HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout12 001 Confiirm proceedings of meetings held January 12, 201212 002 Amend Zoning part lot 16 concession 6 Ginette Kirkconnell, by-law12 003 Amend Zoning Lots 8, 9, and 10 Concession 2 Beverley Edward Shepherd, By-law12 004 Committee Appointment Amendment (Accessibility Advisory) January 2012, By-law12 005 Kincardine Women's Triathlon (2012) Road Closure By-law12 006 Lot 84, 85 and 86 Victoria W/S Plan Kincardine Deeming By-law12 007 Confirm proceedings of Council Meetings held January 18, 2012 and January 25, 201212 008 Lower Level Flooring in the Kincardine Community Medical Clinic Tender (Quanbury Contract Interiors)12 009 confirm proceedings of council meeting held february 1, 201212 010 Peer Review for Proposed Deep Geological Repository (Hardy Stevenson) By-law12 011 the family health team loan and lease agreements12 012 Highway 21 Visitor Information Centre (2012/13) Lease Agreement By-law12 013 Family Day (2012) Road Closure By-law12 014 Peter Shelton Lease Agreement (2012) By-law12 015 Thomson Lease Agreement By-law12 016 Amendment to By-law No. 2009-132 Poirier Incentive Agreement By-law12 017 Teeswater Concrete Limited (184 Main Street, Tiverton) Site Plan Agreement By-law12 018 Confirm Proceedings of meetings held February 8, 2012 and February 15, 201212 019 The Lighthouse Blues Festival (2012) Road Closure By-law12 020 2012 Current Operating Borrowing By-law12 021 2012 Interim Taxation By-law12 022 Committee Appointment Amendment Doors Open March 2012 By-law12 023 Poirier Loan Agreement By-law12 024 Confirm proceedings of meetings held march 7, 201212 025 Town of Saugeen Shores, Site Plan Control Agreement (Bruce Telecom) By-law12 026 Amend Zoning Kevin Bradley & Sharron Moores lot 20 concession 2 1863 sideroad 1012 027 Amend zoning by-law 2003-25 Andrew Robinson 848 bruce road 2312 028 Amend Zoning Gunne Weber & Mark and Heather Porter 4275 sideroad 1012 029 Amend Zoning 773472 Ontario Ltd. Tom Kerr Lot 4 n/s Elgin Market Square and Part Elgin Market12 030 APP#10/OPA#4 to the Municipality of Kincardine Official Plan By-law12 031 Calcium Chloridie 2012 (552976 Ontario Limited Holland Transport) Tender Acceptance By-law12 032 Granular A Maintenance Gravel (Donegan's Haulage (2010) Ltd.) 2012 Tender Acceptance By-law12 033 Winter Sand 2012 (Joe Kerr) Limited Tender Acceptance By-law12 034 Sidewalk Removal and Replacement (C&M Construction Kincardine Ltd.) 2012 Tender Acceptance12 035 Miscellaneous Asphalt Repairs (Lavis Contracting Co. Limited) 2012 Tender Acceptance12 036 Kincardine Cruise Nights (2012) Temporary Road Closure By-law12 037 Arran-Elderslie Recreation Access (2012) Agreement By-law12 038 Facilities Request for Proposal (NA Engineering) By-law12 039 Confirm proceedings of meetings held March 14, 2012 and March 21, 201212 040 Committee Appointment Amend BIA12 041 Confirm Proceedings for meetings held March 26, 2012, March 28, 2012 and April 4, 201212 042 APP#9/OPA#5 to the Municipality of Kincardine Official Plan By-law12 043 Amend to Zoning By-law 2003-25 update and housekeeping by-law12 044 Integrated Community Sustainability Plan By-law12 045 Budget and Taxation By-law12 046 Confirm proceedings of meetings held April 11, 2012 and April 18, 201212 047 Confirm proceedings of april 17, 2012, april 25, 2012 and May 2, 201212 048 amend zoning max daigle ltd. 731 princes street kincardine12 049 Amend Zoning 1582679 Ontario Inc. kelden developments part of lots a and b concession a12 050 site plan agreement with 1582679 ontario inc part of lots a,b and c concession a dale walden12 051 Amend Zoning R3 1582679 ontario inc kelden developments part lots a,b and