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KIN 90 001 Traffic and Parking By-Law
KIN 90 002 Richards - Hist Home
KIN 90 003 Repeal No. 88 57 Cat
KIN 90 004 Amend No. 4377 Remun
KIN 90 005 Apoint KBradley BIA
KIN 90 006 Salary Bylaw - 1990
KIN 90 007 Change Council Date
KIN 90 008 Temp Clerk -Chantell
KIN 90 009 Amend Official Pl #3
KIN 90 010 Cancell Tax Arrears
KIN 90 011 Repeal No. 89 05
KIN 90 012 Maint Person - Grant
KIN 90 013 Joint Recycle Prgram
KIN 90 014 Site Plan Control
KIN 90 015 Sp - Ontario Limited
KIN 90 016 Procedural Amendment
KIN 90 017 Appoint BIA -DStorey
KIN 90 018 Amend Consolid Fee
KIN 90 019 AMS Manage Contract
KIN 90 020 Tax Certificate Fee
KIN 90 021 Borrowing Bylaw 1990
KIN 90 022 Agre-Edgar Musselman
KIN 90 023 Sale/Land-Bruce Cty
KIN 90 024 Waste Disposal Bylaw
KIN 90 025 Building Bylaw
KIN 90 026 Amend Consolid Fee
KIN 90 027 Park Lane Purchase
KIN 90 028 Bldg Inspect-N.Small
KIN 90 029 Retail Bus.Holidays
KIN 90 030 Sewer Service Charge
KIN 90 031 Apoint-Tourist Devel
KIN 90 032 South Side Pk Prchse
KIN 90 033 Rezone-Chris Fitness
KIN 90 034 Sp - Chris Fitness
KIN 90 035 Tender - Kincard Ave
KIN 90 036 Rates of Taxation
KIN 90 037 Anmls Prohibit/Beach
KIN 90 038 Mahd-Johnston Dr HWY
KIN 90 039 App. Inside Maintain
KIN 90 040 Resp/Personel Matter
KIN 90 041 Cls/Sell Mahod John
KIN 90 042 Sp - Peter Kelly
KIN 90 043 Agree - Moore/George
KIN 90 044 Agree-Garry England
KIN 90 045 Appoint -BIA (Sandy)
KIN 90 046 Cls Hrn Terr Reunion
KIN 90 047 Agree-Airport Manage
KIN 90 048 Agree-United Church
KIN 90 049 App. -Exec Sec/Clerk
KIN 90 050 Appoint -Library Adv
KIN 90 051 Appoint - Custodian
KIN 90 052 Rezoning - Mechanics
KIN 90 053 Prhibit Dogs/Beaches
KIN 90 054 Lease - F. MacLennen
KIN 90 055 Agree-D.W Buchannan
KIN 90 056 Terry Bryan - Rezone
KIN 90 057 Amend No.4582 F.Dept
KIN 90 058 Agree -C. Little AIR
KIN 90 059 Appoint Fence Viewer
KIN 90 060 Ld Purchase - Dunlop
KIN 90 061 Control of Termites
KIN 90 062 Sm Animal Control
KIN 90 063 Designated Impr Area
KIN 90 064 Deem Pl 151 NOT Reg
KIN 90 065 Agree - Ken Jackson
KIN 90 066 Agre-J&H Fleming Ltd
KIN 90 067 Adopt Job Descrptins
KIN 90 068 Sp - Waycar Develop
KIN 90 069 Appoint Mem - Rec Bd
KIN 90 070 Agre-J&H Fleming Ltd
KIN 90 071 Appoint Sew Maintain
KIN 90 072 Sp - United Church
KIN 90 073 Designat Contrl Area
KIN 90 074 Amend No88 01 Zone
KIN 90 075 App Sports Improve
KIN 90 076 Appoint-Parks Super
KIN 90 077 App Pks Inside Maint
KIN 90 078 App-Ind & Comm Devel
KIN 90 079 Terminate Agre-Queen
KIN 90 080 Sale of Land -Bram-K
KIN 90 081 Sp - BramK Enterpris
KIN 90 082 Sanit Swer Rsrv Fund
KIN 90 083 Refund of Taxes
KIN 90 084 Amend No.88 01 Zone
KIN 90 085 Add Sale/Ld Bram-K
KIN 90 086 Respect Construc Veh
KIN 90 087 Community Improve Pl
KIN 90 088 Personnel Properties