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KIN 60 1722 Appt mem Library
KIN 60 1723 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 60 1724 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 60 1725 Borrowing By-law
KIN 60 1726 Appt mem Recreation
KIN 60 1727 Appt mem Park Cttee
KIN 60 1728 Appt mem PL Board
KIN 60 1729 Gravel Pits
KIN 60 1730 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 60 1731 Appt Clerk/Treasure
KIN 60 1732 Removal of snow
KIN 60 1733 Subdivison Control
KIN 60 1735 Penalty non payment
KIN 60 1736 Daylight Saving tim
KIN 60 1737 Rates of Taxation
KIN 60 1738 Payment of Salaries
KIN 60 1739 Sale of land
KIN 60 1740 Minimum size bldg
KIN 60 1742 Stopping of street
KIN 60 1743 Prohibit parking
KIN 60 1744 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 60 1745 Rescind by-law 1578
KIN 60 1747 Borrowing By-law
KIN 60 1748 Erection of Signs
KIN 60 1749 Construct watermain
KIN 60 1750 Name polling places
KIN 60 1751 Payment Installment
KIN 60 1752 Sale of Land
KIN 60 1753 Appt HS Trustee
KIN 60 1754 Sewage System
KIN 60 1755 Borrowing By-law
KIN 60 1756 Amend by-law # 1740
KIN 60 1757 Appt Auditors
KIN 60 1758 Extension watermain
KIN 60 1759 Borrowing By-law
KIN 60 1760 Borrowing By-law
KIN 61 1761 Appt mem Library
KIN 61 1762 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 61 1763 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 61 1764 Appt mem Recreation
KIN 61 1765 Appt mem Park Cttee
KIN 61 1766 Borrowing By-law
KIN 61 1767 Appt mem PL Board
KIN 61 1768 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 61 1769 Daylight Saving Tim
KIN 61 1770 Rates of Taxation
KIN 61 1771 License trailer cam
KIN 61 1772 Borrowing By-law
KIN 61 1773 Sale of Land
KIN 61 1774 Sale of Land
KIN 61 1775 Sale of Land
KIN 61 1776 Sale of Land
KIN 61 1777 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 61 1779 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 61 1780 Bank Loan BOM
KIN 61 1781 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 61 1782 Construct Bridge
KIN 61 1783 Agree Ont Water Res
KIN 61 1784 Sewer Rates
KIN 61 1785 Sewage Service Rate
KIN 61 1786 Name polling places
KIN 61 1787 Payment Installment
KIN 61 1788 Weight of Vehicles
KIN 61 1789 Sale of Land
KIN 62 1790 Appt mem Library
KIN 62 1791 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 62 1792 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 62 1793 Appt mem Recreation
KIN 62 1794 Appt mem Park Cttee
KIN 62 1795 Appt mem PL Board
KIN 62 1796 Borrowing By-law
KIN 62 1797 Submission to Vote
KIN 62 1798 Firefighting Equip
KIN 62 1799 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 62 1800 Daylight Saving tim
KIN 62 1801 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 62 1802 Employee Insurance
KIN 62 1803 Rates of Taxation
KIN 62 1804 Agree Ont Water Res
KIN 62 1805 Hold nominations
KIN 62 1808 Appt Clerk/Treasure
KIN 62 1809 Name polling places
KIN 62 1810 Payment Installment
KIN 62 1811 Extend term of offi
KIN 62 1812 Extension of term
KIN 62 1813 Tax Arrears
KIN 62 1814 Appt HS Trustee
KIN 62 1815 Pension fund transf
KIN 63 1816 Appt mem Library
KIN 63 1817 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 63 1818 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 63 1819 Appt mem Recreation
KIN 63 1820 Appt mem Park Cttee
KIN 63 1821 Appt mem PL Board
KIN 63 1822 Borrowing By-law
KIN 63 1823 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 63 1824 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 63 1825 Daylight Saving tim
KIN 63 1826 Rates of Taxation
KIN 63 1828 Regulate Dump Groun
KIN 63 1829 Agree Ont Water Res
KIN 63 1830 Appt Inspectors
KIN 63 1831 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 63 1832 Regulate Parking
KIN 63 1833 Parking on Streets
KIN 63 1834 Purchase of land
KIN 63 1835 Name polling places
KIN 63 1836 Payment Installment
KIN 63 1837 Parking of Vehicles
KIN 63 1838 Stopping of street
KIN 64 1839 Appt mem Library
KIN 64 1840 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 64 1841 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 64 1842 Appt mem Park Cttee
