HomeMy WebLinkAboutKIN 77 4055 Amend by-law # 2050 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF KINCARDINE BY-LAW NO. 4055 · A By-law to Amend By-law Number 2050 WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Kincardine deems it advisable to amend By-law No. 2050, as amended; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpqration of the Town of Kincardine ENACTS as follows: 1. That Schedule "C" to By-law No. 2050 is her~by amended by changing from Development "D" Zone to Gener~l Commercial "C2-4" Zone the lands so designated on Schequle "A", attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. 2. That Section 12 of By-law No. 2050 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following Subsection 12(~): "12(4) Within the C2-4 General Commercial ~one shown on Schedule "A", attached hereto, the following provisions shall apply in addition to any othen provisions which apply wi thin the "C2" General Commencial Zone: a) Notwithstanding the provisions o~ Sections 12(1)(a) and 12(1)(b), the following uses ¡only shall be permitted in the C2-4 Zone: · · A convenience store A dressmaking or tailor shop An eating establishment A hairdressing shop A laundromat A dry-cleaning shop A financial office or institutio~ A business or professional offic~ A bake shop Apartment units on the second flQor of a commercial building. b) Notwithstanding the provisions oft Section 12(2)(b) the following provisions shall a~ply within the C2-4 Zone: i i) Maximum commercial floor ar~a for any use - ~,500 sq. ft. ii) Minimum side yard depth - 42 ft. iii) Minimum landscaped open spaqe area - 20% c) The maximum number of commercial I establishments permitted within the C2-4 Zone sijall be four and the total commercial floor spacejwithin the C2-4 Zone shall not exceed 6,000 squa~e feet. . , J - 2 - · d) Pursuant to Section 35(a)4 of th~ Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, as amended, Counciliof the Corporation of the Town of Kincardine shall ~equire, as a con- dition of development, the enter~ng into of a development agreement between th~ owner of such lands described herein and the Cqrporation, prior to the issuance of building perm~ts. e) The Corporation shall require thqt such development agreement be registered against ~he lands to which it applies. The Corporation sha~l enforce the provisions of the development ag eement against the owner of said lands and, sub ect to the pro- visions of the Registry Act and ~and Titles Act, R.S.O. 1970, any and all subsequ~nt owners of said lands. . f) The risk and expenses of fulfill~ng the develop- ment agreement shall be borne inifull by the owner of the property." 3. This By-law shall come into force and take ~ffect upon being passed by Council, subject to the approval qf the Ontario Municipal Board. · READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS third DAY OF March , A.D. 1977. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS th~rd DAY OF March , A.D. 1977. Må~ ~(?~ ¿~~~.-/ · . - - - ~- -- '-' - ----..J > . . ~ '. \. -.¡þ , .... ~ BBI'ORBI P. K. BIWOU, u"-"'-r -and- K. CORBBTT, ,....~~ No objections as lrequirecl1 R 771023 Ontario Municipal Board III '1'BB IIA'J."1'BR 01' Section 35 of I 1he planninq Act (R.S.O. 1970,! c. 349), I i ! ì III '1'BB KA'l'TBR 01' an apPl1cati0j by 1he Corporation of the Town of Kincardine for approval of 1ta Jileatr1cted -Area By-law 405t I -and- ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Thursday, Kay, 1977 i t:l .e 12th day of I I i I to ......... ....... - -<1 i ! '1'BB BOUtÐ ORDBRS that By-law 4055 18 hereby approved. -- --~..._._- It. c. AIIDIUIWS SBCRB'lARY E TERED o. B. No ..8..?2::;?....... folio No.....'l.1........···....···· M Y 1 7 1977 I I ~ SecAU ,GNTAlUO Mu..ta....l lOAII. ì - i I I I -.., ~>T .".-.., ,,/~< '-"" ,t"""'- ~ Schedule nAil to Bylaw No. 4055 TOWN OF KINCAROINE . LCOLM DR. .~. . -,f· - ~ \ ~- .... .... :> .... ¡ .... 0 G: .... CI) R2 ~ z D i x RI a: CI) ..I C ~ ~ MACICENDRICI< DR. .' RUSSEL STREET '" ,: G: 0 to: CI) CR. a: 1&1 . 1&1 .... ~ .... :& 0 OS ..I (J f CI) . m"""· ìg:(,g~4~ FROM D TO C -4 CHANGE ZONE ,-. 200' o' 200' 600' 400' soo' . .' ¡.~ , >