HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout05 001 agree encroach powers05 002 site plan kerr kirk05 003 site plan 1005422 Ont05 004 agree bp, opg confident05 005 agree opg assessment05 006 tender monitor alarm05 007 confirmation 01 12 0505 008 amend zoning Sol 03-2505 009 amend zon lt 40 conc. 105 010 amen zon bluewater 03-2505 011 amen zon bluewater 76-1305 012 site plan bluewater san05 013 zon housekeeping 03-2505 014 agree rjs lease on beach05 015 summer schedule change05 016 interim taxation05 017 operating & borrowing05 018 agree opp 200505 019 confirm 01 19, 01 2605 020 ctte amend feb05 021 strategic plan05 022 confirmation 02 0205 023 amen zon murray 03-2505 024 amen zon walden 03-2505 025 ctte amend feb05 026 tax exemption legion05 027 community consultation05 028 confirm 02 09, 02 1605 029 ctte amend mar05 030 amen cons fee bldg, mari05 031 confirmation 03 02 0505 032 ctte amend mar05 033 tender arts elevator05 034 agree cn tower05 035 road closure philip pl05 036 land sale charcomp05 037 confirmation 03 1605 038 agree encroach johnston05 039 lease rcm tech05 040 lease vesta wind tech05 041 hire consul rec needs05 042 agree bluewater trailer05 043 tender refuse compactor05 044 tender plows, sanders05 045 half ton pickup05 046 confirm 04 0605 048 site plan kirkconnell05 049 ltd ser gurbin/barker05 050 site plan linklater ltd.05 051 tender beach stone scree05 052 tender gran a,b gravel05 053 tender 2005 sidewalk05 054 tender Calcium Chloride05 055 tender Winter Sand05 056 tender 4 wd tractor05 057 amend by-law 04-18605 058 tender Hot Mix Asphalt05 059 tender pkg lt expan kcmc05 060 Confirm 04 13 & 04 2005 061 ltd ser harkness05 062 ltd ser mclelland05 063 ltd ser eberl05 064 site plan sutton park05 065 repeal 2000-8005 066 tender grass cutting05 067 confirm 05 0405 068 amen zon schmalz 03-2505 069 zon amend reid her 03-2505 070 OPG youth bball Tourname05 071 2005 Taxation by-law05 072 tender paving sts lavis05 073 tender line painting mid05 074 committee amend Rec Ser05 075 mou canada day 0505 076 lease mac bruce power05 077 tender skatepark equip05 078 tender electronic media05 079 Confirm 05 11 & 05 1805 080 limited service K. Rohne05 081 tile drain July 0505 082 road closure Calypso St.05 083 road closure canada day05 084 road closure Kin. Cruise05 085 tender wd 1 lndfl expan05 086 confirmation 06 01 0505 087 Agree Campbell05 088 road closure women's tri05 089 amen st. closure 05-8305 090 confirm 06 08, 15 0505 091 agree RIDE 05-0605 092 EN Agree Skingle/Tolman05 093 EN Agree McFarlan05 094 EN Agree Barker05 095 road closure kin fair05 096 Agree fire huronkinloss05 097 Amend 04-186 fee by-law05 098 Confirm 06 20 & 07 06 0505 099 remove certain lnds05 100 agree funding stewart05 101 Tiv Sports Ser Contract05 102 TD ice resurfacer tiv05 103 Water Meter Installation05 104 Standby Generators TD05 105 Amend Kin Yacht Club05 106 Amend 02-130 911 renamin05 107 Amend zon by-law 2003-2505 108 Amend zon by-law 82-0805 109 Amend zon 2003-25 lt 1105 110 Amend zon by-law 76-1305 111 Amend zon 2003-25 lt 3005 112 Designate Site Plan05 113 TD Streetscape decorativ05 114 TD playground equipment05 115 LS Agree Walker05 116 rd closure tiv fall fair05 118 Agree GBHU Sewage system05 119 Agree Kerr Heating05 120 Tiv Station turnout gear05 121 OSIFA Water supply05 122 TD Reunion park05 123 TS Chain link fencing05 124 LE Agree Peter Shelton05 125 TD Streetscape project05 126 confirm 07 13, 08 0305 127 Official Plan Amend #1005 128 Amend zon 03-25, lts 2,305 129 Amend 82-08 restricted a05 130 Amend 03 25 lts 31,7305 131 Amend 03 05 lts 44,45,4605 132 Amend 82 08 lts 44,45,4605 133 Amend 76 13 restrict bru05 134 Amend 03 25 comp zoning05 135 Amend Zon Bylaw 2003-2505 136 Amend Zoning Bylaw 82-0805 137 Bylaw Authoriz Site Plan05 138 Bylaw Auth. Signing Leas05 139 Bylaw to Accept Walkway05 140 ward system amendment05 141 Feasility Study Mallot05 142 Amend 05 to Kin Water05 143 TD MAC Septic System05 144 TD Russell St. Reconst05 145 TD Stewart Bridge05 146 Confirm 08 10, 09 0705 147 Amend 82-08 restricted a05 148 Amend 2003-25 Comprehens05 149 LE Agree RJ's on the Bea05 150 LE Agree Merlin Simex05 151 LS Agree Calcutt05 152 BMTS Land Sale05 153 Agree Bale Wrap Recyclin05 154 Mun. of Kin. Building05 155 Agree Bruce Power LP05 156 side road 15 paving exte05 157 Audit & lifecycle costs05 158 Amend huron-kinloss sewa05 159 CIBC Kin to Inver Water05 160 Amend Kin. Service Water05 161 Confirm 08 24, 09 02 etc05 162 Amend Cttee Appt05 163 Rd Closure Christmas BIA05 164 LS Agree 476 Sunset Dr05 165 Architectural Agree05 166 Confirm 10 05 0505 167 LS Agree 47 Hartwick ln05 168 Kin. Healthcare Reserve05 169 Ont. Ltd. Develop Agree05 170 TD Walk of Memories Ligh05 171 Appt. D. MacDougall Cler05 172 TD Digital Photocopier05 173 Confirm 10 12, 10 1905 174 Amend Cttee Appt05 175 Closure Sale lt 53 con B05 176 SP agree lt 29-28 Ont lt05 177 Amend 3 to by-law 02-17905 178 Amend 3 to by-law 04-18605 179 Confirm 11 02 0505 180 Amend zon 2003-2505 181 LS Agree 11 Spark Lane05 182 Amend Cttee Appt05 183 Upgrade Kin Water Plant05 184 Accessibility PL 05/0605 185 TD Pool Coil05 186 Confirm 11 09, 11 1605 187 Airport Engineering Serv05 188 Kin water tower repairs05 189 Tiv water tower repair05 190 Confirm 12 07 0505 191 3rd Amendment Kin Water05 192 OSTAR Funding Agree05 193 Pavilion Phase 2 Agree05 194 Sewer & Water Reserve05 195 Consolidated Fee By-law05 196 Fire Consolidated Rates05 197 Consolidated solid waste05 198 Underwood Drinking water05 199 Confirm 12 09, 12 14, 21publicmtg.motion.Mar 8,2006.doc