HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout03 001 zoning geo farms03 002 taxi by-law03 003 bank authority03 004 interim tax03 005 operating borrowing03 006 agree tiv lions hall03 007 agree tiv lions com cen03 008 confirmation 01 0803 009 site plan brethan home03 010 delegation close hwy03 011 site plan bmts03 012 committee amend jan03 013 tender const kcmc03 014 confirmation 01 1503 015 land sale kerr 1 203 016 land sale kerr 3 403 017 agree bruce power fund03 018 lease agree med clinic03 019 tender grading kcmc03 020 agree land purchase kerr03 021 agree parking lot hum03 022 emerg preparedness plan03 023 appoint deputy clerk03 024 confirmation 02 0503 025 Zoning By-law03 026 personnel amend03 027 land sale 1450052 Ont03 028 amend 142991203 029 confirmation 02 1903 030 deeming catto03 031 agree lease kelly03 032 committee amend mar03 033 agree dispatch serv kinc03 034 tender underwood well03 035 tender playground equip03 036 confirmation 03 0503 037 road close cruise night03 038 agree svca03 039 confirmation 03 1903 040 taxi by-law amend03 041 committee amend apr03 042 victoria st speed limit03 043 land sale king03 044 tender beach stone scre03 045 tender A maint gravel03 046 tender calcium chloride03 047 tender sidewalks03 048 mysis cook rees mem fun03 049 lease MAC - Merlin Vesta03 050 amend 911 road renam03 051 generic confirmation03 052 lsa dundas03 053 sale of land kidd03 054 pt lot control m59 m3503 055 confirmation 09 1603 056 nutrient mgmt amend03 057 personnel 03 & 04 negoti03 058 taxation by-law03 059 land sale tomajko03 060 zoning mckague 84-303 061 zoning mckague 76-1303 062 zoning mckague 03-2503 063 confirmation 05 0703 064 zoning nott farms 82-0803 065 zoning nott farms 03-2503 066 lsa jackson03 067 lsa colweld03 068 road closure bia03 069 encroachment agree davey03 070 alternative voting equip03 071 tender site serv kcmc03 072 confirmation 05 21 0303 073 ctte amend jun03 074 rd cl kin scot festiv03 075 tender two wheel truck03 076 tender culverts03 077 confirmation 06 0403 078 zoning robson 1988-0103 079 amend 911 road system03 080 admin fire chief appoint03 081 951 site plan huron ter03 082 road closure triathalon03 083 tiverton park manor03 084 agree mou data fix03 085 omeifa borrowing loan ap03 086 confirmation 06 1803 087 road close tiv fall fair03 088 h removal tiv zoning03 089 h removal kin zoning03 090 election advance vote03 091 tender dent well03 092 tender bridge repairs03 093 committee amend jul03 094 tender lighthouse paint03 095 h removal penetangore03 096 tender tennis lights03 097 tender tennis lights ele03 098 tender dehumidifier dc03 099 tender dump box sander03 100 tender single axle tru03 101 lease MAC bruce power03 102 final notice proc sch c03 103 omeifa borrowing water03 104 confirmation 07 0903 105 sewer water fees 200303 106 agree weber hwy access03 107 tender winter sand03 108 agree frank pearce trail03 109 tender scotts point well03 110 tender riding lawnmower03 111 appoint director of rec03 112 tender paving mahood03 113 confirmation 08 0603 114 land sale pryde03 115 land purchase murray03 116 agree easement osborne03 117 zoning plouffe 03-2503 118 zoning plouffe 82-0803 119 site plan control03 120 pt lt cont reynolds dr03 121 tile drain albrecht03 122 site plan ackert03 123 omers settlement03 124 road renaming saratoga03 125 lsa richtermier03 126 lsa simons03 127 confirmation 08 13 08 2003 128 tender const shore03 129 allan avis adden agree03 130 amend omeifa 03-10303 131 borrow cibc water pipe03 132 confirmation 09 0303 133 real property disposal03 134 committee amend sep03 135 nutrient management03 136 sign erection03 137 agree airport management03 138 tender monitoring03 139 tender annual monitor03 140 Tender for Reconstruction Princes & Lambton St.03 141 confirmation 09 10 09 1703 142 h removal penetangore03 143 runnning tide website03 144 confirmation 10 0103 145 lsa mckellar03 146 zoning bl c 3m-9903 147 zon bl c pl 3m-99 pt 1&203 148 zoning kinfarm 03-2503 149 zoning kinfarm 82-0803 150 site plan kinfarm03 151 site plan amend 142991203 152 agree opp ride program03 153 lease 44 queen physician03 154 lease 44 queen pharmacy03 155 site plan agree thorn03 156 wood gundy account auth03 157 confirmation 10 08 1503 158 bervie road closure03 159 Dr. Thomson lease agree03 160 Brown Tile Drain loan03 161 confirmation 11 0503 162 road closure bia03 163 tender audio, carpet mac03 164 911 leggett lane rename03 165 confirmation 11 1903 166 zoning pryde 82 0803 167 zoning pryde 03 2503 168 tender dc air handling03 169 tender armow sale evans03 170 limited service hunt03 171 confirmation 12 17By-law 4020 County of Bruce Regulate Smoking in Public Places and workplacesConsolidated Municipality of Kincardine Sign (2003) by-law with amendments