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KIN 80 4256 Borrow-Bnk/Montreal
KIN 80 4257 Appoint Mem Cemetry
KIN 80 4258 Appoint Mem Ctt/Adj
KIN 80 4259 Appoint Mem Plan Bd
KIN 80 4260 Appoint Mem KDCC Bd
KIN 80 4261 Appoint Mem Libr Bd
KIN 80 4262 Mainten/Occup Stand
KIN 80 4263 Designa 776 Princes
KIN 80 4264 Amend Bylaw No.2050
KIN 80 4265 Est. Persnel Policy
KIN 80 4266 Repealed by No.4298
KIN 80 4267 Appoint Mem KDCC Bd
KIN 80 4268 Hire Custodian
KIN 80 4269 Restr. Vehicle-N.St
KIN 80 4270 Name Pks Dunsmo/Rot
KIN 80 4271 Appoint Mem Prprty
KIN 80 4272 Confirm Proceedings
KIN 80 4273 Appoint Mem T&T AIR
KIN 80 4274 Repeal Bylaw No4243
KIN 80 4275 Amend Bylaw No.2098
KIN 80 4276 Author Construction
KIN 80 4276A Hire/Fix Salaries
KIN 80 4277 Repeal Bylaw No1226
KIN 80 4278 Desig Ellenton Bldg
KIN 80 4279 Designate 'X' Bldg
KIN 80 4280 Designte Walsh Bldg
KIN 80 4281 Confirm Proceedings
KIN 80 4282 Increase Taxi Rates
KIN 80 4283 Declare Tx Reg Lds
KIN 80 4284 Amend BYlaw No.2050
KIN 80 4285 Revised by No.4300
KIN 80 4286 Mill Rates 1980
KIN 80 4287 Appoint Prprty Offi
KIN 80 4288 Confirm Proceedings
KIN 80 4289 Reconstrction Brdwy
KIN 80 4290 Kin Ave Storm Sewer
KIN 80 4291 Chip/Tar Various St
KIN 80 4292 Excavation/N.Street
KIN 80 4293 Defeated
KIN 80 4294 Hire R. Fisher - CC
KIN 80 4295 Tender-Twn Paint
KIN 80 4296 Connect Bldg-Sewage
KIN 80 4297 Appoint Mem KDCC Bd
KIN 80 4298 Repealed by No.4537
KIN 80 4299 Confirm Proceedings
KIN 80 4300 Amend Bylaw 4160...
KIN 80 4301 Chain Lk Fence Cont
KIN 80 4302 Office/Storage Bldg
KIN 80 4303 Regulat Speed Limit
KIN 80 4304 Confirm Proceedings
KIN 80 4304A C.C Manager Salary
KIN 80 4305 Con/Licen/Reg/ Dogs
KIN 80 4306 PUC Salaries
KIN 80 4307 Huntr/Johnstn/Palmt
KIN 80 4308 Appoint Mem KDCC Bd
KIN 80 4309 Sewage Pump Station
KIN 80 4310 Swge Wrks Proj. NIP
KIN 80 4311 Com Prog/Rec Operat
KIN 80 4312 Hire/Set Salary
KIN 80 4313 Allow Sep. Ballots
KIN 80 4314 Borrow - BIA
KIN 80 4315 Tx Certificate Chrg
KIN 80 4316 Sign Agree-Min/Hous
KIN 80 4317 Amend Bylaw No.2050
KIN 80 4318 Amend Official Pl#1
KIN 80 4319 Sp - Control Area
KIN 80 4320 Agree-Council Chamb
KIN 80 4321 Cost/Bylaw Copies
KIN 80 4322 Des. 315 Durham Mrk
KIN 80 4323 Write-Off Taxes
KIN 80 4324 Borrow -Bk/Montreal
KIN 80 4325 Appoint Mem Cemetry
KIN 80 4326 Appoint Mem Ctt/Adj
KIN 80 4327 Appoint Mem Plan BD
KIN 80 4328 Appoint Mem Ld Grnd
KIN 80 4329 Appoint Mem Indust.
