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KIN1910-567 appt auditors
KIN1910-568 appt high sch trust
KIN1910-569 appt board of healt
KIN1910-570 appt board of healt
KIN1910-571 appt of officials
KIN1910-572 borrowing by-law
KIN1910-573 Dogs at large
KIN1910-575 Collection poll tax
KIN1910-576 property tax exempt
KIN1910-577 borrowing by-law
KIN1910-578 appt medical office
KIN1910-579 levy of the rate
KIN1910-580 enforced tax collec
KIN1910-582 Naming of Polling Places
KIN1911-583 Appointed two auditiors for 1911
KIN1911-584 appt high school tr
KIN1911-585 Appointment of Assessor for 1911
KIN1911-586 Appointment of Board of Health Member
KIN1911-587 To raise fund for re-bulid Warren truss bridge
KIN1911-588 raise money to re-build Warren truss bridge
KIN1911-589 Appointment of Several Officials and fixing the saleries
KIN1911-590 Schedule by-law no. 590
KIN1911-591 Authorize the purchase of certian lands
KIN1911-592 Borrow sum of $3000.00
KIN1911-593 declaring land exempt or partially exempt from taxes for certain local imporvements
KIN1911-594 levy on rate for property in the Town of Kincardine
KIN1911-595 Levy on the rate on the dollar
KIN1911-596 Repeal & Amend 475
KIN1911-597 authorize construction of granolithic sidewalk for local improvement
KIN1911-598 Proceedings to be taken Local Improvements
KIN1911-599 Payment for Local Improvement
KIN1911-600 Naming of polling places within the Municipality of Kincardine
KIN1912-601 Appointment of Auditiors for 1912
KIN1912-602 partial exemption from municipal taxes other than school taxes
KIN1912-603 ratepayers entitled to vote on money by-laws
KIN1912-604 appointed a high school trustee
KIN1912-605 Appointment of High School Trustee
KIN1912-606 Appointment of Member of Board of Health
KIN1912-607 Appointment of Several Officials and fixing the saleries
KIN1912-608 Borrow the sum of $3000.00
KIN1912-609 Permit to constuction and erect pole lines and other necessary telephone equipment
KIN1912-610 Appointed a Sanitary Inspector
KIN1912-611 Borrow the sum of $2800.00 to meet interest Ontario and West Electric Railway
KIN1912-612 Borrowing of sum to pay for sidewalk consturction
KIN1912-613 Declaring lands tax exempt for local improvements
KIN1912-614 Borrow sum of $3000.00
KIN1912-615 Grant F.E Coombe Furniture Co. exempt from municipal tax
KIN1912-616 raise funding to repair Russel street bridge
KIN1912-617 leasing certain lots or parts of saugeen street
KIN1912-618 levy on all rateable property in town of kincardine 1912
KIN1912-619 Extending time for enforced tax collection
KIN1912-620 Appointment by-law
KIN1912-621 Appointment by-law
KIN1912-622 Appointment by-law
KIN1912-623 Appointment by-law
KIN1912-624 Naming of polling places for election
KIN1912-625 Borrowing sum of $2,500.00
KIN1912-626 Amend by-law no. 624
KIN1913-627 Appointing two auditors
KIN1913-628 Appointing an Assessor
KIN1913-629 Appointing a High School Trustee
KIN1913-630 Appointing Board of Health member
KIN1913-631 Appointing High School Trustee
KIN1913-632 Appointing Several Officials and fixing saleries
KIN1913-633 Appointing Medical Health Officer
KIN1913-634 Authorize sidewalk costruction
KIN1913-635 Prohibit the sale of liquor
KIN1913-636 Borrowing $3000.00
KIN1913-637 Borrowing upon debentures for sidewalk construction
KIN1913-638 Declaring land exempt for taxes for local improvements
KIN1913-640 Levy of rate on the dollar
KIN1913-641 Appointing a Tax Collector
KIN1913-642 Borrowing sum of $400.00
KIN1913-643 Naming of Polling Places to be used for Election
KIN1913-644 Borrowing the sum of $2500.00
KIN1914-645 Appointing two Auditors
KIN1914-646 Appointing High School Trustee
KIN1914-647 Appointing Board of Health Member
KIN1914-648 Appointing of an Assessor
KIN1914-649 Borrowing the sum of $3000.00
KIN1914-650 Appointing of several Officials and fixing saleries
KIN1914-651 Appointing a Sanitary Inspector
KIN1914-652 To raise sums for Electric Light system
KIN1914-653 Appoint Deputy Returning Officer
KIN1914-654 Borrow sum of $3500.00
KIN1914-655 Appointing Harbour Master
KIN1914-656 Extending term of enforced tax collection
KIN1914-657 Levy the rate of the dollar
KIN1914-658 Naming of Polling places to be used for election
KIN1914-659 Borrowing sun of $2500.00
KIN1914-661 Appoint Deputy Returning Officer and Poll Clerks
