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2011 Rates and Fees consolidated version with amendments
11 001 February 2011 Tile Drain Loan Debenture By-law
11 002 WROTL sewer rate phase II by-law
11 003 2011 current operating borrowing by-law
11 004 2011 interim taxation by-law
11 005 strategic infusion inc. lease agreement by-law
11 006 Trail Licence Agreement (Burnside) By-law
11 007 procedure by-law amendment 2011 by-law
11 008 council appointment 2011 by-law
11 009 Confirm proceeds of january 12, 2011 council by-law
11 010 amend zoning by-law, don bird, lot 17 plan 372 inverhuron
11 011 amend zoning by-law, elam albrecht, concession 9
11 012 amend zoning by-law, pwu training inc, lot 15 plan 3M-113
11 013 tile drainage loan (2011) borrowing by-law
11 014 bruce power beach party road closure by-law
11 015 baker 2011 encroachment agreement (69 mcfarlan road) by-law
11 016 Paddy Walker Heritage Society Loan Amendment Agreement By-law
11 017 Denobriga incentive and lease agreements by-law
11 018 confirm proceedings of January 19, 2011 and January 26, 2011 council meetings
11 019 highway 21 visitor information centre 2011/12 lease agreement by-law
11 020 RCM 2011/14 lease agreement by-law
11 021 March 2011 Tile Drain Loan Debenture By-law
11 022 Current Operating Borrowing By-law
11 023 SMART Corporation Agreement By-law
11 024 replacement pumper truck dependble emergency vehicles request for proposal
11 025 2011 consolidated rates and fees amendment (1) by-law
11 026 consolidated citizen committee appointment 2011 by-law
11 027 confirmation of February 1, 2011 and February 16, 2011 council meetings
11 028 Bruce Telecom Policy Amendment By-law
11 029 Bluewater snowmobile club agreement
11 030 OSTAR Amendment Addendum By-law
11 031 Committee Appointment Amendment BIA March 2011 By-law
11 033 2047267 Ontario Inc. Site Plan Agreement By-law
11 034 Amend Zoning peter hallay Townplot of port head
11 035 APP#5/OPA#2 to the Municipality of Kincardine Official Plan By-law
11 036 Amend to Zoning Lorne Quon part of lots a & b w/s queen street kincardine
11 037 Amend Zoning Frank Zepf Part of Lots 41 to 43 Lake Range
11 038 Kincardine Women's Triathlon 2011 By-law
11 039 773472 Ontario Inc. Site Plan Agreement By-law
11 040 DHC Developing Inc. Site Plan Agreement Amendment (3) By-law
11 041 BCF-CC Intake 2 Amending Agreement Project ID#28079 By-law
11 042 COIP Funding Agreement By-law
11 043 MD # 13 Wrightson Branch B 2011 By-law
11 044 MAC Roof Replacement Tender Acceptance By-law
11 045 committee appointment amendment bia march 2011 by-law
11 046 confirm proceedings march 7, 9, 14 and 16, 2011 by-law
11 047 RinC Amending Agreement By-law
11 048 OSTAR Infrastrucuare Initiative Addendum Project # 6292 By-law
11 049 CTODS Lease Agreement By-law
11 050 procedure by-law amendment (2) by-law
11 051 gas tax funds allocation by-law
11 052 2009 Taxi Amendment By-law
11 053 Committee Appointment Amend BIA April 2011
11 054 Confirm Proceedings March 21,2011, March 28, 2011, April 5, 2011, April 6, 2011
11 055 2011 consolidated rates & fees amendment (2) by-law
11 056 Biesel Contracting Inc. (MackWade) Subdivision Agreement By-law
11 057 sidewalk removal and replacement (C&M Construction Kincardine Ltd.) 2011 Tender Acceptance
11 058 hot mix asphalt pavement repairs (county of bruce) by-law
11 059 miscelllaneous asphalt repairs (harold sutherland construction ltd.) 2011 tender acceptance by-law