KIN 80 4330 Appoint Mem Library
KIN 80 4331 Apppoint Mem LACAC
KIN 80 4332 Appoint Mem Prprty
KIN 80 4333 Appoint Mem - BIA
KIN 80 4334 Appoint Mem KDCC Bd
KIN 81 4335 Rezone-Funeral Home
KIN 81 4336 Assume Ken Cres/Mac
KIN 81 4337 Accept Undgrd Serv
KIN 81 4338 Appoint Mem -Indust
KIN 81 4339 Confirm Proceedings
KIN 81 4340 Amend Bylaw No.3120
KIN 81 4341 Appoint Mem-Tourist
KIN 81 4342 Confirm Proceedings
KIN 81 4343 Confirm Proceedings
KIN 81 4344 Stop Up Shevch
KIN 81 4345 Hire Dpty Clrk/Trea
KIN 81 4346 Appoint Mem - LACAC
KIN 81 4347 Confirm Proceedings
KIN 81 4348 Confirm Proceedings
KIN 81 4349 Confirm Proceedings
KIN 81 4350 Comprehen Zoning
KIN 81 4351 Pedestrian Crossovr
KIN 81 4352 Agree -Firefighters
KIN 81 4353 Confirm Proceedings
KIN 81 4354 Quit Clim Deed-Reyn
KIN 81 4355 Site Plan Controls
KIN 81 4356 Salaries/Sick Leave
KIN 81 4357 Defeated
KIN 81 4358 Hire MCouture/SWall
KIN 81 4359 Hire - Bldg Inspect
KIN 81 4360 Amend Official Pl#2
KIN 81 4361 Amend Rzone Res/Com
KIN 81 4362 Stop Up Shevch Blvd
KIN 81 4363 Defeated
KIN 81 4364 Appoint Mem - BIA
KIN 81 4365 Repealed By No.4372
KIN 81 4366 Mill Rate 1981
KIN 81 4367 Employ Fringe Benef
KIN 81 4368 Close Queen Temp
KIN 81 4369 Lease-Agri Society
KIN 81 4370 Obtain Temp Adv
KIN 81 4371 Defeated
KIN 81 4372 Tender-BIA Main St
KIN 81 4373 Defeated
KIN 81 4374 Sanitary Sewer Proj
KIN 81 4375 Sanitary Sewer Proj
KIN 81 4376 Defeated
KIN 81 4377 Remun Mem&Counc
KIN 81 4378 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 81 4379 Int Penalty-Arrear
KIN 81 4380 Int Penalty-Current
KIN 81 4381 Designate Library
KIN 81 4382 Adr Mal/Brwn/MacHWY
KIN 81 4383 Regulate Signs
KIN 81 4384 Expired See 4388
KIN 81 4385 Defeated
KIN 81 4386 Est. Com Con Pk Pav
KIN 81 4387 Accept Service-M-71
KIN 81 4388 Assume Mtchl CrtHWY
KIN 81 4389 Myor/Dpty Discrtion
KIN 81 4390 Provide Petty Cash
KIN 81 4391 Confrm Cont Insuran
KIN 81 4392 Repealed by 4507
KIN 81 4393 Amend Official Pl#3
KIN 81 4394 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 81 4395 Tender-Sidewalk Rec
KIN 81 4396 Tender - Paving
KIN 81 4397 Apoint Mem KDCC REC
KIN 81 4398 Appoint Auditors
KIN 81 4399 Impse Rtes-Swr Drin
KIN 81 4400 Amend Swge Frntage
KIN 81 4401 Agree -MTC(Airport)
KIN 81 4402 Amend Serv/User Rt
KIN 81 4403 PUC Commis Salaries
KIN 81 4404 Appoint Mem - LACAC
KIN 81 4405 Tender-Storm Sewers
KIN 81 4406 Tender-Twn Hall Ren
KIN 81 4407 Hire Clerk/Typist
KIN 81 4408 Refnd/Cancel etc Tx
KIN 81 4409 Sewer Service Rtes
KIN 81 4410 Stop Up Pt-Broadwy
KIN 81 4411 Accept UndGrd Serv
KIN 81 4412 Design Sp Cont Area
KIN 81 4413 Tax Registration Ld
KIN 81 4414 Com Ctr Renovation
KIN 81 4415 Fix Salaries
KIN 81 4416 Sell Pt 1 Pl 3R3153
KIN 81 4417 Appoint Mem Ctt/Adj
KIN 81 4418 Appoint Mem Cemetry
KIN 81 4419 Appoint Mem KDCC BD
KIN 81 4420 Appoint Mem Plan Bd
KIN 81 4421 Appoint Mem Propety
KIN 81 4422 Borrow-Bk/Montreal
KIN 81 4423 Salaries/Benefits
KIN 81 4424 Sanitary Sewer Proj
KIN 82 4425 Tax Arrear Penalty
KIN 82 4426 Current Tx Penalty
KIN 82 4427 Amend Rates-Cemetry
KIN 82 4428 Designate-217 Harbo
KIN 82 4429 Appoint Mem LACAC
KIN 82 4430 Repealed by No.4507
KIN 82 4431 Repealed by No.4436
KIN 82 4432 Amend Bylaw No.4426
KIN 82 4433 Mill Rate -Gen Purp
KIN 82 4434 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 82 4435 Repealed No. 4444
KIN 82 4436 Repeal 4222...etc
KIN 82 4437 Declare Tax Regisra
KIN 82 4438 Appoint Mem BIA
KIN 82 4439 Quit Claim Deed Lt1
KIN 82 4440 Repealed No. 4444
KIN 82 4441 Apoint Mem-Cemetery
KIN 82 4442 Appoint Mem-Library
KIN 82 4443 Easement Agreement
KIN 82 4444 Redevelopment Area
KIN 82 4445 Est. Mun Emerg Serv
KIN 82 4446 Financil Assist AIR
KIN 82 4447 Repeal Bylw No.4090
KIN 82 4448 Hire Employ-Wilkin
KIN 82 4449 Mill Rate 1982