KIN 64 1843 Appt mem Recreation
KIN 64 1844 Appt mem Pl Board
KIN 64 1845 Borrowing By-law
KIN 64 1846 Community Centre
KIN 64 1847 Payment of Salaries
KIN 64 1848 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 64 1849 Daylight Saving Tim
KIN 64 1850 Planning Act
KIN 64 1851 Supply Water
KIN 64 1852 Rates of Taxation
KIN 64 1853 Hook-up Sewers
KIN 64 1854 Agree Hwy Improveme
KIN 64 1855 Sale of Land
KIN 64 1856 Sewer Rates
KIN 64 1857 Use of Sewers
KIN 64 1858 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 64 1859 Sale of Land
KIN 64 1860 Name polling places
KIN 64 1861 Payment Installment
KIN 64 1862 Sewer Rates
KIN 64 1863 Stopping of Street
KIN 64 1864 Dumping Ground
KIN 64 1865 Water Mains
KIN 64 1866 Sewer Rates
KIN 64 1867 Agree Ont Water Res
KIN 64 1868 OMERS By-law
KIN 64 1869 Commemoration Cente
KIN 64 1870 Appt HS Trustee
KIN 64 1871 Appt mem Education
KIN 65 1872 Appt mem Library
KIN 65 1873 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 65 1874 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 65 1875 Appt mem Park Cttee
KIN 65 1876 Appt mem Recreation
KIN 65 1877 Appt mem PL Board
KIN 65 1878 Appt mem Athletic
KIN 65 1880 Purchase of Land
KIN 65 1881 Purchase of land
KIN 65 1882 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 65 1883 Daylight Saving Tim
KIN 65 1884 Appt mem Athletic
KIN 65 1885 Purchase of Lands
KIN 65 1886 Rates of Taxation
KIN 65 1887 Borrowing By-law
KIN 65 1888 Purchase of Land
KIN 65 1889 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 65 1890 Borrowing By-law
KIN 65 1891 Appt an Inspector
KIN 65 1892 Dog License
KIN 65 1893 Sale of Land
KIN 65 1894 Salvage shops
KIN 65 1895 Borrowing By-law
KIN 65 1896 Agree Twin Pines Ap
KIN 65 1897 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 65 1898 Appt Cttee Adjustme
KIN 65 1899 Sale of Land
KIN 65 1900 Sale of Land
KIN 65 1901 Stopping of street
KIN 65 1902 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 65 1903 Name polling places
KIN 65 1904 Payment Installment
KIN 65 1905 Borrowing By-law
KIN 65 1906 Prohibit obstructin
KIN 65 1907 Sale of Land
KIN 65 1908 Appt an Inspector
KIN 65 1909 Construct Pool
KIN 65 1910 Licencing Hawers
KIN 65 1911 Sale of Land
KIN 65 1912 Sale of Land
KIN 66 1913 Appt mem Library
KIN 66 1914 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 66 1915 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 66 1916 Appt mem Park Cttee
KIN 66 1917 Appt mem Recreation
KIN 66 1918 Appt mem Pl Board
KIN 66 1919 Appt mem Athletic
KIN 66 1920 Appt mem Cttee Adju
KIN 66 1921 Appt mem Education
KIN 66 1922 Borrowing By-law
KIN 66 1923 Board of Health
KIN 66 1924 Use of Dumping Grou
KIN 66 1925 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 66 1926 Community Centre
KIN 66 1927 Confederation Cente
KIN 66 1928 Payment of Salary
KIN 66 1929 Daylight Saving Tim
KIN 66 1930 Rates of Taxation
KIN 66 1931 Erection Stop Signs
KIN 66 1932 Amend by-law # 1905
KIN 66 1933 Appt Clerk/Treasure
KIN 66 1934 Liquor Licence Act
KIN 66 1934A Stopping of street
KIN 66 1935 Sale of Land
KIN 66 1936 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 66 1937 Borrowing By-law
KIN 66 1938 Construct Fire Hall
KIN 66 1939 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 66 1940 Sale of Land
KIN 66 1941 Purchase of Land
KIN 66 1942 Purchase of Land
KIN 66 1943 Use of Lawn items
KIN 66 1944 Purchase of Land
KIN 66 1945 Purchase of Land
KIN 66 1946 Benefits Employees
KIN 66 1947 Borrowing By-law
KIN 66 1948 Purchase of Land
KIN 66 1949 Sale of Land
KIN 66 1950 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 66 1951 Weight of Vehicles
KIN 66 1952 Name polling places
KIN 66 1953 Payment installment
KIN 66 1954 Town hall renovatio
KIN 66 1955 Official Plan
KIN 66 1956 Appt HS trustee
KIN 66 1957 Grant financal aid
KIN 66 1958 Regulate Parking
KIN 66 1959 Regulate Parking
KIN 66 1960 Agree Ont Water Res
KIN 66 1961 Sewer Rates
KIN 66 1962 Sewer Rates
KIN 67 1963 Appt mem Library
KIN 67 1964 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 67 1965 Appt mem MacPherson
