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KIN 40-1216 appt mem health bo
KIN 40-1217 appt mem library
KIN 40-1218 Appt Of Trustee HS
KIN 40-1219 appt mem ceme comm
KIN 40-1220 appt mem Mcpherson
KIN 40-1221 borrowing by-law
KIN 40-1222 prop tax exemption
KIN 40-1223 appt high sch trus
KIN 40-1224 bread sales inpect
KIN 40-1225 Providing levy for the rate of a dollar
KIN 40-1226 Levy
KIN 40-1227 Ammend by-law #971
KIN 40-1228 Amm By-law No.1212
KIN 40-1229 Ammd-By-law No 153
KIN 40-1230-1329
KIN 40-1330 Traffic By-law Sno
KIN 40-1331 Polling Places
KIN 40-1332 Prepayment of Tax
KIN 41-1139 Tax exempt lands
KIN 41-1333 Appt of mem HB
KIN 41-1334 Appt of Mem Librar
KIN 41-1335 Appt Trustee HS
KIN 41-1336 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 41-1337 Appt mem MacPh
KIN 41-1338 Borrowing By-law
KIN 41-1340 Levy Taxable Prop
KIN 41-1341 Appt of Mem Cem
KIN 41-1342 Submitting a quest
KIN 41-1344 Prepayment of Tax
KIN 42-1346 Appt of member HB
KIN 42-1347 Appt of Member
KIN 42-1348 Appt of Trustee
KIN 42-1349 Appt of Trustee
KIN 42-1350 Appt of member
KIN 42-1351 Borrowing By-law
KIN 42-1352 Tax Exemption
KIN 42-1353 Public Arena
KIN 42-1354 Levy Taxble Prop
KIN 42-1355 Public Arena
KIN 42-1356 Arena Maintenance
KIN 42-1357 Naming of Polls
KIN 42-1358 Prepayment of Tax
KIN 43 1359 Appt mem Health Boa
KIN 43 1360 Appt mem Library
KIN 43 1361 Appt HS Trustee
KIN 43 1362 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 43 1363 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 43 1364 Borrowing By-law
KIN 43 1365 Appt HS Trustee
KIN 43 1366 Hours of restaurant
KIN 43 1367 Levy of Rate
KIN 43 1368 Appt an Assessor
KIN 43 1369 Removal of ashes
KIN 43 1370 Appt Caretaker
KIN 43 1371 Appt Chief Constabl
KIN 43 1372 Appt mem Arena
KIN 43 1373 Appt mem Arena
KIN 43 1374 Name polling places
KIN 43 1375 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN 43 1376 Closing of stores
KIN 44 1377 Appt mem Health Boa
KIN 44 1378 Appt mem Library
KIN 44 1379 Appt HS Trustee
KIN 44 1380 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 44 1381 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 44 1382 Borrowing By-law
KIN 44 1383 Levy of Rate
KIN 44 1384 Authorized Payment
KIN 44 1385 Appt mem Arena
KIN 44 1386 Appt mem Library
KIN 44 1387 Name polling places
KIN 44 1388 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN 44 1389 Appt mem Arena
KIN 45 1390 Appt mem Health Boa
KIN 45 1391 Appt mem Library
KIN 45 1392 Appt HS Trustee
KIN 45 1393 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 45 1394 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 45 1395 Borrowing By-law
KIN 45 1396 Levy Rate Property
KIN 45 1396 License Public Hall
KIN 45 1397 Prohibit parking
KIN 45 1398 Bowling alley
KIN 45 1399 Hours of gasoline
KIN 45 1401 Name polling places
KIN 45 1402 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN 45 1403 Hour Gas pump
KIN 46 1404 Appt mem Health Boa
KIN 46 1405 Appt mem Library
KIN 46 1406 Appt mem HS Trustee
KIN 46 1407 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 46 1408 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 46 1409 Borrowing By-law
KIN 46 1410 Appt Officials
KIN 46 1411 Appt mem Arena
KIN 46 1412 Levy Rate Property
KIN 46 1413 Daylight Saving Tim
KIN 46 1414 Restrict hour water
KIN 46 1415 Garage/Service Stat
KIN 46 1416 Amend by-law 978
KIN 46 1417 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN 46 1418 Name polling places
KIN 46 1419 Granting Bonus asse
KIN 46 1420 Fixed Assessment
KIN 47 1421 Appt mem Library
KIN 47 1422 Appt HS Trustee
KIN 47 1423 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 47 1424 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 47 1425 Borrowing By-law
KIN 47 1426 Restrict Parking
KIN 47 1427 Levy Rate Property
KIN 47 1428 Limiting Gasline
KIN 47 1429 Daylight Saving tim
KIN 47 1430 Charge on taxes
KIN 47 1431 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 47 1432 Recreation Program
KIN 47 1433 Erect stop signs
KIN 47 1434 Appt Clerk/Treasure
KIN 47 1435 Borrowing By-law
KIN 47 1436 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN 48 1437 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 48 1438 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 48 1439 Appt Trustee HS
KIN 48 1440 Appt mem Library
KIN 48 1441 Borrowing by-law
KIN 48 1442 Appt mem Community
KIN 48 1443 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 48 1444 Daylight Saving tim
KIN 48 1445 Construct Sidewalk
KIN 48 1446 Levy Rate Property
KIN 48 1448 Borrowing By-law
KIN 48 1449 Erection a Stadium
KIN 48 1450 Agree liquor licenc
KIN 48 1451 Hours Gas Pump
KIN 48 1452 Equalization Assess
KIN 48 1453 Construct Sidewalk
KIN 48 1454 Amend by-law # 1444
KIN 48 1455 Borrowing By-law
KIN 48 1456 Borrowing By-law
KIN 48 1457 Athletic Field
KIN 48 1458 Name polling places
KIN 48 1459 Hours Gas Pump
KIN 48 1460 Repeal By-law #1456
KIN 48 1461 Borrowing By-law
KIN 48 1462 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN 49 1463 Appt HS Trustee
KIN 49 1464 Appt mem Library
KIN 49 1465 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 49 1466 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 49 1467 Appt mem Community
KIN 49 1468 Borrowing By-law
KIN 49 1469 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 49 1470 Daylight Saving Tim
KIN 49 1471 Appt Clerk/Treasur
KIN 49 1472 Levy Rate Property
KIN 49 1473 Liquor Licence Act
KIN 49 1474 Close Russell St.
KIN 49 1475 Regulate Traffic
KIN 49 1476 Construct Sidewalk
KIN 49 1477 Construct Pavement
KIN 49 1478 Repeal bylaw 1445
KIN 49 1479 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 49 1480 Regulate Traffic
KIN 49 1481 Repeal by-law #1474
KIN 49 1482 Hours gas pumps
KIN 49 1483 Name polling places
KIN 49 1484 Prepayment of Taxes
KIN 49 1485 Victualling Houses
KIN 49 1486 Change Rate Interes
KIN 49 1487 Borrowing By-law
KIN 49 1488 Borrowing By-law
KIN-479 Disposing Certain Lands
KIN-49 Amend By-law 34