KIN 82 4450 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 82 4451 Erect Conn Pk Pavil
KIN 82 4453 Designa-804 Princes
KIN 82 4454 Tender - Durham St
KIN 82 4455 Not Approved
KIN 82 4456 Apoint Mem KDCC REC
KIN 82 4457 Appoint Mem-Indust
KIN 82 4458 Sale/Pt1 Pl 3R 1678
KIN 82 4459 Tender-Br Ave/Pen R
KIN 82 4460 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 82 4461 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 82 4462 Agree - RIC Program
KIN 82 4463 Repealed by No.4466
KIN 82 4464 Retention Period
KIN 82 4465 Bldg Bylw-Bldg/Demo
KIN 82 4466 Appoint Pest Cont
KIN 82 4467 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 82 4468 Amend No.4350 Medic
KIN 82 4469 Appoint - Tourist
KIN 82 4470 Defeated
KIN 82 4471 Assume Lt 32 Pen Rw
KIN 82 4472 Redevelop Plan ONIP
KIN 82 4473 Cont. Comm Rec Prog
KIN 82 4474 Des Pt1 3R3267 HWY
KIN 82 4475 Cap Grnt GBR Health
KIN 82 4476 Agree - Accommod
KIN 82 4477 Amend Bylaw No.4265
KIN 82 4478 Appoint Mem Library
KIN 82 4479 Apoint Mem KDCC Rec
KIN 82 4480 Appoint Mem LACAC
KIN 82 4481 Tender-Lib Renovati
KIN 82 4482 Quit Claim Deed-Lt4
KIN 82 4483 Monmar Dev Pl M-1
KIN 82 4484 Bell Can-Buried Cab
KIN 82 4485 Agre Min Env P/Stat
KIN 82 4486 Agree -ONIP 1981-82
KIN 82 4487 Tax Write-Offs A.RC
KIN 82 4488 Appoint Mem Cemetry
KIN 82 4489 Apoint Mem Ctte/Adj
KIN 82 4490 Appoint Mem Plan
KIN 82 4491 Apoint Mem KDCC Rec
KIN 82 4492 Appoint Mem Indust
KIN 82 4493 Apoint Mem T&Twp Ld
KIN 82 4494 Appoint Mem Library
KIN 82 4495 Appoint Mem LACAC
KIN 82 4496 Appoint Mem Proprty
KIN 82 4497 Appoint Member -BIA
KIN 82 4498 Appoint Mem Tourist
KIN 82 4499 Amend Bylaw No.4265
KIN 82 4500 Hire - Helen Wright
KIN 82 4501 Amend Bylaw No.3120
KIN 82 4502 Approve Borrowing
KIN 83 4503 Amend Bylaw No.4043
KIN 83 4504 Sign Bylaw Regulate
KIN 83 4505 Penalty -Set Rate
KIN 83 4506 Interest Bylaw-Tax
KIN 83 4507 Discount -Set Rate
KIN 83 4508 AssumeMtchllCrt-Hwy
KIN 83 4509 Sell Pt /Block 'C'
KIN 83 4510 Salaries-Employees
KIN 83 4511 Appoint-BIA/Tourist
KIN 83 4512 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 83 4513 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 83 4514 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 83 4515 Accept Undrgrd Serv
KIN 83 4516 Reg Pking Vehicles
KIN 83 4517 Agreement/Prchase
KIN 83 4518 Appoint - Tourist
KIN 83 4519 Assume Pt2 West St
KIN 83 4520 Lawn Water Hours
KIN 83 4521 Tender - Library
KIN 83 4522 Tender - Library
KIN 83 4523 Remunerat-Council
KIN 83 4524 Desig Home (Archit)
KIN 83 4525 Desig Home (Archit)
KIN 83 4526 Rezone-PtLt8 Queen
KIN 83 4527 Mill Rates 1983
KIN 83 4528 Stwart Drain-Clnout
KIN 83 4529 Reconstruct/Street
KIN 83 4530 Paving Pking Areas
KIN 83 4531 Site Preparat-TOUR
KIN 83 4532 Erection/Stop Signs
KIN 83 4533 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 83 4534 Erection of Awnings
KIN 83 4535 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 83 4536 Applicat Fee-Plan
KIN 83 4537 Proh/Reg Grbg/Waste
KIN 83 4538 Amend Official Pl#4
KIN 83 4539 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 83 4540 Erection/Stop Sign
KIN 83 4541 Appoint Mem Plan
KIN 83 4542 Appoint Mem Ctt/Adj
KIN 83 4543 MTC/Airport Subsidy
KIN 83 4544 Interim Tx WriteOff
KIN 83 4545 Noise Bylaw
KIN 83 4546 Repealed by No4557
KIN 83 4547 Energy Conservation
KIN 83 4548 Frontge Chrg Refund
KIN 83 4549 Commun Recreation
KIN 83 4550 Planning Amend Ctt
KIN 83 4551 Tender-Gas Vent Sys
KIN 83 4552 Transfer of Land
KIN 83 4553 Amend Bylaw No.4305
KIN 83 4554 Licens-Public Halls
KIN 83 4555 Amended by No.98 30
KIN 83 4556 Establish Rsrv Fund
KIN 83 4557 Repeal bylaw No4546
KIN 83 4558 Town Hall Electric
KIN 83 4559 Tender-Insulat/Metl
KIN 83 4560 Borrow from CIBC
KIN 83 4561 Amend Redevelopment
KIN 83 4562 Tender-Storm Sewer
KIN 83 4563 Tender-GasTank/Pump