KIN 67 1966 Appt mem Park cttee
KIN 67 1967 Appt mem Recreation
KIN 67 1968 Appt mem Pl Board
KIN 67 1969 Appt mem Athletic
KIN 67 1970 Appt mem Cttee Adju
KIN 67 1971 Appt mem Education
KIN 67 1972 Borrowing By-law
KIN 67 1973 Establish Public rd
KIN 67 1974 Plan of SD pl 546
KIN 67 1975 Plan of SD pl 503
KIN 67 1976 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 67 1977 Confederation Cente
KIN 67 1979 Construct Durham St
KIN 67 1980 Borrowing By-law
KIN 67 1980 Daylight Saving Tim
KIN 67 1982 Rates of Taxation
KIN 67 1983 Borrowing By-law
KIN 67 1984 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 67 1985 Regulate Traffic
KIN 67 1986 Erection Yield Sign
KIN 67 1987 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 67 1988 Amend by-law # 1931
KIN 67 1989 Appt an Inspector
KIN 67 1990 Agree Hwy Improveme
KIN 67 1991 Purchase of Land
KIN 67 1992 Erection Yield Sign
KIN 67 1993 Payment Installment
KIN 67 1994 Name polling places
KIN 67 1995 Agree Ont Water
KIN 67 1996 Keeping of Animals
KIN 67 1997 Borrowing By-law
KIN 68 1998 Appt mem Library
KIN 68 1999 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 68 2000 Appt mem Mcpherson
KIN 68 2001 Appt mem Athletic
KIN 68 2002 Appt mem Rec Cttee
KIN 68 2003 Appt mem PL Board
KIN 68 2004 Appt mem Athletic
KIN 68 2005 Appt mem cttee adju
KIN 68 2006 Appt mem Education
KIN 68 2007 Borrowing By-law
KIN 68 2008 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 68 2009 Establish Fire dept
KIN 68 2010 Weight of Vehicles
KIN 68 2011 Daylight Saving tim
KIN 68 2013 Drainage works
KIN 68 2014 Establish st solely
KIN 68 2015 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 68 2016 Sale of Land
KIN 68 2017 Rates of Taxation
KIN 68 2018 Borrowing By-law
KIN 68 2020 Agree Ont. Housing
KIN 68 2021 Prohibit cert anima
KIN 68 2022 Restrict # of Anima
KIN 68 2023 Purchase property
KIN 68 2034 Borrowing By-law
KIN 68 2035 Dates Nominations
KIN 68 2036 Biennial Elections
KIN 68 2037 Sale of Land
KIN 68 2038 Appt Fire Chief
KIN 68 2039 Sale of Land
KIN 68 2040 Domestic Animals
KIN 68 2041 Sale of Land
KIN 68 2042 Sale of Land
KIN 68 2043 Debenture
KIN 68 2044 Election Poll
KIN 68 2045 Payment Installment
KIN 68 2046 Sale of Land
KIN 68 2047 Borrowing By-law
KIN 68 2048 Sale of Land
KIN 68 2049 Establish public rd
KIN 68 2050 Regulate use of lnd
KIN 68 2051 Sale of Land
KIN 69 2052 Appt mem Library
KIN 69 2053 Appt mem Cemetery
KIN 69 2054 Appt McPherson pk
KIN 69 2055 Appt mem Arena Ctte
KIN 69 2056 Appt mem Rec Cttee
KIN 69 2057 Appt mem cttee adju
KIN 69 2058 Appt mem PL Board
KIN 69 2059 Borrowing By-law
KIN 69 2060 Appt mem Library
KIN 69 2061 Vehicles on sidewal
KIN 69 2062 Amend by-law # 2050
KIN 69 2063 Regulate Parking
KIN 69 2064 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 69 2065 Daylight Saving Tim
KIN 69 2066 Sale of Land
KIN 69 2067 Construct sewers
KIN 69 2068 Borrowing By-law
KIN 69 2069 Expenditure rd & st
KIN 69 2071 Amend by-law # 2050
KIN 69 2072 Repeal by-law #1729
KIN 69 2073 Sale of Land
KIN 69 2074 Appt mem Cttee Adju
KIN 69 2075 Amend no. 2 OP
KIN 69 2076 Amend by-law # 2050
KIN 69 2077 Survey town of kin
KIN 69 2078 Rates of Taxation
KIN 69 2079 Street Light Plant
KIN 69 2080 Safety of bldg
KIN 69 2081 Amend no. 1 OP
KIN 69 2082 Amend by-law # 2050
KIN 69 2083 Destruction records
KIN 69 2084 Payment of Salary
KIN 69 2085 Amend no. 3 OP
KIN 69 2086 Amend by-law # 2050
KIN 69 2087 Sewage discharge
KIN 69 2088 Agree Twp of Kin
KIN 69 2089 Pedestrian crossove
KIN 69 2090 Water Treatment Plt
KIN 69 2091 Amend by-law # 2050
KIN 69 2092 Purchase of propert
KIN 69 2093 Maintain Water Main
KIN 69 2094 Sale of Land
KIN 69 2095 Sale of Land
KIN 69 2096 Sale of Land
KIN 69 2097 Sale of Land
KIN 69 2098 Establish Fire Dept
KIN 69 2099 Rules & Regulations
KIN 69 2100 Payment Installment
KIN 69 2101 Enlarge water mains
KIN 69 2102 Sunday Sports
KIN 69 2103 Tax Registration
KIN 69 2104 Establish public rd
KIN 69 2105 Stopping of street
KIN 69 2106 Tax Registration
KIN 69 2107 Increase of rate
KIN 69 2108 Sale of Land
KIN 69 2109 Appt mem Landing