HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout Rates and Fees 2010 Consolidated Version with Amendments10 001 RInC/Ontario REC Contribution Agreement By-Law10 002 Confirm Proceedings of Council of Municipality of Kincardine By-Law10 003 Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 2003-25 By-Law10 004 Tripartite Agreement 2010 & 2011 By-Law10 005 Amendment to Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 2003-2510 006 Site Plan Amendment (Anderson) Land Release By-Law10 007 Traffic and Parking Amendment (3) By-Law10 008 2010 Consolidated Rates & Fees Amendment (1) By-Law10 009 Committee Appointments Amendment (Communities in Bloom Jan. 2010) By-Law10 010 Confirm Proceedings of Council of Municipality of Kincardine By-Law10 011 Confirm Proceedings of Council of Municipality of Kincardine10 012 Amend Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 2003-25 (Town of Kincardine Lot B Part Alleyway) By-Law10 013 Amend Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 2003-25 (Town of Kincardine Lot 13 & 14 Plan 4) By-Law10 014 Women's House (Mount Forest Ave.) Site Plan Agreement By-Law10 015 Huron-Kinloss Boundary Road Agreement By-Law10 016 2010 Interim Taxation By-Law10 017 Traffic and Parking Amendment (4) By-Law10 018 All-Terrain Vehicles Use Amendment By-Law10 019 By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of Council of Municipality of Kincardine10 020 Rotary Park Agreement By-Law10 021 U-Store-It (Pt. of Lt. C Con. A) Site Plan Amendment By-Law10 022 Confirm Proceedings of Council of Municipality of Kincardine10 023 amend comphrensive zoning by-law 2003-25( lot 19, concession 5) Burger10 024 amend comprehensive zoning by-law 2003-25 (lot 18, concession 6) Cooper10 025 APP#2/OPA#1 to the Municipality of Kincardine Official Plan10 026 amend comphrensive zoning by-law 2003-25 (lot 35, e/s queen) Pierson10 027 amend comprehensive zoning by-law 2003-25 (pt lts 1&2, south durham street) Linthwaite10 028 bruce community futures development corporation letter of agreement10 029 Federal Gas Tax Amended Municipal Funding Agreement By-Law10 030 Workplace Violence & Harassment Policy By-Law10 031 2010 Municipal Election - Vote by Mail By-Law10 032 2010 Municipal Election - Optical Scanning Vote Tabulators By-Law10 033 Kincardine Yacht Club Agreement By-Law10 034 Calcium Chloride 2010 Cliff Holland Trucking Tender Acceptance By-Law10 035 Granular A Maintenance Gravel Tender Acceptance by-Law10 036 Winter Sand 2010 Tender Acceptance By-Law10 037 Guide Rail Tender Acceptance By-Law10 038 Miscellaneous Asphalt Repairs Tender Acceptance By-Law10 039 Sidewalk Removal and Replacement Tender Acceptance By-Law10 040 Confirm Proceedings of Council of Municipaity of Kincardine10 041 Kincardine Women's Triathlon 2010 Road Closure By-Law10 042 Kincardine Cruise Nights 2010 Temporary Road Closure By-Law10 043 Comstock Canada Ltd. Lease Agreement By-Law10 044 Dr. Engle Incentive & Lease Agreement By-Law10 045 Airport Hangar Lease/Site Plan Agreement (Schropp) By-Law10 046 Confirm Proceedings of Municipality of Kincardine10 047 Removal from Development Agreement By-Law10 048 Mould Remediation Tiverton Fire Station Bluewater Pro Team Quote By-Law10 049 Building Deposit By-Law10 050 Amendment to Property Standards (Giant Hogweed) By-Law10 051 Bird 2010 Encroachment Agreement 95 John