KIN 83 4564 Appoint Mem LACAC
KIN 83 4565 Tender-Lift Asphalt
KIN 83 4566 Agree-Prov/ BACPAC
KIN 83 4567 Repeal Other
KIN 83 4568 Appoint Mem Indust
KIN 83 4569 BrCty Joint Manpwr
KIN 83 4570 Amend Bylaw No.4504
KIN 83 4571 Appoint Mem CCR Bd
KIN 83 4572 Appoint Mem Cemtery
KIN 83 4573 Appoint Mem Prprty
KIN 83 4574 Appoint Mem Library
KIN 84 4575 Refund / Taxes
KIN 84 4576 Const/Demoliti Bldg
KIN 84 4577 Design Home - Hist
KIN 84 4578 Salaries Employees
KIN 84 4579 Remunration/Expense
KIN 84 4580 Appoint L.A.C.A.C
KIN 84 4581 Author/ Fire Agree
KIN 84 4582 Est.Fire Department
KIN 84 4583 Appoint Fire Chief
KIN 84 4584 Appoint Fire Dept
KIN 84 4585 Cty Mutual Fire Aid
KIN 84 4586 Appoint Mem Eco Adv
KIN 84 4587 Hire/Fix Salary-Sm
KIN 84 4588 Est.Position EcoDev
KIN 84 4589 Airport Agreement
KIN 84 4590 Control of Termites
KIN 84 4591 Agree - Termite
KIN 84 4592 O.P.Amend #5 Monmar
KIN 84 4593 Amend Rezone-Monmar
KIN 84 4594 Appoint - Library
KIN 84 4595 Appoint Mem Tourist
KIN 84 4596 Appoint Mem K&DCC
KIN 84 4597 Agre-Mun.Affair/Hse
KIN 84 4598 Plan Not Registered
KIN 84 4599 Agre-Mun.Affair/Hse
KIN 84 4600 Prhbt/Reg injry HWY
KIN 84 4601 Est. Taxation/1984
KIN 84 4602 Hire Pool Super
KIN 84 4603 Amend Bylaw No.4586
KIN 84 4604 Communit Prog./Rec
KIN 84 4605 Tender - AIR Fence
KIN 84 4606 1984 Rd Reconstruct
KIN 84 4607 Parking Meters
KIN 84 4608 Dischrg-Guns/Firarm
KIN 84 4609 Licens/Crcus/Midwy
KIN 84 4610 Prchase/Ld -Airport
KIN 84 4611 Set Fees - Cemetery
KIN 84 4612 Tender - AIR Fence
KIN 84 4613 Repeal Bylaw No4101
KIN 84 4614 DEAD (Deferred)
KIN 84 4615 DEAD (Deferred)
KIN 84 4616 O.P. Amend-Chris
KIN 84 4617 Amend-Zone Christop
KIN 84 4619 Tender-Dehumidifier
KIN 84 4620 Sale-Lt30,Pl M-3#35
KIN 84 4621 Solar Heat Syst Rep
KIN 84 4622 Amend Property St
KIN 84 4623 Deem Lt 19-21Pt 18
KIN 84 4624 Appoint Mem Ctt/Adj
KIN 84 4625 Queen- Storm Drain
KIN 84 4626 AIR Pking Lt Extent
KIN 84 4627 Sle/Lt 4 Pl 134 Vic
KIN 84 4628 Appoint Mem - BIA
KIN 84 4629 Amend Agree-BACPAC
KIN 84 4631 Amend Agree - ONIP
KIN 84 4632 Sanitary Harbour St
KIN 84 4633 Construct-Com Cntr
KIN 84 4634 Des 779 Princess St
KIN 84 4635 Noise Bylaw
KIN 84 4636 Designate 791 Princess St
KIN 84 4637 Appoint Mem Eco Adv
KIN 84 4638 Appoint Mem Library
KIN 84 4639 Appoint Mem C.C.R.B
KIN 84 4640 Des 816 Princess St
KIN 84 4644A Payment/Salaries
KIN 85 4630 Construct serv cen
KIN 85 4641 Design 343 Durham St
KIN 85 4642 Refund Taxes
KIN 85 4643 Amend Sign Bylaw
KIN 85 4644 Salaries - Eco Dev
KIN 85 4645 Agree-Eco Dev Comm
KIN 85 4646 Appoint Mem Cemtery
KIN 85 4647 Appoint Mem Prprty
KIN 85 4648 Appoint Mem Plan
KIN 85 4649 Appoint Mem T&T AIR
KIN 85 4650 Repeal Lawn Water
KIN 85 4651 Pay-Grant Destruct
KIN 85 4652 Remunerat-Council
KIN 85 4653 Br Eco Asess Pl&Dev
KIN 85 4654 Exec/Agmt MAH BIA
KIN 85 4655 Constr PUC H20 Pipe
KIN 85 4656 Apoint Weed Inspect
KIN 85 4657 Prchse Pt Lt 40-44
KIN 85 4658 Due Date-Intrim Tax
KIN 85 4659 Cemetery Rates
KIN 85 4660 Pking Area Handicap
KIN 85 4661 Appoint BIA -B.King
KIN 85 4662 Sp Control Area
KIN 85 4663 Hire Outside Maint
KIN 85 4664 Est.Herit Rsrv Fund
KIN 85 4665 Manor Wood - HWY
KIN 85 4666 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 85 4667 Des 789 Queen-Hist
KIN 85 4668 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 85 4669 Mill Rate - 1985
KIN 85 4670 Hire/Set Salary-Sec
KIN 85 4671 Hire & Fix Salary
KIN 85 4672 Hire/Fix Salary-Dan
KIN 85 4673 Authoriz Borrow CIB
KIN 85 4674 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 85 4675 Sell Pt 2, 3R 2340
KIN 85 4676 Transient Traders
KIN 85 4677 Amend No. 4660 etc
KIN 85 4678 Amend Bylaw No.2099
KIN 85 4679 PUC Equip Center
KIN 85 4680 Enlarge BIA
KIN 85 4681 Tender- St Ped Brdg
