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KIN 50 1489 Appt Trustee HS
KIN 50 1490 Appt mem Library
KIN 50 1491 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 50 1492 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 50 1493 Appt mem Community
KIN 50 1494 Borrowing By-law
KIN 50 1495 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 50 1496 Daylight Saving tim
KIN 50 1497 Regulate Parking
KIN 50 1498 Borrowing By-law
KIN 50 1499 Borrowing By-law
KIN 50 1500 Levy Rate Property
KIN 50 1501 Maintan Arena
KIN 50 1502 Close Russell St
KIN 50 1503 Community Centre
KIN 50 1504 Borrowing by-law
KIN 50 1505 Community Centre
KIN 50 1506 Borrowing By-law
KIN 50 1507 Through Highway
KIN 50 1508 Name polling places
KIN 50 1509 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN 50 1510 Sale of russell st
KIN 50 1511 Name polling places
KIN 50 1512 Licensing taxi driv
KIN 50 1513 Victualling Houses
KIN 51 1514 Borrowing By-law
KIN 51 1515 Appt Trustee HS
KIN 51 1516 Appt mem Library
KIN 51 1517 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 51 1518 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 51 1519 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 51 1520 Payment funeral exp
KIN 51 1521 Licencing taxi driv
KIN 51 1522 name polling places
KIN 51 1523 Appt Trustee HS
KIN 51 1524 Daylight Saving Tim
KIN 51 1525 Borrowing by-law
KIN 51 1526 Regulate all licenc
KIN 51 1527 Licensing hawkers
KIN 51 1528 Borrowing By-law
KIN 51 1529 Levy Rate Property
KIN 51 1530 Licensing hawkers
KIN 51 1532 Amend by-law # 1531
KIN 51 1533 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN 51 1534 Name polling places
KIN 52 1535 Borrowing By-law
KIN 52 1536 Appt mem Library
KIN 52 1537 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 52 1538 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 52 1539 Community Centre
KIN 52 1540 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 52 1541 Daylight Saving tim
KIN 52 1542 Levy Rate Property
KIN 52 1543 Liquor Licence Act
KIN 52 1544 Use of Hose
KIN 52 1545 Payment of Salaries
KIN 52 1546 Transient traders
KIN 52 1547 Construct Sidewalk
KIN 52 1548 Payment of Salary
KIN 52 1549 Borrowing By-law
KIN 52 1550 Sale of Land
KIN 52 1551 Community Centre
KIN 52 1552 payment of salaries
KIN 52 1553 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN 52 1554 Name polling places
KIN 53 1555 Borrowing By-law
KIN 53 1556 Appt mem Library
KIN 53 1557 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 53 1558 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 53 1559 Appt Trustee HS
KIN 53 1560 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 53 1561 Borrowing By-law
KIN 53 1562 Daylight Saving Tim
KIN 53 1563 Levy Rate Property
KIN 53 1564 Recreation Program
KIN 53 1565 Name polling places
KIN 53 1566 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN 53 1567 Borrowing By-law
KIN 54 1568 Borrowing By-law
KIN 54 1569 Appt mem Library
KIN 54 1570 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 54 1571 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 54 1572 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 54 1573 Daylight Saving Tim
KIN 54 1574 Borrowing By-law
KIN 54 1575 Levy Rate Property
KIN 54 1576 Construct buildings
KIN 54 1577 Gravel pit
KIN 54 1578 Use of Lawn items
KIN 54 1583 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 54 1584 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN 54 1585 Name polling places
KIN 54 1586 Sale of Land
KIN 54 1587 Sale of Land
KIN 54 1588 Purchase of land
KIN 55 1589 Purchase of Land
KIN 55 1590 Sale of Land
KIN 55 1591 Memorial Home
KIN 55 1592 Appt mem Library
KIN 55 1593 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 55 1594 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 55 1595 Appt Trustee HS
KIN 55 1596 Borrowing By-law
KIN 55 1597 Industrial Operatio
KIN 55 1598 Daylight Saving Tim
KIN 55 1599 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 55 1600 Maintain Watermain
