HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutKIN 94 001 Lease - D.RobinsonKIN 94 002 Curent Operate/BorowKIN 94 003 BASWRA AgreementKIN 94 004 Vicious Dog MuzzlingKIN 94 005 Appoint-Tourism CtteKIN 94 006 Appoint - Rec BoardKIN 94 007 Appoint-Airport CtteKIN 94 008 Amend No.90 01 PkingKIN 94 009 Amend #93 01 FarrellKIN 94 010 706713 Ontario IncKIN 94 011 F.B.D.B Tax ArrearsKIN 94 012 Ontario Tax ArrearsKIN 94 013 Adopt Official Pl #6KIN 94 014 Amend No.88 01 ZoneKIN 94 015 Amend No. 89 120KIN 94 016 Est.Plan Adviso CtteKIN 94 017 Lease - BluH20 ParkKIN 94 018 Tender - Pks TractorKIN 94 019 Adopt Wste DivisionKIN 94 020 PUC Purchase AllowKIN 94 021 T of K Bldg. BylawKIN 94 022 Sign Agree - DahmerKIN 94 023 Agree - Rotary BoothKIN 94 024 Agree - Yacht ClubKIN 94 025 Agree - T E. BrownKIN 94 026 Date Change -CouncilKIN 94 027 Agree-Daily Crt RentKIN 94 028 Appoint - TreasurerKIN 94 029 Agree - OPP ServiceKIN 94 030 Comp Ballot - ElectKIN 94 031 Appoint Health Clb CKIN 94 032 Equip Reserve FundKIN 94 033 Davidson Pking LtKIN 94 034 Repealed by 98 09KIN 94 035 Cty/Bruce PlanningKIN 94 036 McLean Tax ArrearsKIN 94 037 1994 Taxation BylawKIN 94 038 Hamlin St. StopUpKIN 94 039 Vic Pk Use - NortonKIN 94 040 False Alarms BylawKIN 94 041 Durham St. EasementKIN 94 042 Bruce Condo Corp.KIN 94 043 Agre-Quin Plza PkingKIN 94 044 Agmt -PW Garage AddKIN 94 045 Agree-Sidewalk GrantKIN 94 046 Agree-Rusel MeadowsKIN 94 047 Tender - AIR TaxiwayKIN 94 048 No Pking - Fall FairKIN 94 049 Amend No. 90 01KIN 94 050 Elect NotificationKIN 94 051 No Pking - Fall FairKIN 94 052 Tender-Rd ReconstrctKIN 94 053 Kin Twp AnnexationKIN 94 054 Appoint Assist ClerkKIN 94 055 Kin Town/Twp AnnexKIN 94 056 Lease -Small CraftsKIN 94 057 286-290 Harbour St.KIN 94 058 Tender - PW GarageKIN 94 059 Kin Rd AllowanceKIN 94 060 Sale/Land - Cable TVKIN 94 061 Appoint-BIA P.MerceyKIN 94 062 Amend No. 94 55KIN 94 063 Sale - TOO Booth LdKIN 94 064 Sp - J.Sandel-RanneyKIN 94 065 Appoint - Deputy CBOKIN 94 066 Amend No.90 01 PkingKIN 94 067 Tender - Fire HallKIN 94 068 Amended by No.96 51KIN 94 069 Agree-Fire Hall GrntKIN 94 070 Sp - Dave SmallKIN 94 071 Personl Cons BylawKIN 94 072 Norton Use - Vic PkKIN 94 073 Lease - D. RobinsonKIN 94 074 BIA BeautificationKIN 94 075 Amend No.90 01 PkingKIN 94 076 Agree - KTWP SewerKIN 94 077 Lease-Can Tire CorpKIN 94 078 Sp - WatsonKIN 94 079 Harbour St. UpgradKIN 94 080 Ctte & Board AppointKIN 94 081 1995 Fish Drby PrizeKIN 94 082 Appoint Prpty StandKIN 94 083 Appoint Fence ViewerKIN 94 084 Finance/Landfil SiteKIN 94 085 Tax Refund-AuthorizeKIN 94 086 Levy of TaxesKIN 94 087 Interest Tax ArrearsKIN 94 088 Amend No. 93 75 FEEKIN 94 089 Amend No.90 01 PkingKIN 94 090 Sp - J.Hamilton