KIN 85 4682 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 85 4683 Repeal Bylw No.3054
KIN 85 4684 Agre-Pare/Kng Nurse
KIN 85 4685 Hire - Clerk/Typist
KIN 85 4686 Purchase Ld-Harvey
KIN 85 4687 Lease - H.J. Ackert
KIN 85 4688 Raise Mney-Shorline
KIN 85 4689 Impose Annual Rts
KIN 85 4690 Initial Environ Evl
KIN 85 4691 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 85 4692 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 85 4694 Quit Clm Deed-Lt 3
KIN 85 4695 Temp Borrow/Water
KIN 85 4696 Hire/Set Salry-Admn
KIN 85 4697 Appoint Mem Cemtery
KIN 85 4698 Apoint Mem Prpty St
KIN 85 4699 Appoint Mem Tourist
KIN 85 4700 Appoint Mem-KDCC/RB
KIN 85 4701 Appoint Mem Plan
KIN 85 4702 Appoint Mem Indust
KIN 85 4703 Appoint Mem Commerc
KIN 85 4704 Appoint Mem Library
KIN 85 4705 Appoint Mem LACAC
KIN 85 4706 Appoint Mem - B.I.A
KIN 85 4707 Appoint Mem Airport
KIN 85 4708 Est. Ct Cond Public
KIN 85 4710 Appoint Mem Ctt/Adj
KIN 85 4711 Write-off of Taxes
KIN 85 4712 Amend Bylaw No.4180
KIN 86 4676 Licensing Regulating and Governing Transient Traders
KIN 86 4709 Sale/Ld - H20 Tower
KIN 86 4713 Appoint Clk/Treasur
KIN 86 4714 Air Landing Grounds
KIN 86 4715 Erect Stop Sign
KIN 86 4716 Exempt-Retail Holdy
KIN 86 4717 Appoint Mem-Library
KIN 86 4718 Appoint Mem KDCCRB
KIN 86 4719 Designate Site Pl
KIN 86 4720 Appoint Acount Clk
KIN 86 4721 Amend-Council Rem
KIN 86 4722 Appoint Admin Secre
KIN 86 4723 Deferred Indefnitly
KIN 86 4724 NO More Disc Taxes
KIN 86 4725 Deferred Indefnitly
KIN 86 4726 Appoint Pks/Maint
KIN 86 4727 Appoint - KDCCRB
KIN 86 4728 Set Fee Plan Applic
KIN 86 4729 Raise Mony-Shorline
KIN 86 4730 Amend Chgs Tax Cert
KIN 86 4731 Pay/Salaries-Employ
KIN 86 4732 Change Date/Meet
KIN 86 4733 Appoint Con Secreta
KIN 86 4734 Assume PL 638 HWY
KIN 86 4735 License Refresh Veh
KIN 86 4736 Assume Pt 2 3R-2392
KIN 86 4737 Authorize -Sale/Ld
KIN 86 4738 Exempt Bus/Holiday
KIN 86 4739 Authorize Sale/Ld
KIN 86 4740 Strike Rate-Taxatio
KIN 86 4741 Author Borrow CIBC
KIN 86 4742 Authorize Sale/Ld
KIN 86 4743 Amended by no. 2122
KIN 86 4744 Assume Public HWY
KIN 86 4745 Aprove Writeoff Tax
KIN 86 4746 Sell a Parcel/Ld
KIN 86 4747 Appoint Temp Secret
KIN 86 4748 Desig Prpt Histric
KIN 86 4749 Sell a Parcel/Ld
KIN 86 4750 Offcial Pl-Cottrill Amend No.7
KIN 86 4751 Rezone-Cottril Prty
KIN 86 4752 Tenders - Princes
KIN 86 4753 Advanc-Constr AIR
KIN 86 4754 Tender - AIR Runwy
KIN 86 4755 Tender - AIR Drain
KIN 86 4756 Agree-Cottrill/Ont
KIN 86 4757 Control Rte-Dischrg
KIN 86 4758 Amend Bylaw 4350
KIN 86 4759 Appoint 'X' Guard
KIN 86 4760 Defeated
KIN 86 4761 Engnr Serv-Paragon
KIN 86 4762 Engnr Serv Peto Mac
KIN 86 4763 Hire-Pking Meter At
KIN 86 4764 Hire Admin Secrtary
KIN 86 4765 Br. Cty Res Suport
KIN 86 4766 Amend Bylaw No.4582
KIN 86 4767 Comm Program/Rec
KIN 86 4768 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 86 4769 Shoreline Property
KIN 86 4770 Appoint Mem-Rec Bd
KIN 86 4771 Control/Licenc Dogs
KIN 86 4772 Chnge Dte/Reg Meet
KIN 86 4773 Appoint Mem-Cemtery
KIN 86 4774 Defeated
KIN 86 4775 Amend Bylaw No.4600
KIN 86 4776 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 86 4777 Defeated
KIN 86 4778 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 86 4779 Defeated
KIN 86 4780 Develop Agreement
KIN 86 4781 Appoint Plan Advis
KIN 86 4782 Apoint Prprty Stand
KIN 86 4783 Appoint - KDRB
KIN 86 4784 Est Librar Advisory
KIN 86 4785 Appoint Library Ct
KIN 86 4786 Sp - Control Area
KIN 86 4787 Refund of Taxes
KIN 86 4788 Amend Bylaw No.4350
KIN 87 001 Rate Bylaw-Shoreline
KIN 87 002 Agree -Sm Animal Con
KIN 87 003 Appoint-Cemetery Ctt
KIN 87 004 Pl Serv Agree-Br Cty
KIN 87 005 Designat-786 Princes
KIN 87 006 Demoltion/Const Bldg
KIN 87 007 Sched -Retent Period
KIN 87 008 Noise Control Bylaw
KIN 87 009 1987 Salaries
KIN 87 010 Widen Saugeen St.