11 060 winter sand 2011 (bannerman contracting ltd.) tender acceptance by-law
11 061 Granular A Maintenence Gravel (Joe Kerr Limited) 2011 Tender Accepance By-law
11 062 Encroachment Agreement (249 Harbour Street) By-law
11 063 Calcium Chloride 2011 (552976 Ontario Limited Holland Transport) Tender Acceptance
11 064 april 2011 tile drain loan debenture by-law
11 065 Kincardine cruise nights (2011) temporary road closure by-law
11 066 Gathering of the Bands temporary road closure by-law
11 067 sustainable community plan contract (lura consulting) by-law
11 068 Road Dedication (Upper Lorne Beach Road) By-law
11 069 Grass cutting tender acceptance 2011-2014 (Scenic Alterations Landscaping) By-law
11 070 Grass Cutting Tender Acceptance 2011-2014 (Creative Image Landscaping) By-law
11 071 Confirm proceedings of April 13, 2011 and April 20, 2011 meetings
11 072 Waste Management Material Recovery Centre (Harold Sutherland Construction Ltd.) Tender Acceptance
11 073 Confirm proceedings of meeting held May 4, 2011
11 074 2011 taxation by-law (budget by-law)
11 075 2011 Kincardine Scottish Festival and Highland Games Road Closure
11 076 Soft Drink Provider Agreement (Pepsi)
11 077 Bruce County R.F.C. Inc. Land Use Agreement
11 078 MD#9 - Anness Drain - Branches A&B 2011 By-law
11 079 Confirm Proceedings of Council held May 9, 2011, May 11, 2011 and May 18, 2011
11 080 Confirm proceedings of Council held June 1, 2011
11 081 Amend to Zoning Stuart and Nancy Alexander Lot 33 Concession 12
11 082 Phase II Kincardine Waste Management Centre Norm Brandon Limited Tender Acceptance
11 083 B.I.A. Street Market (2011) Road Closing By-law
11 084 Brucedale Community Centre Agreement by-law
11 085 amendment to kincardine centre for the arts 2007 - 2012 rental agreements by-law
11 086 Road Establishment (Huron Terrace Bridge) By-law
11 087 1582679 ontario inc. (lakefield estates part II) subdivision agreement by-law
11 088 confirm proceedings of the council meetings held June 8, 2011 and June 15, 2011
11 089 Committee Apppointment Amend Livestock Valuators
11 090 Scott Airport Lands (2012-2016) lease agreement by-law
11 091 Union Gas Limited Memorandum of Understanding
11 092 Confirm proceedings of meeting held on July 6, 2011
11 093 Municipality of Kincardine Development Charges 2011 By-law
11 094 SMART Corporation Amending Agreement
11 095 PREDC Agreement By-law
11 096 Procedure By-law Amendment (2011) (2) By-law
11 097 Amend Zoning 1154499 Ontario Inc Ferris Farms Concession 8
11 098 BIA Outdoor Street Market (August) Road Closing
11 099 Tiverton Fall Fair Parade (2011) Temporary Road Closure By-law
11 100 Transpportation Emergency Response Plan (TERP) Temporary Road Closure By-law
11 101 Construction of Municipal Drain No. 9 Tender Acceptance
11 102 Amend Zoning Stuart & Diane Cameron inverhuron By-law
11 103 Cameron (76 Richards Drive - Inverhuron) Site Plan Agreement By-law
11 104 Whittington Part Lot 30, Con A Demolition Agreement By-law
11 105 Committee Appointment Amendment (Heritage Kincardine) August 2011 By-law
11 106 confirm proceedings july 13, 2011 and august 3, 2011 by-law
11 107 Tiverton Agricultural Society Agreement By-law
11 108 August 2011 Tile Drain Loan Debenture By-law
11 109 2011 Consolidated Rates & Fees Amendment (3) By-law
11 110 Amendment to Lottery Licensing By-law No. 1999-27 By-law