c concession a12 052 Tiverton Agricultural Society Agreement (2012) By-law12 053 Tiverton Agricultural Society Gazebo and Gate Posts (2012) Agreement By-law12 054 2012 Kincardine Scottish Festival and Highland Games Road Closures By-law12 055 Committee Appointment Amendment (Kincardine Police Services Board), May 2012) By-law12 056 Paving (E.C. King Contracting Co. Limited) Tender Acceptance By-law12 057 2012 Street Reconstruction (Lavis Contracting Co. Limited) Tender Acceptance By-law12 058 Roxana Baumann as Treasurer Appointment By-law12 059 Gagan Sandhu as Director of Public Works Appointment By-law12 060 Con A PT Lot 67 & PT Road , Mun of Kin (Geographic Twsp of Kincardine) Extension Agreement12 061 Confirm proceedings of meetings held May 9, 2012 and May 16, 201212 062 Poirier Lease Agreement By-law12 063 "DEFEATED" Traffic and Parking Amendment (8) By-law12 064 Aeration Cell Biosolids Removal (Ontario Greenways Inc.) Tender Acceptance By-law12 065 Tandem Axle Plow/Sander Truck and Single Axle Plow/Sander Truck (Highway Sterling Western Sta12 066 Trail Licence Agreement (Ontario Peninsula Farms Ltd. c/o Walter Schmoranz) By-law12 067 Confirm proceedings of meetings held june 6, 201212 068 Amend Zoning lot 30 concession 11 township of bruce jeffrey and brenda horn12 069 1582679 Ontario Inc. (Lakefield Estates Part II) Subdivision Agreement 2012 By-law12 070 Tripartite Agreement Amendment (1) By-law12 071 Bruce Power L.P. Lease Agreement12 072 S.M.A.R.T. Corporation Amending Agreement (2) By-law12 073 Replacement Pumper Truck (Dependable Emergency Vehicles) Tender Acceptance By-law12 074 Local Authority Services Limited Agreement (2012) By-law12 075 Davidson Centre Track Resurfacing (Terratechnik Environmental Limited) Tender Accept By-law12 076 The New Seasons Agreement By-law12 077 The Quinn Plaza Limnited Agreement By-law12 078 Confirm proceedings of meetings held June 13, 2012 and June 20, 201212 079 the annual summer street market (2012) road closure by-law12 080 The Annual Monday Market on Queen Street (2012) Road Closure By-law12 081 Sign By-law Amendment (2) By-law12 082 Tiverton and District Sports Centre Arena Management Services Contract (2012) By-law (Ev'Rose Layne-Debbie Simmons)12 083 Sharon Niemeier as Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer By-law12 084 Committee Appointment Amendment Committee of Adjustment/Property Standards & Heritage Kincard12 085 Confirm proceedings of meetings held July 4, 201212 086 Retail Business Holidays (2012) By-law12 087 Amend Zoning 841 845 851 queen street lynn clayton & charlene randle clayton12 088 Amend Zoning william foster lot 25 conc 7 and part of lot 25 conc 8 township of bruce12 089 2012 budget and Taxation amendment (1) by-law12 090 Park Street Pedestrian Bridge (VanDriel Excavating Inc.) Tender Acceptance By-law12 091 Culvert Extensions at sideroad 15 & railing replacement at sideroad 10 ward 2 (VanDriel Exca)12 092 gathering of the bands temporary road closure (2012) by-alw12 093 Tiverton Fall Fair Parade (2012) Temporary Road Closure12 094 Mystic Cove Development Inc. (Mystic Cove II Subdivision Agreement 2012 By-law12 095 Confirm proceedings of meetings held on July 11, 2012 and August 1, 201212 096 Lambertus (2012) Encroachment Agreement (72 Victoria St.) By-law12 097 Lisa Scott Lease Agreement12 098 Davidson Centre Track Resurfacing Tender (Terratechnik Environmental Ltd)12 099 707 Queen Street Heritage Designation12 100 Bruce Telecom Policy Amendment (2012) By-law12 101 Professional Maintenance Services at former W.E. Thompson Public School Request for Proposals (Weilers)12 102 Confirm Proceedings of Council Meetings held August 8, 2012 and September 