HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout06 0 Adopt Official Plan06 001 Interim Taxation 200606 002 Confirm 01 04 0606 003 Amend Zoning 82-08 Zehr06 004 Amend Zoning '03-25 Zehr06 005 Amend Zoning '03-25 Dale06 006 Agree AMEC NNC School06 007 Historic Designation06 008 Federal Gas Tax06 009 Emergency Response06 010 Sale of Land - Sutton Pk06 011 Confirm 01 18 0606 012 Women's Triathlon06 013 Borrow Money-Expenditure06 014 Summer Schedule-Council06 015 Drainage Works06 016 Fees & Rates - Marina06 017 Confirm 02 01 0606 018 Appt Drainage Super06 019 Amend Cte Appointments06 020 Subdiv.Agree-Pipers Ridg06 021 Tripartite Agree06 022 Appoint Auditor06 023 Confirm 02 15 0606 024 Amend 1,000 Officers06 025 Agree Com Safety Service06 026 Amend Agree Auxil. Offic06 027 Agree Autodialing Servic06 028 Confirm 03 01 0606 029 Zoning 76-13 O'Connor06 030 Zoning 03-25 O'Connor06 031 Zoning Hunter's Ridge06 032 Lease Merlin General06 033 Lease RCM Technologies06 034 Lease Vesta Wind Tech06 035 Agree Com Safety Service06 036 SP Agree Alexander06 037 Agree Miller Insurance06 038 Agree The Coast FM06 039 Lease Tourist Office06 040 Confirm 03 15 0606 041 Acqu./ Land Hwy Widening06 042 Borrow/Water Supply Proj06 043 Rename 'Fish Kin Derby'06 044 Tender - Cal Chloride06 045 Tender - Gran 'A' Gravel06 046 Tender - Gran 'B' Gravel06 047 Tender - Winter Sand06 048 Confirm 04 05 0606 049 Zoning 03-25 Anderson06 050 Zoning 03-25 Card06 051 Zoning 76-13 Card06 052 Tender Beach Screening06 053 Agree Paisley Fire Dis06 054 Agree ArranElder. Rec06 055 Est. Tiv Energy Sol Expo06 056 Cte Appt Amendment06 057 Authorize LSA Mayor/CAO06 058 Confirm 04 12, 04 1906 059 LSA - Florence Bridge06 060 OPG Youth B-Ball06 061 Lease - Comstock06 062 2nd Well Briar Hill06 063 Establish Reserve Fund Tiverton Energy06 064 Ext. Victoria St.06 065 Tender Grass Cut Creative Image06 066 Tender - Grass Cut Scenic Alterations06 067 Vote By Mail - Election06 068 Vote By Mail Tabulators06 069 2006 Taxation06 070 Confirm 05 03 0606 071 Lease Agreement Industrial Health Services06 072 Land Sale - Keldon Dev.06 073 Agree - Dr. Kasianik06 074 Rd Closure Cruise Nights06 075 Rd Closure KSF/Canada Day06 076 Amend 130 - Renaming 91106 077 Amend Consolidated Committee Appointments06 078 Sale of Lands - Richards06 079 Amend Tiverton Energy Solutions Expo06 080 Amend 06-069 taxation06 081 Tender - Cab & Chassis06 082 Tender Dump & Sander06 083 Tender H20 Mtre Replace06 084 Confirm 05 17 0606 085 B.I.A. Calypso Street Market Road Closing-August 6, 200606 086 Lease Agreement Bruce Power Rental Space06 087 Amend Kincardine Police Services Board06 088 Amend Rates & Fees Solid Waste Management06 089 Adopt Official Plan06 090 Tender Ford Freestar Van06 091 Tender KMCM Spacesaver06 092 Confirm 05 24, 06 0706 093 Amend 03-25 zoning06 094 Amend 82-08 zoning06 095 Amend 03-25 com zoning06 096 Site plan control06 097 Amend 76-13 zoning06 098 Amend 03-25 com zoning06 099 6 Jarell Lane Service agreement -Mitchell06 100 Tender PPL Health Club Equipment06 101 Tender Huron Co. Centre Line Painting06 102 Tender Ward 2 Garage Roof Replacement06 103 Tender airport sealing06 104 Agree Brucedale Community Centre06 105 