11 111 Mount Forest AVenue Rate By-law
11 112 Taxation Amendment (BIA Taxes) By-law
11 113 Confirm proceedings of council held on august 10, 2011, august 26, 2011 and September 7, 2011
11 114 Amend Zoning Brock Elliott Lowery Lot 9 Concession 8 former township of kincardine
11 115 Amend Zoning allan and lorraine methven part of lot 23 w/s penetangore kincardine ontario
11 116 Inn at the Harbour (249, 252, 255 Harbour Street) Site Plan Agreement By-law
11 117 Merlin Simex Professional Services Lease Agreement By-law
11 118 Montgomery Ford Mercury Sales Limited (119 Sutton Street) Site Plant Agreement By-law
11 119 Tiverton and District Sports Centre Arena Management Services Contract (2011) By-law
11 120 Confirm proceedings of Council meetings held September 14, 2011 and September 21, 2011
11 121 BIA Hometown Christmas (2011) Road Closing By-law
11 122 2011 Consolidated Rates & Fees Amendment(4) By-law
11 123 Confirm proceedings of Council meeting held October 5, 2011
11 124 Site Plan Amend (lot 18, con 6, Bruce) land release by-law
11 125 Amend Zoning Dan Hunter S/S Stanley Tiverton
11 126 APP#6/OPA#3 to the municipality of kincardine official plan by-law
11 127 Amend Zoning mystic cove developments inc. part of lots 57 and 58 by-law
11 128 Committee Appoint Amend (Heritage Kincardine) By-law
11 129 Part Elgin Market Square Plan, Kincardine and Part 4 & 5 Property Sale By-law
11 130 12 & 14 Dawson Drive Deeming By-law
11 131 Waste Water Ultra Viiolet Disinfection Phase II (Marcrest Const. Ltd.) By-law
11 132 Confirm proceedings of meetings held October 12, 2011 and October 19, 2011
11 133 Airport Hangar Lease/Site Plan Agreement (Bruijns and Mimnagh) By-law
11 134 2011 Consolidated Rates & Fees Amendment (5) Davidson Centare By-law
11 135 Steve Soychak as Municipal Treasurer, Appointment By-law
11 136 Confirm the Proceedings of meetings held November 2, 2011
11 137 2011 Consolidated Rates & Fees Amendment (6) By-law
11 138 amend zoning john and gwenyth howard part of lot 2 plan 104 tiverton by-law
11 139 Amend zoning trudy and william adsett lot 16, plan 347
11 140 amend zoning tom owen and valerie cargo lot 31 plan 4 by-law
11 141 Amend Zoning Lots 5 & 6, W/S Huron Plan 4 town of Kincardine, By-law
11 142 Amend Zoning Jeff Scott Lots 2 & 3 Plan 4
11 143 municipality of kincardine sidewalk by-law
11 144 Traffic and Parking Amendment (7), By-law
11 145 Confirm Proceedings of meetings held November 9, 2011 and November 16, 2011
11 146 2012 Current Operating Borrowing By-law
11 147 January 2012 Tile Drain Loan Debenture By-law
11 148 Committee Appointment Amendment (Accessibility Advisory), December 2011) By-law
11 149 Council Appointment Amendment (1) (2011) By-law
11 150 Murray Clarke as Chief Administrative Officer Appointment By-law
11 151 Confirm the proceedings of meetings held November 30, 2011 and December 7, 2011
11 152 2012 consolidated rates and fees by-law
11 153 Lots 7-9 block c plan 104 Tiverton Deeming (Hunter) By-law
11 154 OSTAR Mandatory Engineering and Study of Existing Water System and Treatment Process Agreement By-law
11 155 Tripartite Agreement By-law 2011
11 156 Establish and regulate Municipality of Kincardine Fire Department Amendment (2011) By-law
11 157 Municipal Airport Service Agreement 2012 (Evans Aviation) By-law
11 158 Confirm Proceedings of meetings held December 14, 2011 and December 21, 2011 By-law