HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutBRU 80 001 Borrowing by-lawBRU 80 002 Remuneration 1980BRU 80 003 Employee benefitsBRU 80 004 porperty rd wideningBRU 80 005 mun drain #1BRU 80 006 appt fence viewersBRU 80 007 purchase of porpertyBRU 80 009 lawful fencesBRU 80 010 Official Plan amendBRU 80 011 Budget 1980BRU 80 012 Mill rates 1980BRU 80 013 Agree Ont HydroBRU 80 014 amend zon lt 4/5 c14BRU 80 015 Metric conversionBRU 80 016 amend official planBRU 80 017 amend #76-10BRU 80 018 rating tile drainageBRU 80 019 mun drain #12BRU 80 020 borrowing by-lawBRU 80 021 lay out of rd lt CBRU 80 022 lay out of rd lt CBRU 81 001 remuneration 1981BRU 81 002 amend to #80-3BRU 81 003 Repealed By No 84 01BRU 81 004 rd assumption properBRU 81 005 propery rd wideningBRU 81 006 appt animal cont offBRU 81 007 amend zon ThompsonBRU 81 008 Repeal by-law #81-4BRU 81 009 property acquisitionBRU 81 010 amend zon lt 16 con2BRU 81 011 Repeal by-law #81-8BRU 81 012 budget for 1981BRU 81 013 mill rates for 1981BRU 81 014 agree with Ont HydroBRU 81 015 Treasurer pay acctsBRU 81 016 Rating tile darinageBRU 81 017 amend zon lt C con 3BRU 81 018 rating tile drainageBRU 81 019 interest tax arrearsBRU 81 020 penalty current taxBRU 81 022 Wrightson drain #13BRU 81 023 Site Plan ControlBRU 81 024 Rating tile drainageBRU 81 025 Rating tile drainageBRU 81 026 Tile drainage IrwinBRU 81 027 amend by-law #80-19BRU 82 001 remuneration 1982BRU 82 002 borrowing by-lawBRU 82 003 purchase propertyBRU 82 004 tax arrears penaltyBRU 82 005 tax arrears interestBRU 82 006 amend zon ClarkBRU 82 007 rates mun drain #12BRU 82 008 expentitures 1982BRU 82 009 Mill rates for 1982BRU 82 010 sign agree BECDCBRU 82 011 purchase propertyBRU 82 012 Tile drain CummingBRU 82 013 property for BMTSBRU 82 014 appt drainage intendBRU 82 015 agree ont hydro #1BRU 82 016 Tile drainage RoppelBRU 82 017 agree ont hyd repealBRU 82 018 amend #81-22BRU 82 019 zoning changeBRU 82 020 Repealed By No 83 04BRU 82 021 borrowing by-lawBRU 83 001 remuneration 1983BRU 83 002 tile rating drainageBRU 83 003 borrowing tile drainBRU 83 004 Repeal Bylaw # 82-20BRU 83 005 mun drain interestsBRU 83 007 agree fire - TivBRU 83 008 Vehicle speed ZepfBRU 83 010 procedural for counBRU 83 011 Tile Drainage FennerBRU 83 013 Budget 1983BRU 83 014 Mill rates 1983BRU 83 015 Drainage # 15BRU 83 016 agree moeBRU 83 017 rating drainageBRU 83 018 agree BACPACBRU 83 019 rating drainageBRU 83 020 vehicle speedBRU 83 021 Tile Drain CummingsBRU 83 022 mun drain # 16 JonesBRU 83 023 beaver controlBRU 83 024 property acqisitionBRU 83 025 rating drainageBRU 83 026 mun drain # 15BRU 83 027 op amend # 3BRU 83 028 borrowing by-law twpBRU 83 029 swick drain cleanoutBRU 83 030 remuneration 1984BRU 84 001 petty cashBRU 84 002 Rating DrainageBRU 84 003 mun drain # 15BRU 84 004 appt animal cont offBRU 84 005 amend # 83-10BRU 84 006 dog licensingBRU 84 007 budget 1984BRU 84 008 Mill rate 1984BRU 84 009 amending # 84-6BRU 84 010 fire agree (Paisley)BRU 84 011 logoBRU 84 012 rezon hydro porpertyBRU 84 013 supreme court ontBRU 84 014 rating drainageBRU 84 015 Ont Hyd supplementarBRU 84 016 Cancelled See #84 20BRU 84 017 op amend WilliBRU 84 018 amend zon WilliBRU 84 019 Tile Drain Ran-LeaBRU 84 020 Repeal # 84-16BRU 84 021 Rating drainageBRU 84 022 council approvalBRU 84 023 agree bacpac extensiBRU 84 024 rating drainageBRU 84 025 amend # 84-17BRU 84 026 OJRP Trust FundBRU 84 027 Chief bldg officalBRU 84 028 bylaw enforce officeBRU 84 029 remuneration employeBRU 84 030 amend # 83-27BRU 85 001 borrowing by-lawBRU 85 002 amend industrial BECBRU 85 003 Tile Drainage FennerBRU 85 004 agree Bru Econ ctteeBRU 85 005 appt weed inspectorBRU 85 006 amend mun drain # 16BRU 85 007 lighting fires twpBRU 85 008 borrowing tile drainBRU 85 009 agree computer instaBRU 85 010 Annual EstimatesBRU 85 011 NOT DATED/PASSEDBRU 85 012 agree Ont Hy steamliBRU 85 013 agree Ont Hyrdo # 3BRU 85 014 portion of rdwayBRU 85 015 purchase rd propertyBRU 85 017 bell drain clean outBRU 85 018 Repealed By No 95 39BRU 85 019 speed lim 60 tie rdBRU 