KIN 87 011 Cls/Stp/Sell Saugen
KIN 87 012 Sell Port-Saugeen St
KIN 87 013 Amend Bylaw No. 4721
KIN 87 014 Appoint - BIA Exec
KIN 87 015 Sale/Ld -Sharfenburg
KIN 87 017 Revise Chart - ED
KIN 87 018 Appoint Assist - EDC
KIN 87 019 Desgnat 267 Lambton
KIN 87 020 Adopt New Offcial Pl
KIN 87 021 Appoint Member LACAC
KIN 87 022 Hire Accounting Clk
KIN 87 023 Hire Pool Supervisor
KIN 87 024 Stoop/Scoop Bylaw
KIN 87 025 Ingress Krupps-Pk Lt
KIN 87 026 Amend Official Pl #8
KIN 87 027 Est Athltic Field Fd
KIN 87 028 Rezone - K.D.A.M.R.
KIN 87 029 Rezone - Storage
KIN 87 030 Defeated
KIN 87 031 Appoint Tourist Dev
KIN 87 033 Defeated
KIN 87 034 Appoint Tourist Cons
KIN 87 035 Appoint-Lib Custodia
KIN 87 036 Amend Pking Meter
KIN 87 037 Tender - Fire Truck
KIN 87 038 Establish Mill Rate
KIN 87 039 Amend Proced Bylaw
KIN 87 040 Amend Bylaw No.4660
KIN 87 041 Rezoning - Martin
KIN 87 042 Rezoning-Kirkconnell
KIN 87 043 Appoint Temp-Secreta
KIN 87 044 Appoint D. Wisser
KIN 87 045 Amend Bylaw No.4735
KIN 87 046 Appoint L.A.C.A.C.
KIN 87 047 Tender-Airport Runwy
KIN 87 048 Appoint V.Fry -LACAC
KIN 87 049 Tender-Enrgy Rtrofit
KIN 87 050 2 Bldg Permit System
KIN 87 051 Cls/Stp/Sell Mechnic
KIN 87 052 Versa Care Rezone
KIN 87 055 Payment/Lieu Pking
KIN 87 056 Boardwalk Agree
KIN 87 057 Appoint Mem -Tourism
KIN 87 058 Est Sports Improve
KIN 87 059 Refund/Taxes - 1987
KIN 87 060 Sell Ind. Ld-Pestill
KIN 87 061 Rplce Handicap Pking
KIN 87 062 Sell Lt 33/34-McMast
KIN 87 063 Designat Pt Lt 15-17
KIN 87 064 Sell Pt-Mechanics
KIN 87 065 Appoint Mem - LACAC
KIN 87 066 Mahood-Jhnsn Dr -HWY
KIN 87 067 Rezoning - Coultrup
KIN 87 068 Con Pking-Boulevards
KIN 87 069 Rezone Ld -R.Boucher
KIN 87 070 Sale/Ind. Ld -Smith
KIN 87 071 Quit Clm Deed-Riggin
KIN 87 072 EN-Wodhall/Bru/Wlden
KIN 87 073 Defeated
KIN 87 074 Goldie Cres. - HWY
KIN 87 075 Postponed Indefnitly
KIN 87 076 Tender - Reconstr St
KIN 87 077 Constr-Mahood-Johnst
KIN 87 078 MacArthur Rezone
KIN 87 079 Est. Retent Time PUC
KIN 87 080 Tax Arrear-J.Johnstn
KIN 87 081 Appoint Mem - LACAC
KIN 87 082 Dev Agree-Versa Care
KIN 87 083 Est. New Proced/Form
KIN 87 084 Sp - Cottrill Condos
KIN 87 085 Tender-Resurf Saugen
KIN 87 086 Sp - Ideal Supply
KIN 87 087 Sp - Dawn Smith
KIN 87 088 Sp - Don MacArthur
KIN 87 089 Appoint - KDRB
KIN 87 090 Appoint -Prpty Stand
KIN 87 091 Appoint Mem Cemetery
KIN 87 092 Sale/Ld -Global Heat
KIN 87 093 Sale/Ld - Palmateer
KIN 87 094 Sp - Global Heat
KIN 87 095 Sale/Ld - Versa Care
KIN 87 096 Rezoning MacArthur
KIN 87 097 Appoint - Library
KIN 87 098 NOT Deem Subdvsin
KIN 87 099 Refund/Taxes -1987
KIN 87 100 Salaries 1988
KIN 87 101 Postponed Indefnitly
KIN 87 102 Sp - Versa Care Ltd
KIN 87 103 Designation-T.McCann
KIN 87 104 Defeated
KIN 87 105 Exten Agree-Wayland
KIN 87 106 Repeal Bylaw No87 78
KIN 87 107 Control Waste Discharge
KIN 87 108 Council Remuneration
KIN 87 109 Erection/Stop Signs
KIN 87 110 Agree-Sm Animal Cont
KIN 87 111 Appoint-Tourist Ctte
KIN 87 112 Sp - Palmateer
KIN 88 001 Zoning Bylaw
KIN 88 002 Appoint Bldg Secrete
KIN 88 003 Appoint -Tourist Ctt
KIN 88 004 EN - K.R. Davies
KIN 88 005 Sp - Global Heat