Quote diesel generator06 106 Bruce Saugeen Townline Rename road06 107 Standards Property Maintenance06 108 Occupational Health & Safety06 109 tender-resurfacing roads06 110 Tender - Purchase of Two trucks06 111 tender-trackless tractor06 112 Dainage works no. 1906 113 Conf 06 08,06 14,06 2106 114 Ltd Service Agree-Rausch06 115 Ltd Srvice Agree Hansen06 116 Site Plan Agree- Kerr06 117 Kin Klassics Agreement06 118 Site Pl agree- McKay06 119 Confirm Proceedings06 120 Purchase Playground Equipment PARCS Ltd.06 121 Bruce Power Close Street06 122 Replace Lighthouse roof06 123 Repealing 06 09606 124 Advertising Tender06 125 Soccer Complex Tender06 126 Quot Iron Filter Scott's06 127 Taxilane Elec Servicing06 128 Tiv Fall Fair Rd Close06 129 Lake St-Encroachment06 130 McFarlan Rd-Encroachment06 131 Auth agree Comm Safety06 132 Outdoor Water Use06 133 Hunter's Ridge SubDiv06 134 Stonehaven SubDiv06 135 Amend 06-069 TAX06 136 Proceeding of Council06 137 Adopt Amen No.11 Off Pln06 138 Zoning 03-25 Ont Ltd.06 139 Zoning 76-13 Lang06 140 Zoning 03-25 Lang06 141 Zoning 76-13 Van Moorsel06 142 Zoning 03-25 Van Moorsel06 143 Zoning 76-13 Kenvel Farm06 144 Zoning 03-25 Kenvel Farm06 145 Zoning 76-13 Enbridge06 146 Zoning 06-25 Enbridge06 147 Agree Ont Ltd Land Sale06 148 Agree Ont Ltd Land Sale06 149 Agree Can Tire Land Sale06 150 Finish 4 Less Land Sale06 152 Zon Enb lt 4, con 14 Repealed06 153 Zon Enb pt lt 5, con 14 Repealed06 154 Zon Enb pt lt 11, con 1406 155 Zon Enb lt 12, con 1406 156 Zon Enb lt 16, con 14 Repealed06 157 Zon Enb pt lt 22, con 14 Repealed06 158 Zon Enb pt lt 23, con 1406 159 Zon Enb lt "I", con 1306 160 Zon Enb pt lt 'J', con 1306 161 Zon Enb pt lt 9 con 1306 162 Zon Enb lt 10, con 1306 163 Zon Enb lt 21, con 1306 164 Zon Enb lt 22, con 13&1406 165 Zon Enb lt 23 con 1306 166 Zon Enb lt 24 con 1306 167 Zon Enb lt 25 con 1306 168 Zon Enb lt 'H' con 1206 169 Zon Enb lt 2 con 1206 170 Zon Enb pt lt 6&7 con 1206 171 Zon Enb lt 13 con 1206 172 Zon Enb lt 20 con 1206 173 Zon Enb lt 26 con 12 Repealed06 174 Zon En lt27&pt lt28 co12 Repealed06 175 Zon Enb lt 'H' con 1106 176 Zon Enb lt 4 con 1106 177 Zon Enb lt 6 con 1106 178 Zon Enb lt 7 con 1106 179 Zo lt8 pt lts 9&10 con1106 180 Zon Enb lt 11 con 1106 181 Zon Enb pt lt 14 con 1106 182 Zon Enb lt 16 con 1106 183 Zon Enb lt 17, con 1106 184 Zon Enb lt 18 con 1106 185 Zon Enb lt 19 con 1106 186 Zon Enb lt 21 con 1106 187 Zon Enb- lt 2 & pt lt 3, con 1006 188 Zon Enb lt 16 con 1006 189 Zon Enb lt 1 con 906 190 Zon Enb lt 3 con 906 191 Zon Enb lt 4 con 906 192 Zon Enb pt lt 5 con 906 193 Zon Enb pt lt 12 con 906 194 Zon Em pt lt 13&14 con 906 195 Zon Enb lt 17 con 906 196 Zon Enb lt 19 con 906 197 Zon Enb lt 20 con 906 198 Zon Enb pt 20&21 con 906 199 Zon Enb lt 22 con 906 200 Zon Enb lt 6,7&8 con 806 201 Zon Enb lt 9 con 806 202 Zon Enb lt 12 con 806 203 Zon Enb lt 14 con 806 204 Zon Enb lt 15 con 806 205 Zon Enb pt lt 16 con 806 206 Zon Enb lt 24 con 806 207 Zon Enb lt 18 con 806 208 Zon Enb lt 23 con 806 209 Zon Enb lt 24, con 806 210 Zon Enb pt lt 25 con 806 211 Zon Enb lt "E" con 706 213 Zon Enb lts 1&2 con 706 214 Zon Enb lt 3, con 706 215 Zon Enb lt 4, con 706 216 Zon Enb lt 9, con 706 217 Zon Enb lt 