St. By-Law10 052 2010 Budget By-Law10 053 King (East Pt Lt 69 & 70 Con 1 SDR) Demolotion Agreement By-Law10 054 Confirm Proceedings of Municipality of Kincardine By-Law10 055 Powers 2010 Encroachment Agreement 55 Sandpiper Lane By-Law10 056 Johnston 2010 Encroachment Agreement 328 Goderich St. By-Law10 057 2010 Taxation By-Law10 058 Crack Sealing R & N Maintenance Bid Acceptance By-Law10 059 2010 Consolidated Rates & Fees Amendment (2) By-Law10 060 Committee Appointment Amendment (Board of Management Business Improvement Area May 2010) By-Law10 061 Confirm Proceeding of Council of Municipality of Kincardine10 062 Amendment to Zoning By-Law 2003-25 Pt. Lots 18 to 20 Concession A By-Law10 063 Amendment to Zoning By-Law 2003-25 Lot 30, Plan 61 W/S Queen By-Law10 064 Amendment to Zoning By-Law 2003-25 Lot 14 Plan 372 Townplot of Inverhuron By-Law10 065 Davidson Centre Gymnasium Addition Henderson Builders Limited Tender Acceptance By-Law10 066 June 2010 Tile Drain Loan Debenture By-Law10 067 Fraser 2010 Encroachment Agreement 500 Scott St. By-Law10 068 2010 McDonald Municipal Drain Maintenance By-Law10 069 2010 Norman MacArthur Municipal Drain Maintenance By-Law10 070 2010 Matheson Municipal Drain Maintenance By-Law10 071 2010 Ribey Municipal Drain Maintenance By-Law10 072 Kincardine Scottish Festival & Highland Games Road Closures By-Law10 073 1000 Officers Partnership Program Agreement Renewal By-Law10 074 Bruce Municipal Drain No. 19 Amendment By-Law10 075 Lake Steet N Servicing and Financing By-Law10 076 Confirm Proceedings of Council of Municipality of Kincardine10 077 BIA Calypso Street Market Road Closing By-Law10 078 Establishment of HPAC By-Law10 079 Ballantine Recruitment Agreement By-Law10 080 2010 Street Reconstruction Project Adjusted Tender Acceptance By-Law10 081 MNR Endangered Species Agreement By-Law10 082 Confirm Proceedings of Council of Municipality of Kincardine10 083 KYC Lighthouse Agreement By-Law10 084 July 2010 Tile Drain Loan Debenture By-Law10 085 Traffic and Parking Amendment (5) By-Law10 086 Kincardine Scottish Festival & Highland Games Agreement By-Law10 087 20 Kinhuron Road Property Sale By-Law10 088 2010 Consolidated Rates & Fees Amendment (3) By-Law10 089 Confirm Proceedings of June 9 and June 16, 2010 Council Meetings10 090 ISR Contribution AmendmentAgreement10 091 2010 20th Anniversary ofTrillium Court Seniors Community Road Closures10 092 Gathering of the Bands Temporary Road Closure By-law10 093 2010 BASWR Refuse & Commercial Cardboard Collection Agreement By-law10 094 Kincardine Centre for the Arts Restoration Project (Roof Tile Management) Tender10 095 Confirm Proceeding of Council July 7, 201010 096 Amend to Zoning By-Law 2003-25 part park lot 4 cameron By-Law10 097 Amend Zoning By-Law 2003-25 Part of Lot 24 Lake Range Hogeveen by-law10 098 Amend Zoning By-Law 2003-25 lot 31 plan 76 773472 ontario ltd. By-Law10 099 Amend Zoning By-Law 2003-25 Municipality of Kincardine Schedule C Airport Zone By-Law10 100 Lake Street North and Drain No. 19 Borrowing By-Law10 101 Licence of Occupation with Jane Synyder and Rodney Stewart MacGregor & Rebecca Susan and Edward Theodore Verwaayen By-Law10 102 Dedicate Portion of Road Allowance As Part of Public Highway System Penetangore Row By-Law10 103 Authorize Signing of Interim Development Agreement with Susan Pryde10 104 Repeal