FAX No.
I acknowledge receipt of my signed COp)' of this accepted Agreement of Purchase and Sale
and I authorize the A{Jent 10 forward 0 copy 10 my lawyer.
(&Vèfi." ........... ....·....h..... h__..............
Address for SeMce:
Tel.No. (.hm..L....h............_....
Buyer's Lawyer ............. ....h___. ............... 'h__ uh.. .............................
I ) ( I
Tel.No. FAX No, ~~
To: Co-øperating Broker shown on tM foregoing Agreement of Purchase and Sate:
In consideration for the eo..Operaling Broker procl.ring the foregoing Agreement of Pwchase and Sole, I hereby dedøre that all rTM?MYS received or receivable by me in connecnon wiIh the Trgnsodion
os contemplated in the MLS Rules ond Regul~ of my HAd EsIote Board sholl be receivable and held in trust, This. agreement shoØ comIitute a Commission f rust Agreement as delined in the Ml.S RøIes
and snail be subjed to and gøvemed by the MlS Rules pertaining to Commission TrUll,
DATED CIS of the dale ond lime of the OCCflptClnce of the begoing Agr.smenl of Purchase and Sale. Acknowledged by:
s¡g;;áì~r6 ;;(li;~;;9 Î3;~;' 'õr á~há~î;;J ~~¡;";'¡~ñt;'¡i~~-""'-""'" .......... .·...h_
siSñGk.;ë-õfëõ:õ~iñ'i B;:~k~;:'¡;¡ ã;..;t.õ'îZëd ;,~ese~~······
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