10, con 706 218 Zon Enb lt 19, con 706 219 Zon Enb lt 23, con 706 220 Zon Enb lt 24, con 706 221 Zon Enb lt 25, con 706 222 Zon Enb lt 26, con 706 223 Zon En pt lt H&lt I co 606 224 Zon Enb lt 'J' con 606 225 Zon Enb lt 1 con 606 226 Zon Enb lat 2, con 606 227 Zon Enb lt 3 con 606 228 Zon Enb lt 11&12, con 606 229 Zon Enb pt lt 13 con 606 230 Zon Enb lt 14, con 606 231 Zon Enb lt 15, con 606 232 Zon Enb pt 17 con 606 233 Zon Enb lt 18 con 606 234 Zon Enb lt 19 con 606 235 Zon Enb pt lt 20 con 606 236 Zon En pt lt2&lt 3 con 506 237 Zon Enb pt lt 4, con 506 238 Zon Enb pt lt 5 con 506 239 Zon Enb pt lt 7 con 506 240 Zon Enb pt lt 8 con 506 241 Zon Enb pt lt 9 con 506 242 Zon Enb pt lt 10 con 506 243 Zon Enb pt lt 16 con 506 244 Zon Enb pt lt 17 con 506 245 Zon Enb pt lt 3 con 406 246 Zon Enb pt lt 4 con 406 247 Zon Enb lt 5 con 406 248 Zon Enb pt lt 6 con 406 249 Zon En pt lt 7&9 lt8 co406 250 Zon Enb pt lt 9 con 406 251 Zon Enb pt lt 10 con 406 252 Zon Enb pt lt 11 con 406 253 Zon Enb pt lt 12 con 406 254 Zon Enb pt lt 13 con 406 255 Zon Enb pt lt 14 con 406 256 Zon Enb pt lt 14 con 406 257 Zon Enb pt lt 15 con 406 258 Limited Service Agree06 259 Amend Cons Comm App06 260 Desigante Land Savage06 261 SP Agree- Women's House06 262 Confirm Proceedings06 263 Zon And lt 11 & 12, plan 347-Thomson06 264 Amend Zoning 03-25 Norman06 265 Amend Zoning 03-2506 266 Bruce Telecom Mun Serv06 267 Tender Reunion Park Improv.06 268 Lease Agree Merlin Simex06 269 Annex Roof Tender06 270 SP agree-531570 Ont Ltd.06 271 Tender Sidewalk Cons.06 272 Tender Site Prep-Cemetery06 273 Confirm Proceeding06 274 Temp Road Closure BIA06 275 Amend Cons. Committee Appointments By-Law06 276 Amend 06 27606 277 Establish Reserve Fund06 278 Hunter's Ridge SubDiv Repealed06 279 Offer to purchase land06 280 Westario Land Purchas06 281 Confirm Proceedings06 282 Zon Amend 03-25-Cruickshank06 283 Zon Amend 82-08-Cruickshank06 284 Amend No. 12 Offical Plan06 285 Zon Amend 03-25- KND Investment06 286 Zon Amend 03-25 Thomas06 287 Kenvel Farms SP06 288 SP Ross E. Young Bus Lines06 289 Close of Highway Mahood-Johnstone06 290 Underground Tank Removal06 291 Removal Part Lot Control06 292 Stonehaven Encrochment06 293 Tender Road Base Moorefield06 294 Confirm Proceedings06 295 Rental of Airport Hanger, MacDonald,Little06 296 Remove Cert lands form part lot control06 297 Zon amend Young Bus Lines06 298 Confirm Proceedings06 299 Amend Zon By-law No.03-05-kuepher06 300 Amend Zon By-law 82-0806 301 Amend Zon By-law 03-25 McQuillin06 302 Tender Christmas Lights Downtown06 303 Annual Drainage Rates06 304 SP Agree KND Investment06 305 Tender Soccer Goal Nets06 306 Millennium Way Extension06 307 Extension Agreement-Usher06 308 Heavy Hydraulic Rescue Equipment Tender A.J Stone Co06 309 Appointment of Bruce Telecom Members06 310 Zoning Amend 03-25 KND Invest Corp06 311 Zon amend 03-25 Suncor Energy Products06 312 Zon Amend 76-13 Suncor Energy Products06 313 Confirm Proceedings of Council06 314 Appoint Planning Advisory & Adjustment Committee06 315 Enb Zon Amend-Ribey06 316 Renewal of Agreement with Friends of Pavillion06 317 Amend 06-069 Adopt Estimates of all Sums06 318 Confirm Proceedings of CouncilBy-law Index