By-Law 2001-06 to Authorize Signing of a Site Plan Agreement with Midtown Service Centre and auto sales limited10 105 Tender to Remove and Install Steel Siding at Whitney Crawford Annex North Star Carpentry By-Law10 106 Tender for the Tiverton Street Reconstruction Project Ken Jackson Construction Ltd. By-law10 107 confirm proceedings held July 14, 2010 and August 4, 201010 108 BEC Utility Assests Transfer Agreement By-law10 109 Transportation Emergency Response Plan Temporary Road Closure10 110 Tiverton Fall Fair Parade (2010) Temporary Road Closure By-law10 111 Transfer Part 2 Plan 3R8740 inverhuron By-law10 112 2010 Consolidated Rates & Fees Amendment (4) By-law10 113 Confirm Proceedings of August 11, 2010, August 24, 2010 and September 1, 201010 114 amend zoning by-law richard bushell part of lot 15 con 610 115 amend zoning nazube inc herman lansink lot 19 con 610 116 amend zoning bruce ribey lot 4 con 1110 117 Budget Amendment (1) to Amend No. 2010 - 05210 118 Paisley & District Fire Board Automatic Aid Agreement10 119 October 2010 Tile Drain Loan Debenture (Thompson) By-law10 120 amend zoning 2047267 ontario inc lot 35 e/s queen street10 121 Airport Hangar lease/site plan agreement (LaPointe/O.Cain) By-law10 122 Airport Hangr Lease/Site Plan (McCullough) Agreement10 123 Airport Hangar Lease/Site Plan (Schropp) Amendment10 124 consolidated citizen committee appointment amend (compliance audit)10 125 Confirm Proceedings of September 15, 2010 council meeting10 126 Connaught Park Infrastructure Stimulus Fund Project (Beisel Contracting Ltd.) Contract & Site Plan By-law10 127 Green Municipal Fund Agreement By-law10 128 Assume Ownership of Armow Methodist Cemetery By-law10 129 Reserve & Reserve Fund Closure, Establishment and Modification By-law10 130 Airport Fuel Tank Replacement & Remediation (Edward Fuels Ltd) Tender10 131 Confirm proceedings held September 29, 2010 and October 6, 201010 132 Comstock Canada Limited Lease Agreement Repeal By-law10 133 Merlin General Corporation Lease Agreement 2010 By-law10 134 November 2010 tile Drain Loan Debenture (McCulloch) By-law10 135 BIA Hometown Christmas (2010) By-law10 136 Confirm Proceedings of October 13, 2010 and October 20, 2010 By-law10 137 Water & Wastewater Rate By-law Study & Financial Plan Contract Acceptance (Hemson)10 138 Confirm Proceedings of November 3, 201010 139 Amendment to Zoning By-law 2003-25 lots 130 to 147, plan 3M-98 (Castle Bridge Dev)10 140 Amendment to Zoning By-law 2003-25 (Part of Lot 15, Con 5) (Municipality of Kincardine)10 141 Amendment to Zoning By-law Nol 2003-25; Part Lot 52, Concession A (Royal Homes) By-law10 142 November 2010 Tile Drain Loan Debenture By-law10 143 Ultraviolet disinfection equipment (Calgon Carbon Canada) Tender Acceptance By-law10 144 Confirm Proceedings of meeting held November 10, 2010 and November 17, 201010 145 confirm proceedings held December 1, 201010 146 interim planning advisory committee appointment by-law10 147 part lot control exemption for parts of plan 3M-20810 148 Appoint Members to Bruce Telecom Board10 149 Traffic and Parking Amendment (6) By-law10 150 property standards amendment (2) By-law10 151 Budget Amendment #210 152 Rates and Fees By-law 201110 153 lake huron learning collaborative lease agreement10 154 confirm proceedings of december 9, 2010 and december 20, 2010 council meetings