KIN1915-660 Grant Aid by way of loan and tax exemption
KIN1915-662 Appointing two Auditors
KIN1915-663 Appointing High School Trustee
KIN1915-664 Appointing Board of Health Member
KIN1915-665 Appointing an Assessor
KIN1915-666 Borrowing sum of $3000.00
KIN1915-667 Appointing Electric light and Water Commissioner
KIN1915-668 Appointing several Officials and fixing saleries
KIN1915-670 Declaring lands exempt from taxes for local improvements
KIN1915-671 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1915-672 Levy the rate of the dollar
KIN1915-672.5 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1915-673 Raise sums for repairs of improvements of Public School property
KIN1915-674 Grant Aid by way of loan and tax exemption
KIN1915-675 Naming of Polling places to be used for election
KIN1915-676 Naming of Polling places to be used for election
KIN1915-677 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1916-678 Appointing two Auditors
KIN1916-679 Appointing an Assessor
KIN1916-680 Appointing High School Trustee
KIN1916-681 Appointing Board of Health Member
KIN1916-682 Borrowing of sums by-law'
KIN1916-683 Appointing several Officials and fixing saleries
KIN1916-685 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1916-686 Declaring lands exempt from taxes for local improvements
KIN1916-687 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1916-688 Licencse and regulate owners of vehicles used for hire
KIN1916-689 Authorize construction of sidewalk
KIN1916-690 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1916-691 Levy the rate of the dollar
KIN1916-692 Extending term of enforced tax collection
KIN1916-694 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1916-695 Naming of Polling places to be used for election
KIN1916-696 Amend By-law 354
KIN1917-698 Appointing two Auditors
KIN1917-699 Appointing High School Trustee
KIN1917-700 Appointing Board of Health Member
KIN1917-701 Appointing an Assessor
KIN1917-702 Amend By-law no. 575
KIN1917-703 Appointing several Officials and fixing saleries
KIN1917-704 Appointing an Officer
KIN1917-705 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1917-706 Appointing a Tax Collector
KIN1917-707 Grant Aid by way of loan and tax exemption
KIN1917-708 Appoint Deputy Returning Officers and Poll clerks
KIN1917-709 Declaring lands exempt from taxes for local improvements
KIN1917-710 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1917-712 Levy the rate of the dollar
KIN1917-713 Appoint a member Electric Light and Water Commission
KIN1917-714 To raise sums by way of loan
KIN1917-715 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1917-716 Naming of Polling places to be used for election
KIN1918-711 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1918-717 Appointing two Auditors
KIN1918-718 Appointing High School Trustee
KIN1918-719 Amend by-law no. 717
KIN1918-720 Appointing an Assessor
KIN1918-721 Appointing Board of Health Member
KIN1918-722 Appointing several Officials and fixing saleries
KIN1918-724 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1918-725 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1918-726 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1918-727 Cultivation of Vacant lots
KIN1918-728 Declaring lands exempt from taxes for local improvements
KIN1918-729 Authorize the sale of land
KIN1918-730 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1918-731 Levy the rate of the dollar
KIN1918-733 Naming of Polling places to be used for election
KIN1918-734 Amend By-law no. 733
KIN1919-732 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1919-735 Appointing two Auditors
KIN1919-736 Appointing High School Trustee
KIN1919-737 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1919-738 Appointing an Assessor
KIN1919-739 Appointing Board of Health Member
KIN1919-741 Appointing several Officials and fixing saleries
KIN1919-743 Amend by-law no. 741
KIN1919-744 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1919-745 Declaring lands exempt from taxes for local improvements
KIN1919-746 Appointing a Tax Collector
KIN1919-747 Levy the rate of the dollar
KIN1919-748 Borrowing of sums by-law
KIN1919-750 Appointing a Tax Collector
KIN1919-752 Proceedings for contruction undertaken as Local Improvement