KIN 88 006 Sp - Dedi-Care
KIN 88 007 Ext Agree-Tax Arrear
KIN 88 008 Est Joint HS Ctte
KIN 88 009 Amend Employ Agree
KIN 88 010 Defeated
KIN 88 011 EN Agree - L. Tusz
KIN 88 012 Agree-Min/House Dis
KIN 88 013 Appoint -Library Ctt
KIN 88 014 Amend-Intrim Tx Date
KIN 88 015 Lic Agree-Min Trade
KIN 88 016 Shoreline Loan
KIN 88 017 Agree-Lyal Ornge Ldg
KIN 88 018 Agree-Chber/Commerce
KIN 88 019 NOT Pl Subdivision
KIN 88 020 Appoint-Davidson Ctr
KIN 88 021 Debnture-Beach Clean
KIN 88 022 Sp-392720 Ontrio Ltd
KIN 88 023 Dev Agree-392720 Ont
KIN 88 024 Appoint -Airport Ctt
KIN 88 025 Sell Walkway-Holtby
KIN 88 026 Sp - Mid Twn Service
KIN 88 027 Sp - St. Anthony's
KIN 88 028 Sp - Gry/Bru Holding
KIN 88 029 Pk Agree - K.D.A.M.R
KIN 88 030 EN - Meldrum
KIN 88 031 Date Change/Council
KIN 88 032 Tender- Airport Term
KIN 88 033 Prohibit Deface/Prpr
KIN 88 034 Pedi-Cab Bylaw
KIN 88 035 Licence Refresh Bike
KIN 88 036 Cls/Stp/Sell/Park St
KIN 88 037 Appoint G.Rogers-BIA
KIN 88 038 Appoint J.Sauder-BIA
KIN 88 039 Purchase/Ld-Simmons
KIN 88 040 EN - Bieman
KIN 88 041 Set Rates/Taxation
KIN 88 042 Amend Sp-694125 Ont
KIN 88 043 Sp - Bossdev Develop
KIN 88 044 Pk Agree-Bossdev Dev
KIN 88 045 Quit Clm Deed-Bradle
KIN 88 046 Use/Composite Ballot
KIN 88 047 Hire PW Man -Couture
KIN 88 048 Repealed by No 95 64
KIN 88 049 Sidewalk Display
KIN 88 050 Est Canada Day Ctte
KIN 88 051 KDRB Polices/Proced
KIN 88 053 Sp - Pestill
KIN 88 054 Sp - Showalter
KIN 88 055 Hire PT Account Clk
KIN 88 056 Designation-490 Bdwy
KIN 88 057 Amended by No.90 03
KIN 88 058 Defeated
KIN 88 059 Revise No. 87 100
KIN 88 060 Defered Indefinitely
KIN 88 061 Sale of Ld - McVeigh
KIN 88 062 Tender -Harbour St.
KIN 88 063 Rescind No.88 47 PW
KIN 88 064 Sale of Ld - Strong
KIN 88 065 Asess Rev Crt -Taxes
KIN 88 066 Sale/Land - Kholi
KIN 88 067 Sale/Land - Aneja
KIN 88 068 Elderly Tax Credit
KIN 88 069 Sp - Farnham Develop
KIN 88 070 Appoint Mayor-Wilson
KIN 88 071 Sp-Zurbrigg Contract
KIN 88 072 Appoint Library Ctte
KIN 88 073 Amend-Prpty Standard
KIN 88 074 Tender-Traffic Signs
KIN 88 075 Tender - Storm Sewer
KIN 88 076 Appoint -Tourist Dev
KIN 88 077 Tender-Bru Ave Culvt
KIN 88 078 Agree - BGCRCSS Bd
KIN 88 079 Agree Bruc Cty Bd/Ed
KIN 88 080 Agree -Communication
KIN 88 081 Agree - BGCRCSS Bd
KIN 88 082 Appoint K.D.R.B
KIN 88 083 Appoint Tourist Dev
KIN 88 084 Appoint Indust/Comm
KIN 88 085 Appoint Airport Ctte
KIN 88 086 Appoint Library Ctte
KIN 88 087 Appoint LACAC
KIN 88 088 Appoint BIA
KIN 88 089 Appoint Prpty Stand
KIN 88 091 Amend Sports Improve
KIN 88 092 Est. Fish Derby Ctte
KIN 88 093 Agree-Sm Animal Con
KIN 88 094 Refund of Taxes
KIN 88 095 Sp - P. MacMasters
KIN 89 001 Appoint Work Foreman
KIN 89 002 Authorize Borrowing
KIN 89 003 Sp - L.R. McFadden
KIN 89 005 Fix/Author Salaries
KIN 89 006 Subdivision Agrement
KIN 89 007 Subdivision Agrement
KIN 89 008 Appoint Mem-Lkefront
KIN 89 009 Appoint Mem - BIA
KIN 89 010 Appoint Mem-Ind/Comm
KIN 89 011 Appoint Mem-Tourist
KIN 89 012 Remuneration/Expend
KIN 89 013 Agree -Chamber/Cmmrc
KIN 89 014 Repeal Bylaw No89 01
KIN 89 015 Tax Certificate Chrg
KIN 89 016 Change Date/Council