85 020 rating drainageBRU 85 021 load limits on rdBRU 85 022 agree mun action 85BRU 85 023 RepealedBRU 85 024 appt fire chief bldgBRU 85 025 rating drainageBRU 85 026 Tile Drain MewhinneyBRU 85 027 repeal #85-23BRU 85 028 speed limit con 8-10BRU 85 029 borrowing by-lawBRU 86 001 remuneration 1986BRU 86 002 municipal drain #17BRU 86 003 sd agree Boiler BeacBRU 86 004 Tender AgreeBRU 86 005 amend #86-1BRU 86 006 agree remove bldgBRU 86 008 agree supplementaryBRU 86 009 purchase of porpertyBRU 86 010 Annual EstimatesBRU 86 011 Mill Rates 1986BRU 86 012 rating drain WathkeBRU 86 013 agree saugeen/ducksBRU 86 014 appt Walter RavellBRU 86 016 purchase rd wideningBRU 86 017 Fence ViewersBRU 86 018 Rating DrainageBRU 86 019 amend # 84-01BRU 86 020 Agree Tiv ArenaBRU 86 021 agree EarnshawBRU 86 022 op amend # 5 RKMBRU 86 023 speed limit 50 sideBRU 86 024 Repeal bylaw #86-20BRU 87 001 remuner employee 87BRU 87 002 borrowing by-lawBRU 87 003 borrowing by-lawBRU 87 004 main by-lw drain #12BRU 87 005 appt trustee BMTSBRU 87 006 amend retainer ForsyBRU 87 007 Amend zon lt areaBRU 87 008 Wolfgang KraatzBRU 87 009 land for rec centreBRU 87 010 sp control areaBRU 87 011 agree kintivbru arenBRU 87 012 agree O'ConnorBRU 87 013 drain rate MacKenzieBRU 87 014 RKM rezoningBRU 87 015 remove h lt 1 3M-113BRU 87 016 remove h lt 17/18BRU 87 017 zon lt c-e conc. 4BRU 87 018 rd widening propertyBRU 87 019 agree boiler beachBRU 87 020 sp agree boiler beacBRU 87 021 rezon pt lt E conc 1BRU 87 022 rezon RichardsonBRU 87 023 execute agree biaxBRU 87 024 rd widening propertyBRU 87 025 paisley fire departBRU 87 026 Repeal by #87-12BRU 87 027 Annual EstimatesBRU 87 028 Annual Mill RateBRU 87 029 agree pipelineBRU 87 030 release with Bi-AxBRU 87 031 Repeal official planBRU 87 032 mun drain 17 HydeBRU 87 033 Tax certificate charBRU 87 034 agree Ont HydroBRU 87 035 execute agree BTPBRU 87 036 agree allow enBRU 87 037 remuneration employeBRU 88 001 borrowing by-lawBRU 88 002 appt bldg officialBRU 88 003 appt by-law enforcBRU 88 004 anness drain maintenBRU 88 005 rezon Ont Hydro lt dBRU 88 006 amend #87-10 sp contBRU 88 007 construct mun adminBRU 88 008 zon McKenizeBRU 88 009 Repeal No. 88-7BRU 88 010 amend # 87-37BRU 88 011 construction bldgsBRU 88 012 agree retire clerkBRU 88 013 Repealed By No 94 13BRU 88 014 agree con joint arenBRU 88 015 lands Ont Hydro EvanBRU 88 016 Wellington St. InverBRU 88 017 conveyance of landsBRU 88 018 appt animal cont offBRU 88 019 Budget 1988BRU 88 020 Mill Rate 1988BRU 88 021 weight of vehiclesBRU 88 022 remove h lt 5 3M-113BRU 88 023 agree executionBRU 88 024 zon CampbellBRU 88 025 appt deputy clerk trBRU 88 026 participation OMERSBRU 88 028 zon HammondBRU 88 029 drain rate DaveyBRU 88 030 amend #88-28 HammondBRU 88 031 amend #88-26 OMERSBRU 88 032 amend #88-19 budgetBRU 88 033 drain rate (Ribey)BRU 88 034 rec centre underwoodBRU 88 035 rec programBRU 88 036 purchase water systeBRU 89 001 Amended by No 89 15BRU 89 002 borrowing by-lawBRU 89 003 appt fenceviwersBRU 89 004 interim tax levyBRU 89 005 rrsp employeesBRU 89 006 topsoil preservationBRU 89 007 construction rec cenBRU 89 008 Repealed By No 95 16BRU 89 009 appt fire chief paisBRU 89 010 appt deputy fire chiBRU 89 011 appt fire chief tivBRU 89 012 appt deputy fire chiBRU 89 013 appt fire chief blgdBRU 89 014 rec centre burcedaleBRU 89 015 amend #89-1 remuneraBRU 89 016 zepf waterworksBRU 89 017 rd widening propertyBRU 89 018 cemeteriesBRU 89 019 Repealed By No 89 22BRU 89 020 budget 1989BRU 89 021 mill rate 1989BRU 89 022 repeal #89-19 andrewBRU 89 023 rd widening propertyBRU 89 024 Repealed By No 89 31BRU 89 025 temp closing hwyBRU 89 026 speed cars on hwyBRU 89 027 amen zon lt A,B con3BRU 89 028 appt road intendentBRU 89 029 appt enforce officerBRU 89 030 appt chief blgd offiBRU 89 031 amend # 89-24BRU 89 032 rate darin #89-12BRU 89 033 agree Ont HydroBRU 89 034 amend zon EllisBRU 89 035 agree twp vill recycBRU 89 036 remove h designationBRU 89 037 agree bec ltd farrelBRU 89 038 agree sp canadian agBRU 89 039 remuneration 90 emplBRU 89 040 locate fire station