5, 201212 103 Amend Zoning lot 28 concession 5 stephen flynn12 104 Part Lot Control Exemption for Pts of Pl 151 (pts 1-1 pl 3R-8948 amend by-law12 105 Business Improvement Area Amendment (2012) By-law12 106 Airport Strategic Plan (Genivar) Request for Proposals Acceptance12 107 Traffic and Parking Amendment (8) By-law12 108 Sign By-law Amendment (3) By-law12 109 Auditors Appointment (BDO) Dunwoody LLP) By-law12 110 2012 Consolidated Rates & Fees Amendment (1) By-law12 111 Payment in Lieu of Parking (Max Diagle Ltd.) Agreement By-law12 112 Max Daigle Ltd. lot 14 e/s Princes Part of lot 14 w/s victoria site plan agreement12 113 Amend Zoning max daigle ltd Lot 14 e/s princes and part of lot 14 w/s victoria12 114 Confirm Proceedings of Meetings held September 12, 2012 and September 19, 201212 115 P.R.E.D.C. Agreement (2012) By-law12 116 Bruce Telecom Board Appointment (2012) By-law12 117 Kincardine Yacht Club Agreement Amendment (1) By-law12 118 2012 Budget and Taxation amendment (2) By-law12 119 Confirm the Proceedings of Meetings held October 3, 201212 120 Amend Zoning lots 6 and 7 PL 3M-183 Rosemarie Superville & 1537079 ontario limited12 121 Amend Zoning Lot 12 and Pt Lot 13 Concession 7 Flynn Farms (Clinton) Ltd.12 122 Part Lot Control Exemption By-law Lot 7 Pl 3M220 being parts 1-15 pl 3R939512 123 Gora Incentive & Lease Agreements By-law12 124 Gateway Signage Fabrication (Cox Signs) Tender Acceptance By-law12 125 Way-finding, Park ID and Information Kiosk Signage Fabrication (J&D Signs) Tender Acceptance By-law12 126 Thomas, Clayton, Veenman, Dunn Lots 1,2,42 and 43 Plan M-2 and Blocks C,D,E,F, Plan M-2 MOK Deeming By-law12 127 Amend Zoning Part of Block 52 Plan 3M-226 1582679 ontario inc c/o kelden developments12 128 1582679 Ontario Inc. (Block 52, Plan 3M-266) Site Plan Agreement By-law12 129 S.M.A.R.T. Corporation Amending Agreement (3) By-law12 130 Letter of Credit #5030 (Castle Bridge Development Inc.) By-law12 131 Confirm Proceedings of Council Meetings held October 10, 2012 and October 17, 201212 132 B.I.A. Hometown Christmas (2012) road closing By-law12 133 Cann 2012 Encroachment Agreement (6 Redmond Drive) By-law12 134 Paddy Walker Heritage Society Loan Forgiveness By-law12 135 Confirm Proceedings of Council Meetings held November 7, 2012 By-law12 136 Aberdeen Estates Ltd. (Block 52, Plan 3M-226) Site Plan Agreement By-law12 137 Castle Bridge Developments Inc. Lots 130 to 147 (inclusive), Registered Plan 3M-98 Municipality of Kincardine Deeming By-law12 138 County of Bruce Winter Maintenance Agreement By-law12 139 Bluewater Trailer Park Lease Agreement Amendment (Bill Clubb) By-law12 140 2013 Consolidated Rates and Fees By-law12 141 2012 Budget and Taxation Amendment (3) By-law12 142 Fire Marque Inc. (2012) By-law12 143 Confirm Proceedings of Meetings held November 14, 2012 and November 21, 201212 144 Municipal Airport Service Agreement 2013 (Evans Aviation) By-law12 145 Committee Appointment Amendment (Accessibility Advisory and Heritage Kincardine), December, 2012 By-law12 146 Confirm Proceedings of Meeting held December 5, 201212 147 Amend Zoning pt of park Lot A, townplot of port head 363 bruce road 23 - cohoon12 148 Amend Zoning part of lot G concession 4 3245 bruce road 20 - jackson aggregates inc.12 149 2013 Consolidated Rates & Fees Amendment (1) By-law12 150 Committee Appointment Amendment (BIA) December (2), 201212 151 Huron-Kinloss Water Agreement Amendment (2012) By-law12 152 2012 Budget and Taxation Amendment (4) By-law12 153 Removal and Replacement of Goderich Street Force Main and Water Main (Omega Contractor's Inc.) Tender Acceptance By-law12 154 Confirm proceedings from meeting held december 12, 2012