KIN 89 017 Cls/StpUp/Sel South
KIN 89 019 Appoint -Library Ctt
KIN 89 020 Prohibit Vehil-Field
KIN 89 021 App-Outside Maintain
KIN 89 022 Amend Sp-H.Forrester
KIN 89 023 Amend Bylaw No. 4537
KIN 89 024 Sale/Ld Ind- Pestill
KIN 89 025 Appoint - D. Small
KIN 89 026 Est. Rules/Reg-Cemet
KIN 89 027 Appoint-Cemetery Ctt
KIN 89 028 Appoint-Salmon Drby
KIN 89 029 EN Agre-Houston/King
KIN 89 030 Sale/Land - McVeigh
KIN 89 031 Sale of Land - Aneja
KIN 89 032 EN Agree - AMDU Ltd
KIN 89 034 App. Dunsmoor - LDAC
KIN 89 035 Appoint-Library Ctte
KIN 89 036 EN Agree - R. Hewitt
KIN 89 037 Appoint - Pks Maint
KIN 89 038 Apoint-Asst.Pks Main
KIN 89 039 Sale of Land - Kohli
KIN 89 040 Amend Bylaw No. 3093
KIN 89 041 Designat 809 Princes
KIN 89 042 Designat 854 Princes
KIN 89 043 Amend Proced Bylaw
KIN 89 044 Development Agree
KIN 89 046 Sp - Board/Education
KIN 89 047 Postpon Indefinitely
KIN 89 048 Appoint Manager /PW
KIN 89 049 Sp- Ron Hicks
KIN 89 050 Pt Lt Control Bylaw
KIN 89 051 Appoint-Tourist Dev
KIN 89 052 Hire Bldg Inspector
KIN 89 053 Amend Bylaw No.4465
KIN 89 054 Skateboard Bylaw
KIN 89 055 Appoint-Tourist Ctte
KIN 89 056 Temp Cls McKendrick
KIN 89 057 Subdivision Agree
KIN 89 058 BluH20 Park Rules
KIN 89 059 Appoint - LACAC Ctte
KIN 89 060 SP Agree Bru country
KIN 89 061 Sp -Samdoon Holding
KIN 89 062 Est Library Fund Ctt
KIN 89 063 Defeated
KIN 89 064 Tender -Apron Expand
KIN 89 065 Joint Fire Protction
KIN 89 066 Hire PT Secret -Bldg
KIN 89 067 Sp-D. Small Car Wash
KIN 89 069 Est 1989 Mill Rates
KIN 89 070 Amend Landfill Rates
KIN 89 071 Tender - Victoria St
KIN 89 072 Sale/Land -Curl Club
KIN 89 073 Agre-BrCty Res Equip
KIN 89 074 Agree - M.T.O
KIN 89 075 Amend Rts-BluH20 Pk
KIN 89 077 Repeal -Pking Policy
KIN 89 078 Twn Hall Renovation
KIN 89 079 Amend -Official Plan
KIN 89 080 Amend No.88 01 Zone
KIN 89 081 Amend No. 4350 Cora
KIN 89 082 Amend No 88 01- Cora
KIN 89 083 App-BIA Smith/Sandel
KIN 89 084 PUC Remuneratio 1989
KIN 89 085 Agree-Algon Brew Co.
KIN 89 086 Appoint-Pks Maintain
KIN 89 087 Appoint-Outside Main
KIN 89 088 Appoint -Airport Ctt
KIN 89 089 Samdoon Pking
KIN 89 090 Appoint - Rec Board
KIN 89 091 Appoint-Clerk/Typist
KIN 89 092 Appoint-LACAC Wiebe
KIN 89 093 Agree-GlenCo Holding
KIN 89 094 Appoint B.I.A.
KIN 89 095 Tender - Park Street
KIN 89 096 Appoint Ldfil Attend
KIN 89 097 Amend Ldfill Rates
KIN 89 098 Versa-Care Develop
KIN 89 099 Appoint - K.D.R.B.
KIN 89 100 KDRB Policies bylaw
KIN 89 101 Appoint -Library Ctt
KIN 89 102 Sp - Laschuck
KIN 89 103 CKNX Fish Derby
KIN 89 104 Rezoning- P. Kelly
KIN 89 105 Pks/Inside Maint
KIN 89 106 Amend Official Pl #2
KIN 89 107 Ld Sale Pentcstal Ch
KIN 89 108 Land Sale-G. McVeigh
KIN 89 109 Ld Sale Kin Cable TV
KIN 89 110 Ld Sale - R.Benbow
KIN 89 111 Ld Sale -J.Nicholson
KIN 89 112 Ld Sale - C.Coughlan
KIN 89 113 Appoint Execut Secrt
KIN 89 114 Appoint Library Ctte
KIN 89 115 Appoint K.D.R.B Ctte
KIN 89 116 Appoint STDS Ctte
KIN 89 117 Joint Fire Protect
KIN 89 118 Consolid Fee Bylaw
KIN 89 119 Refund of Taxes
KIN 89 120 Amended By No.94 15
KIN 89 121 Amends No. 4180
KIN 89 122 Sp - Stuart Ogg
KIN 89 123 Prchs Land-Lye/Smith