KIN 55 1601 Levy Rate Proptery
KIN 55 1602 Georgian Bay Dev
KIN 55 1603 Stopping of street
KIN 55 1604 Parking Police Deta
KIN 55 1606 Construct Watermain
KIN 55 1607 Borrowing By-law
KIN 55 1608 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 55 1609 Prepayment Taxes
KIN 55 1610 Name Polling Places
KIN 55 1611 Grant Aid Hospital
KIN 55 1612 Liquor Licence Act
KIN 55 1613 Sale of Land
KIN 55 1614 Transmission water
KIN 56 1615 appt mem Library
KIN 56 1616 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 56 1617 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 56 1618 Borrowing By-law
KIN 56 1619 Appt mem Library
KIN 56 1620 Date change council
KIN 56 1621 Borrowing By-law
KIN 56 1622 Construct watermain
KIN 56 1623 Borrowing By-law
KIN 56 1624 Daylight Saving Tim
KIN 56 1625 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 56 1626 Levy rate property
KIN 56 1627 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 56 1628 Amend by-law # 1622
KIN 56 1629 Borrowing By-law
KIN 56 1630 Watermain fire prot
KIN 56 1634 Appt Inspectors
KIN 56 1635 Appt Auditors
KIN 56 1636 Registration of dog
KIN 56 1637 Prohibit dogs
KIN 56 1639 Fixed Assessment
KIN 56 1640 Prepayment taxes
KIN 56 1641 Name polling places
KIN 56 1642 Mem Council Extensi
KIN 56 1643 Extend term 2 years
KIN 56 1644 Votes of Electors
KIN 56 1645 Reduction mem Counc
KIN 56 1646 Appt Trustee HS
KIN 57 1647 Appt mem Library
KIN 57 1648 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 57 1649 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 57 1650 Borrowing By-law
KIN 57 1651 Daylight saving tim
KIN 57 1652 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 57 1653 Sale of Land
KIN 57 1654 Purchase of Land
KIN 57 1655 Levy Rates Property
KIN 57 1656 Borrowing By-law
KIN 57 1657 Construct Watermain
KIN 57 1658 Borrowing By-law
KIN 57 1659 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 57 1660 Sale of Land
KIN 57 1661 Sale of Land
KIN 57 1662 Sale of Land
KIN 57 1663 Amend by-law # 1651
KIN 57 1664 Name polling places
KIN 57 1665 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN 57 1666 Sale of Land
KIN 57 1668 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 57 1669 Sale of Land
KIN 58 1670 Appt mem Library
KIN 58 1671 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 58 1672 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 58 1673 Borrowing By-law
KIN 58 1674 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 58 1675 Expenditure
KIN 58 1676 Daylight saving tim
KIN 58 1677 Payment of Salaries
KIN 58 1678 Levy of Rate Proper
KIN 58 1679 Restrict use land
KIN 58 1682 Constrcut Buildings
KIN 58 1683 Borrowing By-law
KIN 58 1684 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 58 1685 Amend by-law # 1676
KIN 58 1686 Name polling places
KIN 58 1687 Designating Streets
KIN 58 1688 Stopping of streets
KIN 58 1689 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN 58 1690 Epedemic of rabies
KIN 58 1691 Borrowing By-law
KIN 58 1692 Appt HS Trustee
KIN 58 1693 Stopping of streets
KIN 59 1694 Appt mem Library
KIN 59 1695 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 59 1696 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 59 1697 Borrowing By-law
KIN 59 1699 Appt mem Recreation
KIN 59 1700 Appt mem Park Cttee
KIN 59 1701 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 59 1702 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 59 1703 Nursing homes
KIN 59 1704 Daylight Saving Tim
KIN 59 1705 Rates of Taxation
KIN 59 1706 Restricting Parking
KIN 59 1707 License bowling
KIN 59 1710 Improve Waterworks
KIN 59 1711 Agree Dept of Ont
KIN 59 1712 Estimates of costs
KIN 59 1713 License trailers
KIN 59 1714 Borrowing By-law
KIN 59 1715 Appt mem PL Board
KIN 59 1716 Borrowing By-law
KIN 59 1717 Higher Speed limit
KIN 59 1718 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 59 1719 Gravel Pits
KIN 59 1720 Name polling places
KIN 59 1721 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN-50 Amend By-law 34